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The Boring Thread


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I have a flyer for an event at the NEC on my desk. Did you know that wherever you're coming from, the easy way to get to the NEC and the NEC Arena is by rail? What's more, Birmingham International station is linked directly to the NEC by a covered walkway - you don't even have to go outside.

Only public transport from Solihull town centre is the 966 bus which only departs every half an hour (unless you want to train it all the way into town and then back out again) (soz dorris) meaning the 6 mile journey can sometimes take an hour if the bus doesn't turn up.


F***ing third world public transport system here in the West Midlands. :rant:

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I have a flyer for an event at the NEC on my desk. Did you know that wherever you're coming from, the easy way to get to the NEC and the NEC Arena is by rail? What's more, Birmingham International station is linked directly to the NEC by a covered walkway - you don't even have to go outside.


Weirdly enough, I used that very train on Wednesday, to go to the Energy Event.


I walked around for a bit, spoke to some people who didn't really have answers to the specific questions I had, they gave me some free things (multi-functional chargers etc) and then I came home.


I was mightly impressed with the ease to get from Train Station to the NEC though, no problem at all.

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I have a flyer for an event at the NEC on my desk. Did you know that wherever you're coming from, the easy way to get to the NEC and the NEC Arena is by rail? What's more, Birmingham International station is linked directly to the NEC by a covered walkway - you don't even have to go outside.

Only public transport from Solihull town centre is the 966 bus which only departs every half an hour (unless you want to train it all the way into town and then back out again) (soz dorris) meaning the 6 mile journey can sometimes take an hour if the bus doesn't turn up.


F***ing third world public transport system here in the West Midlands. :rant:

It's a sign of how bad it is that I read that and thought "That's not too bad". God bless Solihull.

Here's one for the boring thread. In my last two years of school the school bus wasn't big enough to accommodate all the pupils so about a dozen of us started using the public bus that had arranged to stop outside the school. The service was so notoriously bad that anyone using it had a free pass for skipping lessons because the school didn't even bother questioning the bad attendance rates anymore.

After waiting at the bus stop for the third morning running of it not turning up we noticed a sign from the bus company saying that there was going to be a meeting in Solihull town centre for residents and commuters to discuss the poor service. The bus would make a special detour after completing the journey to drop people off at the meeting.

The bus didn't turn up.

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I have a flyer for an event at the NEC on my desk. Did you know that wherever you're coming from, the easy way to get to the NEC and the NEC Arena is by rail? What's more, Birmingham International station is linked directly to the NEC by a covered walkway - you don't even have to go outside.


I'll be at the NEC in November for the Bus Expo. I will keep this info in mind but will probably use a car.  

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I was forty. twenty years ago.

According to my arithmetic, you are 60 years old. You old bugger
And yet they say educational standards have declined. That probably gets you GCSE maths these days. ;)
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