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Paul Lambert


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The whole point is Gentleman is that we don't need a self appointed cheer leader to rally 'support' the support has always been there and always will be in spite of Lambert's anti-football? I think you will find that the 'troll', 'wind up merchant' or 'attention seeker' are the one's with the weak arguments which is what annoys people.


Our supporters have been quite disappointing this season compared to last. Granted people expect us to be doing a lot better but it does not excuse abuse given to the likes of Holt and Bennett. Lambert has not said a negative word about the supporters, quite the opposite, but is constantly being unjustly ridiculed now. This behaviour does nothing to endear the club to prospective players, managers, and owners. What purpose does negative support serve? 


Who are the "trolls", "WUMs", "attention seekers"? There is no such thing on this forum. VR is just offering another perspective in an eccentric manner, I appreciate him for doing so.

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Strangely, the fact that lambert is still the manager makes me believe even more, that he will be sacked as soon as the season finishes.

They would rather have 'some' continuity, and having him there till the end of the season is better than the upheaval and distraction a sacking would bring at this critical time.

Well, that's what I think anyway.

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This is not meant to be a loaded question.....just interested to know.

To all those still happy for him to stay.....what would he have to do for you to want him gone?

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Our supporters have been quite disappointing this season compared to last. 

Perhaps the solution is for the existing supporters to be banned from games and for Paul Lambert to select a new set?

Edited by briny_ear
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It's called working on a budget, something that he did at Norwich which is a big part of why he was hired. Why do some people find this so hard to comprehend? If he was a half-decent scout, he might have spent his £40m better. The belief that if you give every manager £40m, they will produce exactly the same results is becoming extremely tedious now, it has to be said.

He's spent at least half of the budget well, which is probably a better ratio than most managers.

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Our supporters have been quite disappointing this season compared to last. 

Perhaps the solution is for the existing supporters to be banned from games and for Paul Lambert to select a new set?


I wish.  ;)

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When has the support let the team down during Lambert's turgid tenure?


I firmly believe we have some of the best supporters in the land, but we are not faultless by any means. For example, some of the unnecessary abuse dished out to our players in the last few months has been nothing short of disgusting. Additionally, we are talking about young players who are still developing. This behaviour is the antithesis of support. It is unforgivable and makes the atmosphere volatile for everybody associated with this great club. It is not acceptable. 


The real question now is how can Villa supporters help the team? There is no time to dwell on the past and play the blame game. Get behind Lambert and the boys for the remaining games. 


For VR to state that we as Villa fans need to get behind and 'support' the team is patronising and insulting to other Villa fans who have put up with more than could be expected under our current blithering idiot of a manager


What is the alternative? Go to the Hull game and lay into the people playing for us. That makes logical sense. Supporters are at games to support their team, it is as simple as that. We need "support" on Saturday, no excuses.


He is totally posting for effect and I believe the correct description is actually troll as he is looking for the attention!


He is having some fun. I have no doubts VR believes in what he posts but gets too carried away with himself. Labelling people with different opinions as "trolls" or "attention seekers" is a weak argument. 


Good God you have West Ham fans booing when they win? Newcastle fans booing their team in 9th place. They should come and walk in our shoes and put up with the drivel we have for the past 4 years. if the events at VP had happened at another club we would be sitting here laughing at their misfortune and wondering why their fans were putting up with such a shite manager.


I understand the anger over the last four years but it still does not excuse poor support. We are so much better.


Lambert has had more than enough time to show his worth and has fallen woefully short of competent therefore has to go. As fans we has shown the patience of Job!


It is not about Lambert. It is about Aston Villa staying in the league.



Spot on

Edited by Robbie09
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Our supporters have been quite disappointing this season compared to last. 

Perhaps the solution is for the existing supporters to be banned from games and for Paul Lambert to select a new set?


Given Lambert's ability to select inadequate players he would probably select inadequate supporters too.

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Like Sunny said, fail on a bigger budget.


Speaking for myself, I think he's had an absolutely impossible task. We don't know all the ins and outs of the finances and I may be wrong but I have never heard of a manager turning down investment.


His bigger purchases have been at least relatively successful. I would be happy for him to be given til at least Xmas with investment.


But if Lerner (or the level of investment) stays as it is then I don't think it'll matter who is in charge, next year will be the same.


I am not rose-tinted, there have been mistakes, bad signings but I think these get highlighted more when on a shoestring.


Someone please tell me who McLeish, Houllier or even MON bought for UNDER £3m that were better than what we currently have. You can go back as far as Gregory and O'Leary if you want. There might be the odd one or two players but Lambert has had to make a team of these purchases. When given money he has bought better players and some of his bargain buys have been ok.


He can only fail with this investment. He, or any other manager, deserves a chance with funds to compete.

But didn't MON do the exact opposite....he spent 7s & 8s of millions on players that we got nothing back for....there are not many owners that can keep that up....lambert is probably paying the price for the previous cock ups.

Problem is when you leave ....you leave the shit on the car park, for someone else to clear up...Houllier and McLeish just added fuel to the flames.

Rightfully or wrongfully paul lambert knew what he was taking on....we can only assume.

Despite all of that..,,,how does all of that negate some of the shameful defending that we have witnessed and MOTD have so helpfully reminded us of.

Some of the austerity programme is unfair on him, but some of the defending is school boy standard even for our low cost players...,Bertrand had gone backwards, how is that anything to do with lack of funds.

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how anyone can complain about the support our players and team have gotten is beyond me. the games ive been too there has been nothing but possitive support regardless of what have been served up.

Firstly we have been alot more supportive than other teams who have served up a performace alot better than ours. We have endured two years of shit football yet still, every game theres abundance of support. Irregardles if they run around with the technical ability of a handicapped five year old, the last 8 months there has been maybe 2-3 people that have shown any sort of will power on the pitch the rest just dont seem to give a **** or put in any sort of effort, yet were still suppose to cheer them on?


Villa is bigger than any manager or set of players, i support villa not singular persons. if they think they can come here and take out a weekly salary that is higher than any other normal person earn in a year and not even put in a effort they deserved to be called shit. Their behaviour and effort on the pitch has been nothing less than a disgrace and a massive spit in villas metaphorical face.


How mentaly unstable do you think these players are? just because some fan makes fun of them on twitter or on a internet forum they are going to break down and not be able to perform on the pitch? ive never heard any abuse on the grounds so for me this is the only place ive heard any of this abuse which supposedly is to blame for all our short comings, given i havent been to a game for a couple of months due to moving out of the country but in any case they have gotten away with it for way to long. and they are suppose to be proffessionals, look at giggs he managed to perform when he was in the spotlight for sleeping with his brothers wife, terry sleeping with his team mates gf, suarez beeing paraded around as a racist in every newspaper, alves having bananas thrown at him,carrol beating people up, rape allegations, the list could be made very long and entail players of any decree yet our bunch is suppose to crack beacause someone said they cant hit a barn door on twitter? puh-leaaase, blaming the fans is the most riddiculous thing ive heard and it could have been alot worse than it has been, the fans have been good through and through, its the players and manager who are atrocious. alot of them should be rightfully ashamed

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This is not meant to be a loaded question.....just interested to know.

To all those still happy for him to stay.....what would he have to do for you to want him gone?

Rape their grannies probably

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Whilst it can never be ignored....I don' t buy all this lack of funds argument as a complete "get out of jail card"

It lacks a certain responsibility to spot talent.

Was Shaun Teale a big money signing....was Ricky lambert for Southampton a big money signing?

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Shaun Teale was a different era and Rickie Lambert was bought for over £1 million while in League One which is HUGE money. Not the greatest examples to make your point.

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Plus it's cherry picking an example of 1 player from 1 club.

You'd need to look at the cost of complete squads and the breakdown of players that cost less than a couple of £M and who are on lower wages. Then you enter the debate on whether Lambert did / didn't have the option of buying less, better quality players.

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Shaun Teale was a different era and Rickie Lambert was bought for over £1 million while in League One which is HUGE money. Not the greatest examples to make your point.

Are you having a laugh....

Huge 1million, the point is they still spotted the talent.....the era is always a red herring, bet the grass was different colour in those days..

Just excuses.

Ps by the way I could sit here with loads of examples, but no doubt you would find a bucket load of excuses.

PPS.....I expect the managers before and after Ron Saunders was a different era too, compared to his,but Ron was blessed with massive funds....absolute tosh.

It's about ability...,..or lack of it.

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Got to agree, £1m in league one is a huge amount.

Um, not sure what point is being made here. £1m is £1m wherever it is spent!


While that is true, I understand what dodgyknees is saying.


£1m means far more to a League 1 club than a Premier League club. They're likely to sell talents - even those with massive potential - for very small amounts, because even small amounts are huge to those clubs.

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