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General Election 2017


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Truly dreadful leader. You might have guessed she was going to be weak when she walked through the raindrops into number 10, but she's been dreadful. Makes a mockery of the idea they tried to build the campaign on a cult of personality around her (Theresa's Team - *spit*).

Sadly it also makes a mockery of the polls that consistently rate her as a leader. It can't be anything more than surface. And even that is cracking fast.

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I won't call a snap election.

I'm calling a snap election.

I won't debate on TV.

I'm going onto the One Show to talk about jobs for men and women.

I won't debate Jeremy as I am thinking about Brexit, even though I called a snap election I said I would never call, and he just wants to be on TV. 


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She's lost either way in my opinion, just like ardent Labour supporters would agree Corbyn should know his numbers, surely Conservatives supporters will be thinking that she is indeed scared of Jeremy Corbyn.

And indeed every party will be taking shots at the Conservatives because they've got the majority at the moment, and May is allowing her supporters to be a target for other parties.

That's the critical point for me because Conservative voters are very loyal. Even on my Mid Worcestershire politics Facebook group we've had one really ardent Tory go from unshakable belief to actually saying "Maybe a Corbyn government wouldn't be such a bad thing". 

Less ardent supporters may swing their vote.

(Written in hope more than expectation)



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2 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:


Based on a 1kg box costing £3.15 and a tablespoon of cornflakes weighing 4g, I have 6.8p delivering about 5.4 tablespoons per portion.

In keeping with Thatcher, though, there's no allowance for milk.

Anyway, never mind this nonsense - back to the strong and stable will of the Brexit people!

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Just now, TrentVilla said:

I just don't see it.

The majority of those watching will, like most that comment in this thread, be those interested in politics and who most likely already hold a fair entrenched political outlook.

I guess there will be some like myself who have traditionally voted Labour but aren't convinced by Corbyn that might be won over but is that really going to make the difference?

I just can't imagine that a week out there are large amounts of people undecided on how to vote yet interested enough to watch.

The reality as far as I'm concerned is that the debate will to a large extent be played out to a fairly well informed audience (insert your own joke here).

The biggest impact from it will be in terms of secondary viewing, through clips and sound bites carried by tomorrow's news and social media.

Perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps this is more up in the air than I think but personally I just can't see a Labour win irrespective of his performance tonight. 

I doubt Labour will win regardless of what he does, but I do think a strong performance here will help erode some of the Tory majority. 

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21 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

It won't matter how well he performs, it will still be painted as a disaster by the Sun and Mail shit rags.

If you go onto Dailymail website right now it's very hard to spot this story, but you will get hit by the following lead story "Are these the sassiest parents EVER? Hilarious photos snapped by mothers and fathers who mercilessly mock their children - including one who made her son mop RAIN when he didn't clean his room". Total garbage. 

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6 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

If you go onto Dailymail website right now it's very hard to spot this story, but you will get hit by the following lead story "Are these the sassiest parents EVER? Hilarious photos snapped by mothers and fathers who mercilessly mock their children - including one who made her son mop RAIN when he didn't clean his room". Total garbage. 

To be fair that's not all they're running with.  They've also go with "The Duchess of Cambridge chose a pair of simple white Superga pumps" which was one of my main concerns this week.

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Aren't the Tories just going to drag out the Scots are coming thing that worked last time around again?

Some way in which Labor and the SNP could work w/o the SNP throwing a strop and demanding a referendum immediately. Perhaps offer them a referendum in 2023 when the next election is scheduled or is there a way for something below full independence. That was what the Scots voted for in the referendum afterall. Perhaps allowing Scotland to have it's own Brexit rules in the negotiations? Interesting stuff and I guess the first line above is the reason none of this is being discuss.

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Tonight might not create a massive swing from Conservative to Labour but it might help to increase turnout in the key under 25 demographic, convince on the fence Labour supporters to actually vote. It may convince Lib Dems and Greens in no hope constituencies to tactically vote Labour.

With May running such an awful campaign it's let Corbyn in. 

TV debates are rarely watershed moments in elections (apparently) but they have the potential to be. They'll be plenty of people watching.

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I just don't know how it will go. I don't believe any of the polls. What I do believe, is if tgere was no coup then we would have a huge chance. That coup lost us 8-10 points and it took till now to recover. Hilary Benn, Jess 'sewer mouth' Phillips and co are a disgrace.

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7 minutes ago, DK82 said:

I just don't know how it will go. I don't believe any of the polls. What I do believe, is if tgere was no coup then we would have a huge chance. That coup lost us 8-10 points and it took till now to recover. Hilary Benn, Jess 'sewer mouth' Phillips and co are a disgrace.

That's one thing Paxman let him off with completely.  The fact that very few people in his own PLP wanted to work with him, and he had to go to court to be allowed to run in his own leadership election.

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1 minute ago, Risso said:

That's one thing Paxman let him off with completely.  The fact that very few people in his own PLP wanted to work with him, and he had to go to court to be allowed to run in his own leadership election.

And they are absolutely thick too, the reason was because he was 'unelectable', and they themselves re likely to be the reason he won't win. Thick as pigshit. Fwiw it has won as many elections to be PM as May.

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