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New virus variant spreading globally a according to headlines.  It's almost as though it was already everywhere and they only started looking for it after we identified it. 

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2 minutes ago, sidcow said:

New virus variant spreading globally a according to headlines.  It's almost as though it was already everywhere and they only started looking for it after we identified it. 

Zackly, our politicians should have made that point when it was discovered.

We found it here first because we’re the best at this stuff, not because it originates or is solely in the UK. It will be all around the world already.

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Bit of an embarrassment for the Swedish government currently. They've taken over from the CDC in handling the situation and tried to impose themselves as on top of the situation by imposing new stronger resolutions and regulations ahead of the Christmas period. One of the more notable ones being that they urged stores and malls to cancel the big holiday sales and for people to stay away from malls.

Anyway, yesterday the big papers all ran stories of Morgan Johansson, our current minister of Justice (and former health minister 🤦‍♂️) out and about at a busy mall shopping with his security team on Dec 26th. He obviously got called out for it (by among other prime minister Stefan Löfven) and his excuse was that he was shopping for some kitchen appliance for his parents :D . 

And now today pictures of prime minister Stefan Löfven out shopping with his security team at a busy mall on Dec 20th are all over the papers :crylaugh:Neither wearing a mask from what I've seen.

Safe to say this has caused a bit of a credibility crisis with people rightly calling them out for a do as I say, not what I do attitude. More to follow I'm sure.

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Didn’t they realise it was easier to rustle up beds and chairs than the extra staff they needed?

Our ‘local’ hospital had to put out tweets a couple of days ago, asking for qualified volunteers to staff the University teaching hospital for all of South Wales. I’m not sure where the extra staff for the Dragon Hospital they put together in Central Cardiff (great for access by the way!) were ever going to come from.



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9 hours ago, sne said:

Morgan Johansson

Him and Anders Ygeman are two of the biggest incompetent leeches in recent Swedish politics. Continuous **** and still holds on to jobs in the most Mona-esqe fashion possible.

%¤#%#%&¤ #%%#%&

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8 hours ago, Tegis said:

Him and Anders Ygeman are two of the biggest incompetent leeches in recent Swedish politics. Continuous **** and still holds on to jobs in the most Mona-esqe fashion possible.

%¤#%#%&¤ #%%#%&

He's an self entitled odious little hobbit.

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58 minutes ago, sne said:

Bit of an embarrassment for the Swedish government currently. They've taken over from the CDC in handling the situation and tried to impose themselves as on top of the situation by imposing new stronger resolutions and regulations ahead of the Christmas period. One of the more notable ones being that they urged stores and malls to cancel the big holiday sales and for people to stay away from malls.

Anyway, yesterday the big papers all ran stories of Morgan Johansson, our current minister of Justice (and former health minister 🤦‍♂️) out and about at a busy mall shopping with his security team on Dec 26th. He obviously got called out for it (by among other prime minister Stefan Löfven) and his excuse was that he was shopping for some kitchen appliance for his parents :D . 

And now today pictures of prime minister Stefan Löfven out shopping with his security team at a busy mall on Dec 20th are all over the papers :crylaugh:Neither wearing a mask from what I've seen.

Safe to say this has caused a bit of a credibility crisis with people rightly calling them out for a do as I say, not what I do attitude. More to follow I'm sure.

How to not manage a pandemic. We are in the same league as Trump, UK and that brazilian idiot. 

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4 hours ago, sidcow said:

Your avatar is very suitable because it seems there is very little humanity in your soul. What a malignant attitude to take to the deaths of tens of thousands of people, many of whom were previously enjoying fulfilling and active lives.

People die all the time. Why are some lives more valuable than others? The deaths resulting from the "medicine", will also be real. They however will primarily be distant and most importantly not you (plural/royal).

That's the thing with this virus. It has removed our individual capacity to self preserve to some degree, though there is strong age bias here. This is down right unfair as one can drive safely and drink/eat in moderation, but this thing... damned equality! 

I find it strange how some lives are chosen to be more valuable than others. It's a very general thing from us humans, though, rooted in our deep sense of self importance/interest and individuality.

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On 28/12/2020 at 11:11, darrenm said:

Tory MP feeling brave for retweeting the 'fact' that only 377 people below 60 without 'underlying health conditions' have died from COVID-19 

She should feel brave because it's completely false.

The underlying health conditions are basically anything. So it's incredible that as many as 377 under 60s who have never been to see their GP have died

Dangerous, incompetent, deranged idiots


that’s wild. i’m 32 and in nearly perfect health, yet i have 3 pre-existing conditions in that image alone and it’s not an exhaustive list.

what does a mental health diagnosis have to do with the physiological effect of a virus?

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It's June 2021. Most of England has entered tier 19. You may only leave your bedroom to take a shit, and curtains must be kept closed at all times, except for when supporting the government's new buy one pint get one free scheme. 



Further coronavirus restrictions could be introduced in England akin to a “tier 5” lockdown, a government source has suggested, as experts warn the current curbs might not be enough to shrink the epidemic.

Tier 4 restrictions came into force in London and parts of the south-east and the east of England on 20 December and have since been extended to a swathe of the country, from Cambridgeshire to Sussex and parts of Hampshire.

Under these restrictions, people have been told to stay at home, with household mixing banned outside support bubbles, although one person can meet up with one other person outdoors.

With the incubation period for the virus lasting up to 14 days, experts say the impact of such measures in some areas might be expected to be seen in the coming days.

However, an analysis of the spread of the new, highly transmissible coronavirus variant by experts at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, released this month, warned that even if the whole of England were placed under tier 4 restrictions on Boxing Day until the end of January, the R value would not fall below 1.

Now, it seems, there could be plans to introduce even stricter measures to try to keep the virus under control.

According to the Mirror, a Whitehall source has said the tier 4 rules do not appear to be working, adding that the government could introduce “another level on to tier 4, so like a tier 5”.

While no details have been released as to what such a tier could look like, or whether it would even be called “tier 5”, one possibility is that the tighter measures could include closing schools for the majority of pupils and moving education online.


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It seems obvious that another 2 week total shutdown is needed.  Hopefully that's enough to curb it before enough vulnerable people have had a jab to at least keep the hospitals manageable. 

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5 minutes ago, sidcow said:

It seems obvious that another 2 week total shutdown is needed.  Hopefully that's enough to curb it before enough vulnerable people have had a jab to at least keep the hospitals manageable. 

I’m expecting a month. Whether a total lockdown or Tier 5, I’m not sure. 

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1 hour ago, villakram said:

People die all the time. Why are some lives more valuable than others? The deaths resulting from the "medicine", will also be real. They however will primarily be distant and most importantly not you (plural/royal).

That's the thing with this virus. It has removed our individual capacity to self preserve to some degree, though there is strong age bias here. This is down right unfair as one can drive safely and drink/eat in moderation, but this thing... damned equality! 

I find it strange how some lives are chosen to be more valuable than others. It's a very general thing from us humans, though, rooted in our deep sense of self importance/interest and individuality.


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20 minutes ago, sidcow said:

It seems obvious that another 2 week total shutdown is needed.  Hopefully that's enough to curb it before enough vulnerable people have had a jab to at least keep the hospitals manageable. 

It needs to coincide with the return to school (I.e. keep children off for another 2-4 weeks)

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