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Just finished my first cup of chai. Weird but pleasant. I'll be having more of it, cuz the twinings cost me €3 :)

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I bent my toe this morning, it was the toe I broke a while ago and it is aching. It's also on the same foot that a server fell on at work, so that aches too.

My sister can't be bothered to do the responsible thing and stay home and take care of her injured dog instead of going away for the weekend so we have to have the dog and it hasn't stopped yapping since it got here.

I have to go to a christening tomorrow which means having to stand around making small talk with relatives who never have anything to do with you the rest of the year (apart from the ones who on occasion want something from you).

I've had enough of this bank holiday weekend already and it's only Saturday.

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How on Earth did that buffoon get re-elected?

Becuase he isnt Ken mainly

Combined with a disgusting 30% turnout.

So if the election was as close as they say it was then I guess only around 16% of Londoners actually wanted him (those who voted anyway)?

I read, what is no doubt crap, that "Maybe Boris should be Prime Minister?". What a horrible age we live in.

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I read, what is no doubt crap, that "Maybe Boris should be Prime Minister?".

Are you his cleaner? Did you find that scrawled in his secret diary when you turned his mattress?

What with rivers running red in China, I'd say Boris becoming PM would be a sure sign that the 'End Of Days' is upon us.


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I've gone on holiday. First holiday in 4 years. I'm sat about a 100 yards from the shores of Loch Ness, and the place we're staying in is fantastic.

Sadly, it also wasn't cheap and we've had to turn it a bit into an 'extended family holiday'. We're up here because it's in the middle of both my parents turning 60 and they wanted a big family holiday to celebrate. Unfortunately my sister can't afford it so she and her family pulled out, so we had to turn to my brothers wife's family, in the end getting her brother, his partner and their baby in tow.

It's turned out to be a terrible idea. The existance of the baby dominates everything. On the way up here we met up a services - everything revolved around the baby, the conversation, the food, everything. We went for a meal out as we were knackered from the trip up (we got in to the house about 10 hours after we left Brum, stops for this and that adding on to the time), and of course the baby plays up and again, everything is the baby.

We've not even been here a day and it's taking it's toll with myself, my mom and my dad. None of us can relax, you're always on tenterhooks.

It's made worse by the fact that my brother and his wife are expecting so she's all about the baby, and is obviously close with her brother's partner anyway, so you can already tell that, in all honesty, myself and my parents may as well not be here. It kinda feels like we're interlopers on a holiday with two couples who are close. We went shopping to get stuff for the week, everything was decided by the 2 couples. Just sat around in the kitchen last night and this morning my dad's trying to make conversation and they're just paying him lip service, or straight up ignoring him.

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It kinda feels like we're interlopers on a holiday with two couples who are close.

It probably feels like that because that is exactly what you are. Your brother's wife sold the holiday to her brother by saying they'd hardly see you and your parents at all. They didn't pay money to go on holidays with you is how they see it so they're making the best of it. You should probably do that aswell. Nothing worse than being on holiday and feeling like you need to do absolutely everything together whether you want to or not.

Make the break and get away from the two couples with or without your parents. If for no other reason than to have something to talk about when you meet up for dinner later.

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Well, why wouldn't they talk about their baby? It's human nature to be awestruck and exhilarated whenever one has a child so naturally they would feel the urge to share their feelings whenever can.

Anyway, did you get to see the Loch Ness Monster? :lol:

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