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cinema, import or jolly roger?

Fell off the back of the internet. I can't see it being on at any of my local cinemas either, which is a shame as it's the sort of movie perfect for the big screen.

It's a first day release Blu-ray purchase for definite though.

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I watched the Seventh Seal last night, I don't know what to make of it atm. I'm going to rewatch it again sometime, I enjoyed it though.
Keep an eye on the other six, just in case.


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Today I saw this one for the first time since I was a little kid. Slow start but then it took off and I think it's a brilliant movie. I don't know how well it reflects on the true story. My guess is that as usual it's a gloryfying tale. IIRC Custer was quite an indian butcher and not so fond of them at all. But I don't know. A thumb up, nevertheless.

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Saw this on saturday. Great film about German youth prison.

I thought Scum was difficult to watch but this is something else.

That one looks right up my particular street, I'll keep an eye out for it. :thumb:

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Saw Just go with it.. was a good movie.

*shakes head sadly*

Recipe for an Adam Sandler movie

1/2 cup of shit acting

2lbs forced laughs

2 Tbs of humiliation

1 tsp of toilet humour

A liberal sprinkling of unmeditated violence, if kicks in the balls are in season use freely

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Saw Just go with it.. was a good movie.

*shakes head sadly*

Recipe for an Adam Sandler movie

1/2 cup of shit acting

2lbs forced laughs

2 Tbs of humiliation

1 tsp of toilet humour

A liberal sprinkling of unmeditated violence, if kicks in the balls are in season use freely

Apart from Punch Drunk Love, which is a fine fine film.

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I usually quite like Danny McBride's sense of humour but 'Your Highness' was pretty crap. The trailer made it look funny, yet I must have laughed about five times in total throughout. It certainly wasn't as good as older attemtps at fantasy farce like this:



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