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Finally get to enjoy Before Midnight at the weekend too, now that the gf has caught up with the previous two.



Don't bother, it was awful, nowhere near the standard of the first two, especially the first one Before Sunrise.


Too many infantile penis/sex jokes for a start, plus...

A couple arguing for the whole film is not my idea of fun


Yeah, but Julie Delpy :)

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dr strangelove

to kill a mocking a bird

the big sleep

the third man

the bicycle thieves

les diaboliques

citizen kane..etc etc 

 - edit - this shit could go on forever so I'll stop. basically it's a bit like subtitles - an odd reason not to watch a film

loads of em. 


I wasn't avoiding B&W films on purpose, i've just never come across a film i'd like to watch that happens to be in B&W.


In fact, i'm not sure i've seen any film older than 1975.   

Jaws, Star Wars, Alien, The Terminator are probably the oldest films i've seen when they were shown on TV in the 90's.


I watch a lot of films nowadays and have done so for many years now, but i've never felt like going backwards in time to watch older stuff.

Edited by ender4
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A guy in my office yesterday said the same thing, with the distinct difference being that he did deliberately avoid old films.


He made a sweeping generalisation that anything before 1980 isn't very good.


When I asked why he just said "it all looks too dated"


I don't like him.

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I liked the first one before sunrise. Before sunset was ok and i tried to watch Before Midnight but gave up after 30 minutes. I got bored of just dialogue and it was no where near as interesting as the first one. 

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He made a sweeping generalisation that anything before 1980 isn't very good.

When I asked why he just said "it all looks too dated"

My retort to that retarded logic is that it stands to reason that by virtue of being older, they'll have had access to more of the best stories for themselves. The only thing that has improved is our ability to show a more visually impressive story. Not our ability to write, act and tell one. If anything, the visual impressiveness of modern films can often mask what is a crap film or at least be used as a way to distract the viewer from other shortcomings. B&W films on the other hand, because they didn't have that tool at their disposal, are more raw and honest stories as a result. They live and die by the story they're telling and how they're telling it. And the good films are all the better for that.
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A guy in my office yesterday said the same thing, with the distinct difference being that he did deliberately avoid old films.


He made a sweeping generalisation that anything before 1980 isn't very good.


When I asked why he just said "it all looks too dated"


I don't like him.


Take him around the back of your building and put a couple in the back of his head for me will you? 

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He made a sweeping generalisation that anything before 1980 isn't very good.

When I asked why he just said "it all looks too dated"

My retort to that retarded logic is that it stands to reason that by virtue of being older, they'll have had access to more of the best stories for themselves. The only thing that has improved is our ability to show a more visually impressive story. Not our ability to write, act and tell one. If anything, the visual impressiveness of modern films can often mask what is a crap film or at least be used as a way to distract the viewer from other shortcomings. B&W films on the other hand, because they didn't have that tool at their disposal, are more raw and honest stories as a result. They live and die by the story they're telling and how they're telling it. And the good films are all the better for that.


I don't think it's worth wasting my breath


He's the kind of guy who would like a movie just because it was in 3D

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My retort to that retarded logic is that it stands to reason that by virtue of being older, they'll have had access to more of the best stories for themselves. The only thing that has improved is our ability to show a more visually impressive story. Not our ability to write, act and tell one. If anything, the visual impressiveness of modern films can often mask what is a crap film or at least be used as a way to distract the viewer from other shortcomings. B&W films on the other hand, because they didn't have that tool at their disposal, are more raw and honest stories as a result. They live and die by the story they're telling and how they're telling it. And the good films are all the better for that.



I'm not sure about that. If I wanted something focused on story, I'd read a book, or I'd go to the theater. Film should have a strong story too, but the medium allows for more than that. A good film, in my view, has a good balance between story, sound & visuals. The technological advances in the latter two have unquestionably improved the experience, but again it comes down to what you look for, and it needs to be balanced.

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When I use the story as a defence, I only mean when defending B&W films from colour ones. B&W had to rely more on the story-telling out of necessity and therefore the ones that have stood the test of time are particularly enjoyable now because of that.

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I watched oldboy last night and it was amazing. Bit slow in the beginning but wow the ending was amazing. Really had everything you want from a film. Definitely in my top 3 highest rated films.

It's absolutely brilliant isn't it. My top 3 in no particular order -


Glengarry Glen Ross

12 Angry Men

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It's a good film, don't get me wrong. I really liked it. Definitely worth watching.


But I wouldn't have it anywhere near my top 5/10/20


And yeah, that fight scene. It's cool. But I was sold on it being the best fight scene I'll ever see. 


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