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Everything posted by islingtonclaret

  1. I don't have a problem with old (they renovated the Kentish Town baths in North London which look very much like Moseley Road baths magnificently), just as long as they're clean
  2. There are a lot of areas where a move back to Birmingham has trounced London with quality of life, and it's been a positive step after years of dealing with the 'pig-in-lipstick' that is London. However, swimming pools aren't clicking here. I can't really understand what I'm looking at/for. For instance - all of the many London pools are run by an independent company on behalf of the government. At least 70% of these pools have been renovated in the past 5 years and are absolutely sparking clean. I am very wary of pools - grim tiles, mould, minging water- all of these will make me totally freak out. So, what are we left with for more casual swimmers? Well, Cocks Moor Woods has kids taking dumps in it and has been closed 3 times in the last year alone. Moseley Road baths, what's left of them in pool number 2 looks absolutely disgusting. As far as I can see, that leaves the new-ish Harborne Pool and then extremely expensive memberships at the Marriott Five Ways (ouch), University of Birmingham's new 50m pool (still expensive, looks amazing though), the Spa at the Cube (ouch) and Edgbaston Priory Club (not even worth considering because of how elitist the prices are). Elsewhere it's Virgin Active at Solihull and another membership place there. What gives with this? Is Birmingham just an anti-swimming city or wat?
  3. Probably miles behind the times here, but the City Centre's shop has closed for good? Great. All you see in Birmingham City Centre is ManU and Liverpool shirts. Now there's literally nothing with claret and blue on.
  4. If you want new style CO2 stuff, sure. But there are only a small handful of decent London beers, and my point is they're mostly best enjoyed outside of London because in 10 years of being here I can tell you the majority of London landlords are absolutely cack at keeping cellar-temperature real ale. Bathams is blooming marvellous. That and HPA, Black Country Fireside, Purity Ubu....MMMMMMmmmmm
  5. this is my number one reason for returning back here from London, a place where they couldn't brew or pour a decent pint if their life depended on it
  6. With the exception of Rowlett, this lot remain at least consistent with the calibre of person they employ. I couldn't have picked a bigger bellend for them even if I put in more than 5 mins thought to it (which I didn't, he was first to spring to mind) Edit: I would like to add that Harry Redknapp is also the only British person I have known in my lifetime to not be able to read. (or...claims he can't)
  7. My latest purchase is bloomin' brilliant. Acer Chromebook C201. 4GB RAM, ARM chip inside. Put laptop into developer mode, use Crouton to install a chroot (Linux) XFCE4 environment on it. Hey presto: I no longer have a Chromebook, I have a Linux laptop which I use for PHP, Python and Javascript web development. It's even running a decent free IDE and a Postgres db server. So much for being restricted by ARM chips...
  8. Lack of Tony Daley is disappointing. Here you go
  9. Gabby, so much no. Lescott's balmy car-picture-twitter-gate and the follow up nonsense is also a massive no. These guys symbolise our fall from grace. Get them out. Come on RDM
  10. I went to see the Avalanches "live" last night. Worst eighteen quid I've ever spent. Two pissed guys badly mixing records.
  11. Asked for a war film. Got a war film. Oh shit! War films aren't for kids. Reshoot. Bravo, Disney
  12. As predicted so far: allies against the crown in Westeros are coming together. Essos is coming via The Greyjoys. Richard E Grant is coming back. Something is afoot in that whole situation, and brazenly going around dishing out cash (from where?) when she would known the House of Black and White would be after her doesn't make sense. Arya is definitely in control somehow, and some of it isn't her). I have no purpose what the Brotherhood is doing - I thought they were supposed to be Robin Hood types. Doesn't seem like Denis Pennis's men have good manners anymore. Really welcome return for the Hound. Cleganebowl.
  13. House Targaryen, Second Suns, Entire Dothraki people and Astapor's Unsullied are clearly set for an alliance with most of the Greyjoy fleet in exile and, more importantly for their landing, Dorne. The enemies of the Lannisters and Tyrells are starting to look far more powerful. I forsee Dany being the one on the throne (and still Jon Snow as warden of the North) when winter decends and the Wall comes down. The only question is, what is Bran going to be up to...
  14. Mad King Bran the Builder being the Builder of the wall I think the time paradoxes will be key.
  15. Dear General, Nicky Keye. Yours faithfully, Islingtonclaret.
  16. Aaaah, Randy Lerner. A businessman so astute that he lost 250 million quid on a football club and devalued it by 5 million in the space of ten years. He should hook up with Mike Ashley.
  17. It has become apparent that these take themselves far too seriously.
  18. I never thought I'd see a "shop this please" thread on VT Brilliant!
  19. When I was on Tinder, I felt far too old fashioned for it.
  20. I don't like to generalise, but I personally have steered clear of London girls. Trying to get them out of the M25 a day appears to be a struggle for anyone "born in the manor".
  21. Can't keep it totally under wraps given that papers have more than likely been signed - as a result, every newspaper knows it. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villa-unveil-under-armour-10768111
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