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Just wonderful.

Morricone and Herrmann are both amazing, but Lalo's arrangements for percussion are another level.

Zimmer's a bit of a chameleon for me, must have be a keen student of music. He lifts stuff from everywhere, so much so I have a bit of problem working out what that 'Zimmer sound' is. Even his most anthemic stuff is, shall we say http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ9_6W6bVoQ.

Williams is brazenly Williams.

Nyman? A very middle class housewife's choice there Mike.


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I am **** exhausted, mentally.

Its a bit of everything, I have 3 jobs (one not paid) and for all of them I have to be 'the man' all positive and the peoples man. Its **** exhausting, but since the Bolton game, I have just had a mental block, I am mentally exhausted to the point I cannot take much in, am on overload and have no time to unwind. Got to be the big spark and its a hard week ahead and then a hospital appointment at the end of it.

Mentally **** exhausted.

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I scored the greatest goal I've ever scored in our 5-aside league game last night. In fact i imagine it's the best goal I'll ever score. So I feel the need to boast about it.

Long ball to me on the left of the pitch, about 15 yards out from goal. Brought it down with a nice touch. Now, I'm not a very good footballer, and certainly not a skillful player (AVFCPOB can confirm I'm sure!) but I can do one skill and one skill only. The flick-flack.

So i brought the ball down and was faced with one of their defenders. Pulled out the flick-flack and it worked better than I could have ever imagined, nutmegging the defender in the process. Collected the ball the other side of him, dummied it past the last defender and deftly scooped it over the on rushing goalkeeper to see it nestle in the net.

One of those where I'd never have even thought to dummy the last defender and lob the keeper given the time to think about it, I just did it without really thinking.

Best of all, it was the winner as we won 5-4

I might retire from football now because I'm never going to top that!

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I scored the greatest goal I've ever scored in our 5-aside league game last night. In fact i imagine it's the best goal I'll ever score. So I feel the need to boast about it.

Long ball to me on the left of the pitch, about 15 yards out from goal. Brought it down with a nice touch. Now, I'm not a very good footballer, and certainly not a skillful player (AVFCPOB can confirm I'm sure!) but I can do one skill and one skill only. The flick-flack.

So i brought the ball down and was faced with one of their defenders. Pulled out the flick-flack and it worked better than I could have ever imagined, nutmegging the defender in the process. Collected the ball the other side of him, dummied it past the last defender and deftly scooped it over the on rushing goalkeeper to see it nestle in the net.

One of those where I'd never have even thought to dummy the last defender and lob the keeper given the time to think about it, I just did it without really thinking.

Best of all, it was the winner as we won 5-4

I might retire from football now because I'm never going to top that!

I remeber my one and goal for my primary school team... I'm shit but was drafted in as a Richard Dunne type to plug a hole at the back.

Anyway.... I'd gone up for a corner, lurking just on the edge of the D, instead of charging into the box for the header, I waited the ball was cleared from the near post and I just swung my foot at it, only to bloody lash it in ala David Platt at the 1990 World Cup.

That was my only game as representative for any serious team, afterwards I though why soil my record......

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