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I just found out that a former work colleague of mine lost her father and her two nephews and niece on that plane (her sister's kids). It really rams it home when you can put actual people and families to this thing.



Your colleague is the sister of Marite Norris in this article? I think that was the most horrific story from the whole event. 




Anthony Maslin and Marite Norris, parents of Mo, Evie and Otis, who were killed along with grandfather Nick Norris, release statement saying their 'pain is intense and relentless'
Mo Maslin, 12, his 10-year-old sister Evie, eight-year-old brother Otis and grandfather Nick Norris were among up to 39 Australian citizens and residents killed when Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine on 17 July.
The children's father Anthony Maslin and mother Marite (Rin) Norris on Wednesday issued an official statement directed at soldiers in Ukraine, politicians, the media, and friends and family.
"Our pain is intense and relentless. We live in a hell beyond hell," they said.
"Our babies are not here with us – we need to live with this act of horror, every day and every moment for the rest of our lives.
"No one deserves what we are going through.
"Not even the people who shot our whole family out of the sky."
The parents said it was a revelation to them that no hate in the world was as strong as the love they have for their children and Nick Norris, who was escorting the trio back to Perth for the start of school.
"No hate in the world is as strong as the love we have for each other," they said.
"This is a revelation that gives up some comfort.
"We would ask everyone to remember this when you are making any decisions that affect us and the other victims of this horror," they said.
They thanked family and friends who had surrounded them since they arrived home in Perth.
"We ask the media to respect the privacy of our family and friends – pain is not a story."



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I don't see how the first paragraph reconciles with the point that the US are the most to blame for stoking up the situation? If you wanted to criticise US foreign policy, then that is your prerogative, but the US intervention in Grenada or Iraq does little to alter Russia having done more than most by placing a brigade size force in the Crimea.

It is precisely that point which makes any comments about self determination of the Crimea entirely disingenuous, when Russian troops command the streets on your way to vote.


Both Russia and the US are expansionist, greedy, illiberal countries which are happy to trample on others for their own ends.  Their colonialist mindset is far from unique, and many other countries have shown the same tendencies, not least the UK as well as the rest of western Europe, a little while back.


In this situation, right now, I see Russia as playing a defensive role, while the US is continuing to do the same old stuff it has done for decades in countless countries, undermining governments, installing friendly alternatives, sending "military advisers", encouraging the continual creep of more US-owned or US-friendly military bases in places where they pose a direct and obvious threat to those it seeks to intimidate, in this case Russia.


At the same time the US is pressing hard for actions which would bring economic harm to both the EU and Russia, weaken co-operation, and in consequence benefit the US.  And in the background, the US, UK and others are laundering the vast sums which are being stripped from the Ukraine by thieving plutocrats, but that's by the by.


I don't see for a moment how Russia can simply stand back and accept this continual weakening of its position and further subjugation to the US.  No-one in its position would do so, if they had any capacity to resist.


But what I find surreal in all this is the narrative we are fed daily, that these manoeuvres and machinations are in any respect the result of the destruction of MH17.

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Another airliner has gone missing again this time in algeria


Surely not another malaysia airlines jet


It's an Air Algerie flight, from Ouagadougou to Algiers, 110 passengers and 6 crew on board.

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This has been a terrible week globally hasn't it?  Planes crashing, wars breaking out, the commonwealth games... jesus christ..


What's jesus christ done now. He didn't shoot down the plane did he the word removed 

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I'm here in Russia. Got here on the 20th. When I got here I was pretty confident it was Russia and they were now doing their best to distract everyone and avoid blame as best they could

Russia today began to talk of the videos America were referring to as being fake and showing video of the guy holding the teddy bear, he apparently wasn't looting but put the bear down after and blessed it. Then America can't back up its original allegations and now I just feel everyone is using this as a political game. I don't know what to think, either it was done by Russians as a mistake or more worryingly by the Ukraine either as a mistake or not, but certainly taken advantage of by the USA.

It's frightening how my view has changed by watching the news, you really do only get the side the news wants to give you. What do you think?

Bottom line I think is most people have a heart be them Russian English or Ukrainian, it is the politicians drunk with power who forget who really gets hurt by this stuff.

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Slightly OT but maybe relevant given the last few posts: US are claiming they have evidence that Russian artillery has been firing from inside Russia at Ukrainian units inside Ukraine.

Given the seriousness and implications of that accusation (Russia and Ukraine effectively now at war) it will be very interesting to see what evidence is produced, and what exactly the west is going to do about it.

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If they have and more importantly produce that evidence then it is pretty serious and damning stuff for the reason you state.


As for what the West will do about it, nothing I would imagine other than posture and pontificate. 

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They may aswell shut the airline down after this.

Hardly their fault though is it?
I know, but no one is going to want to fly on them after these 2 incidents.


Hmm, cheap tickets. At a very small extra risk.


My best travel experience on the Tube was on the day after the 7/7 bombings.



6000 jobs going and the airline going into 100% state ownership.

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