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Everything posted by markavfc40

  1. In fairness mate 4 pounds is nothing. Over what amount of time did you put that on? I always see it that however long it took me to put it on, so say a one or two week holiday, you can get it back off in the same amount of time.
  2. He was well off it today I thought but still got an assist and got himself into positions to win it at the end both with the decent pen shout and the header. I think as others have said you also have to give credit to the players he was up against and he is in decent company as Wolves also kept Haaland very quite last week.
  3. A point was probably all we deserved although we were very unlucky not to win it at the end. Both teams really just cancelled each other out and it was just a scrappy game for the most part. We had too many of our players slightly off it and when they include your main attacking threats in Diaby and Watkins it is always going to be a struggle. Overall though going into the international break with 16 points in 8 games on the board, unbeaten in four league games winning three, is really good going and I'd have bitten your hand off for that at the start of the season, especially with the amount of injuries we have had.
  4. We started really well then we have let them into the game and make it into a battle. We may well need our bench to win this. Diaby looks off it and may well not be fully fit so I'd consider Duran or Bailey for him and if we want to be brave bring on Zaniolo for McGinn for not only more attacking threat but because he is one silly foul from being sent off.
  5. Even with our injuries that is some bench we have. Bailey, Zaniolo, Duran and Traore are all capable of making an attacking impact if needed.
  6. I'd see it more as 3 at the back. Cash will certainly play as pretty much a winger and I'd expect Digne to also push right up the pitch.
  7. I think this game is where the rotation on Thursday will be seen as the correct decision. Hopefully Kamara and Diaby are fit and that will then mean Torres, Kamara and Diaby won't have played at all on Thursday and Digne, Cash, Luiz and Watkins will all have only played for 45 mins in a game where we had all the possession. We've got to be looking for 3 points here despite them beating Man City last week as on another day they lose that game comfortably given the overall dominance Man City had. I can't envisage us not scoring and given they have only scored 8 goals all season we've got to fancy our chances keeping them out. I'm going for 0-2.
  8. It is no wonder that BCC and a number of other councils have pretty much gone bankrupt. Since 2010 local government funding has decreased by 40%. Birmingham have had to try to make cuts of nearly 1 billion pound since 2010. You add in to that mix historical equal pay claims, which happened at BCC, under administrations led by parties of all colour ties, and again not limited to just Birmingham, then it is little wonder that numerous councils are on their knees. In 2010 two thirds of councils income came from the government with the rest coming from council tax and business rates. That has now flipped and only a third now comes from the government. As the government have inflicted much of the pain then they should bail them out, or better still simply see it as giving back some of the money they took away. These bastards won't.
  9. We were way too slow and ponderous in the first half too often taking 4 or 5 touches before releasing the ball which meant we too often found ourselves going sideways and backwards. Second half we played the ball much quicker and therefore pulled them out of shape more which enabled us to make runs in behind them especially down our right side. On another day that second half could have seen us score 3 or 4. No better feeling than a late winner though.
  10. I got to be honest I had never heard of him until I just googled him. My post was meant in jest though.
  11. Possibly mate. That did cross my mind earlier.
  12. Something doesn't seem right with the amount of tickets showing as available. When I had a look yesterday afternoon there were just over 6k showing with the Holte practically sold out but loads in upper tiers of the other three stands. Now the Holte upper has gone from around 50 seats available yesterday to nearly 600 available now yet the upper trinity has gone from thousands available to less than a hundred and similar has happened in the other two stands.
  13. He has bottled it and is not resigning. I am sure he'll at the very least get a seat in the house of Lords out of his decision.
  14. We seem to have shifted a few more the last couple of days. Now just over 6k left. Holte under 200 tickets left, lower Trinity pretty much sold out, lower Witton and lower north couple of hundred tickets left in each. It is the upper Trinity, Witton and North where the bulk of the remaining seats are. It'll look pretty full on the tele.
  15. Pretty much the same . Mid 90% for Bin face, Green, Labour, Lib Dem. 20% or less for Tory/reclaim.
  16. Fleetwood will bring it home.
  17. There are still over 8k tickets available for this. I thought given the reasonable pricing, and the 3 match package, that this would at least get close to selling out but it will get nowhere near.
  18. In fairness I chose to make my point about the amount of injuries we have had (without 40% of what would be considered our best starting 11 for pretty much the whole start to the season) and the 5 players we have brought in needing time to settle/gel with what Emery wants from them and with their new team mates, after our defeat in the week. I have always felt that the inconsistency in performance was due to the above and that given time it would come together. For what it's worth I am in no doubt there will still be ups and downs. That we will still go to tough away places like Newcastle, Liverpool and even Legia Warsaw and get beat. That we will at times look out of sorts. One year on though from being relegation fodder, still with some big players out, still trying to integrate new players, and just the fact that overall we are under a manager who has been here less than a year, who is still building his squad and implementing his system, I'm happy to ride out those highs and lows safe in the knowledge that given time days like yesterday when we do click will become more frequent under Emery. In fairness I'd expect everyone to feel the same under a manager that has presided over a remarkable 2 pts per game in his first 32 league games in charge.
  19. Under any other England manager of the last 40 odd years I'd say he was nailed on for a well deserved call up to the next squad. Under the happy to contradict himself every 5 minutes prat we have in charge now I am not very confident.
  20. I got to be honest with you mate given the direction of travel of the Tory party over the last few years if I filled in a questionnaire and it had me aligned with them, and reclaim, I'd either be wanting the questionnaire checked for legitimacy or getting myself in front of the mirror and having a serious word with myself.
  21. He is doing a great job. Take into account that he has been without 40% of our best starting outfield team for pretty much the whole start to this season (Mings, Moreno, Ramsey and Buendia) then that great job becomes a remarkable one.
  22. As I said in my post that you quoted. Hopefully today will have gone some way to convincing you of that.
  23. Wow what a first day for Europe. Rahm getting two eagles in the last 3 holes is the stuff of legends.
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