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I'll have to check out some more of Ryan Gosling's films, only 2 I think I've seen are The Notebook and Drive, think that's it...

having checked out his IMDB, the next of his work I want to see is Goosebumps - Say Cheese and Die. That one was my FAVOURITE.

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You can tell a lot about somebody from what they see in film. I have to say (and I don't mean offence to anyone here, we don't all have to be "mates") that I'm 99% sure I wouldn't get along with somebody who viewed Goslings performance as "wooden".

That's okay. I don't think I could get along with somebody who picks their mates based on their opinions of particular acting performances. :?

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That hammer scene in particular - perfection. His movement, the slight hesitation and the cracks in his voice. Remarkable. I believed in his character every single second.

You see that's exactly the sort of thing you should be looking out for in a performance.

Gosling is perfect in that role. There is a reason for every little movement, every look, every hesitation. He studies everyone, he trusts pretty much no-one and he's a walking bag of suppressed rage. It's a pretty difficult character to convey convincingly, but Gosling does it superbly.


This is why I will watch any film you ever recommend to me!

You can tell a lot about somebody from what they see in film. I have to say (and I don't mean offence to anyone here, we don't all have to be "mates") that I'm 99% sure I wouldn't get along with somebody who viewed Goslings performance as "wooden".

Up there with anything Clint Eastwood ever did in my opinion.

Eastwood is pretty damn wooden, so now I'm confused.
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You can tell a lot about somebody from what they see in film. I have to say (and I don't mean offence to anyone here, we don't all have to be "mates") that I'm 99% sure I wouldn't get along with somebody who viewed Goslings performance as "wooden".

That's okay. I don't think I could get along with somebody who picks their mates based on their opinions of particular acting performances. :?

I don't have any mates so it's rarely an issue.

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That hammer scene in particular - perfection. His movement, the slight hesitation and the cracks in his voice. Remarkable. I believed in his character every single second.

You see that's exactly the sort of thing you should be looking out for in a performance.

Gosling is perfect in that role. There is a reason for every little movement, every look, every hesitation. He studies everyone, he trusts pretty much no-one and he's a walking bag of suppressed rage. It's a pretty difficult character to convey convincingly, but Gosling does it superbly.


This is why I will watch any film you ever recommend to me!

You can tell a lot about somebody from what they see in film. I have to say (and I don't mean offence to anyone here, we don't all have to be "mates") that I'm 99% sure I wouldn't get along with somebody who viewed Goslings performance as "wooden".

Up there with anything Clint Eastwood ever did in my opinion.

Eastwood is pretty damn wooden, so now I'm confused.

Christ. Don't get me started.

Somebody talk about a film they've seen so we can forget I said anything.

Ummm, who has seen Warrior and is it worth my time?

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Chindie's film reviews make me wish I was into comics, even as a casual comic book movie watcher I'm still in awe at what people like Stan Lee and Alan Moore have achieved.

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Whilst the thread is on the subject of Andrew Garfield and his acting talents, I can highly recommend watching Boy A. I won't spoil it by giving too much away but it's a hard hitting drama and has certain parallels with the James Bulger case. It also features a great supporting cast including Peter Mullan (one of my favourites).

It's not exactly a date movie but if you like top performances (Garfield is bloody excellent) then I would give it a go.

A few reviews here

I know I'm a little late but can I just echo this. Powerful film that makes you think. Quite sad too.

Andrew Garfield is starting to become a favourite actor of mine. Very talented, young (edit: just checked, he's 28! Not as young as I thought) and British!

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