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Paul Lambert


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Just heard on MOtD Running off the ball can be coached into players but they need the desire. Maybe this is problem with the possession football we play.

They actually admitted to the problems we have as well, saying we need alot more from the midfield.

Just noticed with Benteke's goal the closest player to him was Hutton, where are the midfield???

We've known the midfield is the problem for ages.

We have all deep lying midfielders and we need an attacking midfielder to link the midfield to the attack.


I think Lambert's known this for a while as well given his long time pursuit of that attacking midfielder. It's just frustrating that it's taken this long and we still don't have one, and that we haven't found a more effective way to get by without one.


I agree with this.


It's annoying because that role in the squad is probably the most expensive and difficult to fill these days. Players like Sanchez and Okore look like great value for money but it would be much harder to find their equivalent for the AM position.


Thank heavens people are saying this at last!


I mean, no other premier league club has managed to find an attacking midfielder over the past 3 seasons. How in hell do people expect us to do it, even with a visionary manager like Lambert at the helm?

Edited by briny_ear
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Thank heavens people are saying this at last!


I mean, no other premier league club has managed to find an attacking midfielder over the past 3 seasons. How in hell do people do people expect us to do it, even with a visionary manager like Lambert at the helm?


You're completely twisting my words. Where did I ever say that it was impossible to find attacking midfielders?

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I think Lambert position is fairly solid as long as we continue to pick up enough points to stay away from the bottom 3, no matter how drab the football is. His job is like a caretaker making sure a unused stately home is not falling apart until it is sold to a new owner. Sure it may gather dust and no one will go to it, but as long it doesn't have a electrical fire it's fine. If you know what I mean. Basically sell Villa to the National Trust.

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I still can't believe that:


A. People are still paying attention/overthinking whatever he says in press conferences.

B. People are calling for him to be sacked, full well knowing he just signed a new long-term contract extension and in turn won't be going anywhere.

I can't quite believe I have to keep pointing this out, but people aren't calling for him to be sacked because they think Lerner is reading this thread and hanging on our every word. Personally I do it because I enjoy discussing the relative merits of our manager in a forum topic designed exactly for that purpose. Lerner's ambitions for the club are different from my own.

As for the press conference thing, it is literally the only forum Lambert has to discuss the team's performance with the fans. All managers bullshit, that's a given, but when he comes out after a match and says that everything's great and he doesn't understand the booing only to followed immediately by a team of pundits who all say that the performance wasn't good enough and therefore the booing is perfectly understandable Lambert risks looking a little bit out of touch. By seemingly failing to understand the fan's position he's more likely to add to the frustration and bring more pressure on himself than if he acknowledged the current poor scoring form and talked about addressing it.

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By signing that 4 year contract, Lambert became Lerner's Patsy.


It can 't surely be surprising to anyone that he comes in for criticism. In effect, part of the (unspoken) deal was that he would take the flak for Lerner's abysmal stewardship of the club.


His own negative and unimaginative tactics just add to the cocktail.

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so what do we do then? vote with our feet and stay away? sit their and do nothing? or merrily chant happy chants like nothings wrong?

personally i think VP being so utterly flat does nothing to help the team either, its the apathy thats killing us, top to bottom, all round the stands, no one **** cares anymore, as soon as some people do we're being told that they shouldnt

What should you do if you don't like it? Don't pay to go simple

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Isn't he on like 70k?

60k I think but that's the going rate for a good player and we can afford it for a first teamer


But most of Lambert's signings are on half that or less, in the 20k-35k region for the likes Sanchez, Benteke, Vlaar and Okore. That to me suggest there are great deals to be found and as much as I doubt Lambert's tactical ability, his record of signing good players from foreign leagues is quite impressive.

Imagine if Sissoko had turned out to be a dud. They would have been stuck paying that wage for years. At least with a cheaper wage the players are easy to offload, even when they turn to poo. The type of singings Lambert had made might be more of a gamble in terms of quality, but it's hardly a gamble with money, which is the biggest hindrance for this club right now.


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I actually think we need two midfielders a box to box and an attacking midfielder.

I was crying out for us to sign Sissoko before he went to Newcastle for 2m he would have been perfect for box to box on the cheap.

So was Lambert but it was just another player who's wages we couldn't afford.

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Isn't he on like 70k?

60k I think but that's the going rate for a good player and we can afford it for a first teamer

We can't or at least we couldn't at the time, we might be able to moving forward as we get dos of the likes of Bent and Given.

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I can't help but feel that people are going over the top when it comes to this new style of play. I really don't think it's that bad and I really don't think it's that ineffective - just looking at the highlights against Blackpool we could've had a couple more with a little more luck, against Palace if Benteke kept his shot down/Cleverley's shot wasn't blocked we would've won etc. I genuinely think that things will come good and Lambert will be vindicated.

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I woke up this morning to read that Lambert was surprised at sections of the crowd were calling for him to be sacked during the Blackpool match. He could'nt understand it,as we had most of the play and were playing really well. God the bloke is a bigger idiot than i thought. Two goals in the last five games, Twelve all season and three wins in the last seventeen games and he is surprised we are not happy!

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I can't help but feel that people are going over the top when it comes to this new style of play. I really don't think it's that bad and I really don't think it's that ineffective - just looking at the highlights against Blackpool we could've had a couple more with a little more luck, against Palace if Benteke kept his shot down/Cleverley's shot wasn't blocked we would've won etc. I genuinely think that things will come good and Lambert will be vindicated.

LOL ...... you should have been there to witness the 89 minutes that didn't make the highlight reel !

When 20,000 Villa rise together to cheer and applaud our first shot on goal after 65 minutes against the worst team in the Championship then believe me, fans are NOT going over the top !!!

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I think you mean shot on target - we had shots in the first half.


End of the day: we were never really under threat, the players must have been tired after playing so many games in a short period.. we won, kept a clean sheet.. yes, I think they are going over the top.

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I think you mean shot on target - we had shots in the first half.


End of the day: we were never really under threat, the players must have been tired after playing so many games in a short period.. we won, kept a clean sheet.. yes, I think they are going over the top.


Stop being so logical! Muppet.

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What I find slightly odd is that sections of fans on Villa talk have bemoaned the turgid football of the last 4 managers, O'Neill included and yet when Lambert attempts to evolve our style of play he gets destroyed for it.

Previously we have been so direct that we barely had any of the ball which led to the defence being put under constant pressure.

The football might not improve overnight, but at least the man is trying something different and the results have been okay, if not spectacular.

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I just want to remind everyone that the Sanchez purchase almost didn't happen because third party ownership caused the player to cost 1 million pounds more than they had originally expected. 3.5m vs 2.5m. 


That's how poor this club is. They almost had to call off a transfer of a player of Sanchez's level because of 1m measly pounds. 

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