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Blackboards in porn (content is likely SFW, but the URL may trigger zealous proxies.


History - A-level standard or higher. Two blackboards shows that a lot of work has gone into this lesson.

Not a bad map by history teacher standards, though St Petersburg is too far south and Vladivostok too far north. But it certainly gives an idea of the key areas - this was a time of great Russian expansion into the Baltic, Ukraine and Siberia, war with the Ottoman Empire, and the moving of the capital to St Petersburg. The lumping together of 'breakaway republics' may show a tendency to generalise.

The title Imperial Russia 1609-1752 is something of a misnomer. The Russian Empire wasn't founded until 1721 - before that date it was the Tsardom of Russia. In fact, the date range chosen for module 3271 does seem somewhat arbitrary.

The main study question is rather awkwardly posed, using a mixture of tenses, but is open enough to stretch the more able students.

Handwriting is rather sloppy - all caps, sometimes at a rather wild angle, and with one map label illegible. The student pictured has been lucky to find Professor Stefano in, as his office hours are somewhat idiosyncratic. But this could be a result of education cutbacks, or flexitime due to his personal circumstances, so will not affect the overall score. (In fact, his work-life balance may be under threat as he feels the need to specify that he does not work at weekends.)

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I was going to put this in the things that piss you off but shouldn't thread, but it definitely should so I'll put it here instead.

Car insurance companies need to burn in hell.

I swear it's just a random number generator that prices up policies.

Trying to get quotes for a car, they're all ridiculously high. I think "I know, I'll see what would happen if I get a drive put in" quote goes up. "Ok, that's odd, lets see what happens if I get a tracker fitted, that should bring it down a bit, increases the odds of recovery if it's stolen right?" quote goes up again.

There's simply no logic behind it.

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My brother is doing a German exchange thing, so we have a German kid staying with us for a week.

It's so awkward, they have barely said a word to each other. I suppose it doesn't help that they don't have any common interests, he doesn't even seem to want to play Xbox.

It's going to be a long week.

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I was going to put this in the things that piss you off but shouldn't thread, but it definitely should so I'll put it here instead.

Car insurance companies need to burn in hell.

I swear it's just a random number generator that prices up policies.

Trying to get quotes for a car, they're all ridiculously high. I think "I know, I'll see what would happen if I get a drive put in" quote goes up. "Ok, that's odd, lets see what happens if I get a tracker fitted, that should bring it down a bit, increases the odds of recovery if it's stolen right?" quote goes up again.

There's simply no logic behind it.

Try Privelige, I've just knocked 50% off my premium by switching

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It seems like a month since Villa last played...
Yep. Great, isn't it?

No, can't wait for us to get out there and tear Man City a new one.


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