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Everything posted by markavfc40

  1. Just finished the 2nd series of Time (started on BBC1 tonight but all 3 episodes on iPlayer). It is brilliant and one of the best mini series I have seen in a long time.
  2. If the Police have made the decision to be ruthless you can guarantee they will be OTT in their actions.
  3. Like others have said he was also before my time but clearly worthy of the three words Aston Villa Legend. I doubt his appearance record for the club will ever be beat. RIP Charlie.
  4. I am not doubting all of that mate and that he clearly has excelllent fighting qualities in a different discipline but he was up against one of the two best heavyweights in the whole world and in his first professional boxing match at the age of 37 he beat him. It is the kind of stuff if it happened in a Rocky film you'd think was a bit far fetched. I can't think of another era where this would have happened and it is purely because there is a real lack of quality in the division. Fury, Joshua, Usyk, Wilder would not have got anywhere near the level they have in the 70's/80's/90's and early 2000's.
  5. What's arguably worse than the actual corruption here is the sad state of heavyweight boxing. Ngannou won the fight which means a guy who is a 20 fight mixed martial artist, in his first professional boxing match, at the age of 37, beat the heavyweight boxing champion of the world. It is unreal the lack of quality in the heavyweight division compared to past eras.
  6. I actually hadn't realised Starmer is 61. He'll very likely be 62 by the time of the election which would make him the oldest Prime Minister upon appointment since Callaghan in 1976. If he remained Prime Minister until your date of 2031 he'd be the oldest serving Prime Minister since Churchill. Bit of useless, irrelevant bollocks for you. In my defence I am on a days leave with f all to do.
  7. I think there is a very real likelihood of that happening. I'd like to think before it does though he'll have another 3 years at least here, win something, oversee us qualify for Champs league and established as contenders for European places. Those are all certainly realistic targets and if he achieves them he'll leave us in a position where we will have become a club used to winning again and be a very attractive proposition for another top manager. For now though I think we should just enjoy this ride as times like this don't come that often for us. It is interesting that in the AZ reaction thread almost 90% of us voted that the managers performance was very good or good. It wasn't though was it. That is the average under Emery now. Remarkable what he is doing here.
  8. I think given his performance last night Tielemans deserves to start his first Prem game for us on Sunday so I'd give McGinn a well deserved rest in this one. Other than that Konsa, Pau and Diaby back in so a front three of Watkins, Diaby, Bailey, midfield Kamara, Luiz and Tielemans in an advanced role, and the usual back four. I can't see anything but a win in this one but possibly closer than our recent home results would suggest. I'm going 3-0.
  9. Not a single tree and hardly a patch of grass/shrubbery etc in sight. It is horrible.
  10. There is a decent chance Rooney will lose his first 5. They have Southampton away next, who are 5th, then Ipswich at home who are 2nd and then Sunderland away.
  11. They reported this on ITV News last night. They stuck a nice knife in though when they said it had been opposed by a number of Tory MP's, who are themselves landlords.
  12. According to a study by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation 3.8 million people were destitute at some point last year, including more than a million children. Another stat to add to the Tories legacy.
  13. One of the top strikers in the Premier League. It is as simple as that. Due to his attitude/determination then I am also in no doubt he is yet to reach his peak. We are fortunate to have him and we'll have a hell of a struggle to bring in a striker of his quality when we have to replace him.
  14. As fans we are totally in tune now with how we play. It is not so long ago that us playing it around at the back would have made the crowd very nervy and we'd have been wanting us to hump it forward. We are well past that now and it does make a difference on the pitch as there simply isn't that panic that can be generated from an edgy crowd. The patient football on the pitch is reflected in the crowd now. It is remarkable to have been a part of that transition really and full credit to the players as it can't have been easy at times playing in front of a crowd on edge urging you to lump it forward. Full credit to the manager as well for instilling the belief in the players to stick with it and I suppose credit should go to us the fans, although that has been made easy given our results/performances.
  15. I think we'll go with the same line up as we did at Wolves with three CB's and Cash and Digne pushing on. Antonio is a handful and Carlos should be up for that battle and Soucek plays further forward than he used to so the extra CB would also be handy with him. They are also a pretty big side so having three CB's will help in that regard. I have no doubt that we'll score and I'm going for a 3-1 win.
  16. You'd think the Police would actually have Police work to do wouldn't you, like looking into actual crimes.
  17. There is nothing they can do. They have broken pretty much everything and they can't even get close to repairing any of that in 12 months. NHS on its knees, social care decimated, prisons full to the point they are having to let criminals out early, councils all over the country, including many Tory led, gone or about to go bankrupt, schools and hospitals in dire state of repair. Then you get into things like the number of people living in poverty having gone through the roof, including almost 5 million children living in poverty, sky high inflation impacting everyone and due to their incompetence way worse than in comparable countries. The list could go on and on. To top all the above off though, and the thing they have zero intention of fixing, and may well try to make worse before finally stopping stinking the place out is the division they have caused, the cultural wars they have created, that equal weight is now given by many to total bullshit up against facts and that trust in politicians and those in authority is on the floor. It is despicable what they have done and chickens are 100% coming home to roost.
  18. Taken Mid Beds as well. What an unbelievable night for Labour and total disaster for the Tories.
  19. I don't know if the Tories will lose both, one or neither but given they are defending majorities of 25k and 20k even if they do defend both it will be the reduced majorities that will be interesting. FWIW I think given that Labour and Lib Dems have for some reason both decided to contest Mid Beds and thrown everything at it then it will likely mean neither will get enough votes to out do the Tory, who is the current crime commissioner. Tamworth will be very close.
  20. Of course. I think some people think that falling inflation means prices falling though but it doesn't, it just means prices aren't rising by as much.
  21. Inflation probably will have halved by the end of the year (it needs to hit 5.3%) as the big rise in energy prices last October drop out of next months figures so there will almost certainly be a decent drop. F all to do with anything Sunak has done though.
  22. I am not so sure about having a good run. Those who could work from home were told to due to covid and any conscientious person would have worked just as hard from home if not harder. There were millions of people who through no fault of their own couldn't work from home but were furloughed on 80% pay. It could be argued they had the good run as they were being paid to do f all. Just from my own personal experience I work harder from home that I can in the office. At home I don't lose x amount of time chatting about last nights footie or struggling with my train of thought as Jane, Janice and Bob are spending half hour chatting about last nights Emmerdale. I also don't get people walking over to my desk disturbing me with either work or non related work issues. For a time I had the opposite of what a lot of people think will happen when working from home and I had great difficulty switching off and separating my home life from my work life and creating a balance as I went way too far onto the work side and found myself working at all hours. I definitely won't be alone in having found that. I am not sure I'd want to be 100% home based though. My job is around 50% desk based 50% site (I am a highway engineer) and I do need that time away from the house. In terms of going into the office though I maybe go in for 2 or 3 hours a month for the odd meeting and sometimes I'll go 5 or 6 weeks without going in at all. I could though go in everyday if I wanted to but why would I when I am more productive from home. Bottom line is if your conscientious you're going to work as hard, if not harder from home. If you're someone who is in a job where you spend some of your day looking busy then by working from home you've just been saved the effort of having to convince others you're being productive.
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