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The Rémi Garde thread


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i saw a stat on ssn earlier that says our players have run less miles than any other team since the season began. cant blame garde entirly for it. shows that alot of them are losers and not up to the fight. they need to get rid of the lazy and hopeless ones and move them on

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12 hours ago, terrytini said:

Ridiculous if they've said that, utterly moronic if Fox means it.

I'm one of those who thinks there are decent improvements slowly under Garde, and remain hopeful he can get us playing well if nothing else.

But he surely will have had to show we win games with him in order to stay on next year ?

For example, if we finish almost anywhere below, say 28 points ( and I'd say that's being kind to him) surely we wouldn't stick with him. Sorry Tom, I like to see the bright side but for you to commit now to an unproven Manager shows you just aren't learning !


There is a case for supporting a losing manager, but it is a very rare & patient stance that many of us including me do not possess....  unless you know what the manager is doing at the training ground and that the work is tangible and showing good signs of progress that has not managed to manifest it yet on match day......Most of us want to see something on matchday.

e.g Ferguson at Carrington in his formative years before he nearly got sacked.

I know, that time is rare commodity today and managers do have to shows signs much quicker than yesteryear.

I think the popular choice would be, no sign of improvement in matches and training after a reasonable amount of time.....you are then relying on divine intervention.

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Just listening to Habib Beye on Talksport.

He was talking about applying the physical side of the game to gain points in (Newcastle and Villa's case) when the ability, is not getting results.

I thought thats a bit rich coming from him.

However,All these players know what is wrong and whats required.....In our case, they just don't do it.

ps sorry didn't know where to post this

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4 hours ago, briny_ear said:


It's not "semantics", it's about realism.

People who don't know the Premier League come with a high risk that they will take time to settle in, however talented. Even a 5 game settling in period for the new recruits accompanied by poor results would leave us hopelessly adrift. Loic Remy is a better bet because he knows the Premier League (despite being a foreign player, just to clear up any remaining confusion in your mind) and I think Garde should go for proven campaigners who could hit the ground running.

If he can persuade any to come here...

just to add to that, even some home grown players take time to gel with new team mates and styles of play....There is no guarantee.

e.g it took Ken McNaught c 20 games to come good when he came down from Everton.

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We just lack ambition. 

The line up wasn't too bad in theory, and we started positively. But even when we were on top we were simply not getting enough players in the box. It's the same story every time, not enough players in the box, not enough runs in behind. This is almost certainly something that needs to be corrected on the training pitch, doesn't seem to me that Garde is instilling the importance of this into the players.

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Just now, Dr_Pangloss said:

We just lack ambition. 

The line up wasn't too bad in theory, and we started positively. But even when we were on top we were simply not getting enough players in the box. It's the same story every time, not enough players in the box, not enough runs in behind. This is almost certainly something that needs to be corrected on the training pitch, doesn't seem to me that Garde is instilling in this players the importance of this.

Its like watching 2 bald guys fight over a comb. Its absolute awful from both teams

Bacuna has been standout player but thats because he is only player with balls on the entire pitch to actually want the football

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6 minutes ago, Zatman said:

so you do want Richards playing centre half ;) 

I don't think of managers in such basic terms. You're always going to have decisions you don't agree with but to call for a manager's head like that, in these circumstances, after this period of time, is pathetic IMO.

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