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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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I’m really surprised that with family wealth nudging billionaire level he didn’t have proper security at his house. Regardless of whether he gets security allowance via his job I’d have thought it would be in place regardless.

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Isn't quite well known that he's basically never at that house? It might be his residence but if he's never there there's not really that much point putting an iron curtain around it.

Before he got the PM role he was renowned for spending most of his time in America.

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38 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Isn't quite well known that he's basically never at that house? It might be his residence but if he's never there there's not really that much point putting an iron curtain around it.

Before he got the PM role he was renowned for spending most of his time in America.

I bet he still has a mortgage on it…

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In no sane world is someone like Lee Anderson given an important job, let alone a promotion.

Sunak can say all he likes, but his actions tell the real story.

Edited by Genie
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28 minutes ago, Genie said:

In no sane world is someone like Lee Anderson given an import job, let alone a promotion.

Sunak can say all he likes, but his actions tell the real story.

Sunak as have been all the previous Tory leaders back to Cameron, is held to ransom by the Throbbers, hence 50p Lee being deputy party Chairman. he clearlt doesn't give a f*** either, he's probably all too aware that he's a gonner at the next election and he's just trying to shore up votes from the bottom

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13 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

*obviously* it won't happen.

But God, just imagine if it happened. 

It would be good and bad in equal measure.

No Tory government and their impending death as a party - good

Welcome to the one party state with a massive majority that can do pretty much anything it wants and zero chance of electoral reform with such a large majority - bad

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11 minutes ago, bickster said:

It would be good and bad in equal measure.

No Tory government and their impending death as a party - good

Welcome to the one party state with a massive majority that can do pretty much anything it wants and zero chance of electoral reform with such a large majority - bad

Exactly, we’re living through the pain of what happens when a party has a massive majority. 

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1 minute ago, Genie said:

Exactly, we’re living through the pain of what happens when a party has a massive majority. 

I said a while back that I believed it possible that the LibDems could become the opposition in two election cycles. I seriously don’t see how the Tory Party gets out of the death spiral. They literally have nothing going in their favour. What they’ve done will not be forgotten in a few years, their demographics are stacked against them and their policies are literally killing their electoral base earlier.

It took 13 years and global recession before the electorate forgave the Thatcher / Major years and their base demographic voting age was much younger than it currently is. Even Blair's foolish and illegal Iraq war didn't stop the country voting Labour

Sure on the other side of the coin, Starmer has far less wriggle room policy wise than Blair / Brown to improve the lot of the country but that doesn’t mean people will suddenly switch back to Tory voting. I believe they will look for an alternative

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2 hours ago, bickster said:

It would be good and bad in equal measure.

No Tory government and their impending death as a party - good

Welcome to the one party state with a massive majority that can do pretty much anything it wants and zero chance of electoral reform with such a large majority - bad


2 hours ago, Genie said:

Exactly, we’re living through the pain of what happens when a party has a massive majority. 

Yadda. Yadda Yadda. 

If a party gets in and **** up, a previously destroyed party is suddenly in pole position. 

No one is going to get in and have Carte Blanche power to rule as they see fit because they'll very rapidly become The Tories from a landslide majority to out of power. 


Edited by sidcow
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7 hours ago, sidcow said:

Carte Blanche

I like her. She was good in “the Aviator”.

The Tories though, it’s like Republicans in that big America. They’ve gone off in a wild direction and show absolutely no signs of returning to what they’ve traditionally been. Bunter hoofed out a bunch of the more sane ones, a load more will just not stand again, their membership is small and old and detached from reality. I’m really hoping that @bicksteris right and they’re done for, for good.

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10 minutes ago, blandy said:

I like her. She was good in “the Aviator”.

The Tories though, it’s like Republicans in that big America. They’ve gone off in a wild direction and show absolutely no signs of returning to what they’ve traditionally been. Bunter hoofed out a bunch of the more sane ones, a load more will just not stand again, their membership is small and old and detached from reality. I’m really hoping that @bicksteris right and they’re done for, for good.

I have said it a couple of times but I think the only hope they have (massively long shot) is to call the Brexit spade the shit shovel it is, and then be the party that pledges to sort that mess out with closer ties to Europe again.

Labour wouldn’t dare touch it as they have too much to lose at this stage.

Like in 2019 when people voted blue to get Brexit done even if they were traditionally not Tory voters. They could get a similar turnout of temporary voters who just want the smell of it all to go away.

Long shot as I say, but it’s probably better than no shot at all. It would force an almighty clearout of throbbers within the party.

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3 minutes ago, Genie said:

I have said it a couple of times but I think the only hope they have (massively long shot) is to call the Brexit spade the shit shovel it is, and then be the party that pledges to sort that mess out with closer ties to Europe again.

Labour wouldn’t dare touch it as they have too much to lose at this stage.

Like in 2019 when people voted blue to get Brexit done even if they were traditionally not Tory voters. They could get a similar turnout of temporary voters who just want the smell of it all to go away.

Long shot as I say, but it’s probably better than no shot at all. It would force an almighty clearout of throbbers within the party.

Nope, I don’t see the country lending the Tories their support even for that

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2 minutes ago, Genie said:

I have said it a couple of times but I think the only hope they have (massively long shot) is to call the Brexit spade the shit shovel it is, and then be the party that pledges to sort that mess out with closer ties to Europe again.

Long shot as I say, but it’s probably better than no shot at all. It would force an almighty clearout of throbbers within the party.

Being as they’ve turned into UKIP2.0, that’s just less likely than hell freezing over.

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1 minute ago, bickster said:

Nope, I don’t see the country lending the Tories their support even for that

You’re probably right, they can thank BoJo for a new level of distrust in political promises.

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The concern I have is not the Tories winning, but the people who are leaving the Tories, leaving because they're not extreme enough and we end up with the far right at 15%-20% again.

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Just now, StefanAVFC said:

The concern I have is not the Tories winning, but the people who are leaving the Tories, leaving because they're not extreme enough and we end up with the far right at 15%-20% again.

The nice thing for those middle of the road sensible responsible tories that don’t want to rock the boat and just want some sort of fiscally responsible continuity but with a sober tone, there’s a ready made party right next door that they can join without having to adjust too many principles.



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