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Everything posted by mikeyp102

  1. Busquets does, but I get your point re the other two
  2. Definitely out of sat along with tony moon and bennett
  3. I don't think sylla has better passing or vision than kea. On the ball he is not at best, he is good at breaking up play and giving an easy ball. Yes, I would have him in the team at the moment but not because of his passing.
  4. Re-edited ^ Thats the team stats with and without jack so far... Also for the post above i think he has two assists and no goals. Do u not think he should have been kept at villa and given a few starts because i think that. Kind of mate, I remember saying last season i would have liked to have seen him introduced but then again i suppose its just me being biused and eager for his moment. However jack's enjoying his loan spell and no doubt it has done him good by getting some first team action at a lower league club first. It also seems Lambert doesn't want to introduce new youngsters into a side that is already very inexperienced which i suppose is also a valid point as that could hinder his progress. He has also only just turned 18 so you could argue he has got a lot of time... but IMO it shouldnt matter how old he is, If your good enough then you should be given an opportunity. And if im entirely honest it can be quite frustrating going to villa's games nowadays seeing us lack a creative player. Jack wont score you many goals but he will create chances and as i say, I think thats what we need at VP. All in all, i respect anyones view on it, but i dont see how a few sub appearances can harm anyone. Couldnt have said it better. Really is so fustrating watching villa and knowing he is what we are crying out for. At this rate he will get a start for the republic before the villa first team. I wonder if thats ever happened before. Think Stephen o'halloran did, not sure if he Ben made an appearance for villa.
  5. Would add Preston into that mix as well
  6. Starting listening when radio one brought out that clearing in the woods grimshaw. Only listen during commute. It's tolerable but agreed with above too many adverts. Alan Brazil is alright and does know some stuff. Durham is a wind up merchant and provokes people to ring so in a way doing his job well. You have to take everything he says with a pinch of salt
  7. I think if we are not going to be involved in a relegation fight this season we should be obtaining at least 17 points from these fixtures. Whilst that may seem a high amount, you only have to look at the Albion last yr and the amount of points they collated prior to Christmas to know it is possible.
  8. Tried twisted wheel tonight. Got a nice ginger hint in the back ground but not overpowering
  9. £££££ limited. Interesting to see his comments about lukaku and that he wanted to bring in both him and tekkers but couldn't afford to. So he has his eyes on the right kind of players it's just doing what he can with the mone lerner gives him. Hopefully next summer he will be given a nice wedge. What/where are the comments re Lukaku?
  10. Missing the game tomorrow but its worth it as eventually moving house. At the ripe old age of 31 it's about bloody time!
  11. Did fowler win anything? Maybe a league cup?
  12. According to OS he is back in contention for Saturday. Not sure I would put him back though. Last yr he made anichebe look world class because he couldn't handle his strength. Although he has improved a lot this season Lukaku is a better player(than anichebe) and has the strength to match so I would be worried if Clark would cope
  13. Doesn't really, he's after a new contract, he's hardly going to say that he wants to move after a yr if a bigger offer comes along. Isn't him wanting a new contract showing his commitment? For a short term yes, but realistically football contracts mean very little. Look at Benteke most of us think he will be gone next summer even though he has signed a new contract.
  14. Doesn't really, he's after a new contract, he's hardly going to say that he wants to move after a yr if a bigger offer comes along.
  15. Not too sure too be honest, it depends how much he is going to play should he come back. If he comes back and makes one/two starts along with 8-10 decent sub appearances (not last 30secs of a game) then yes it is worthwhile coming back. But if he is only going to get 1/2 short sub appearances then its not worth it. Before extending stay (if villa allowed it) would Jack get the chance to talk to PL?
  16. Av1 I'm not sure anyone has really said that on high money Collymore shouldn't have been depressed, the comments are more pointing out what John Gregory said at the time
  17. Golden Champion goes down very well, in fact far to well, could easily hammer down a few bottles in a session
  18. Something that's really been bugging me all day is the coverage regarding the flare hitting the lino yesterday. All the media seem to report that the incident occurred at the Aston Villa ground, always implying that it was us. It's very rare that they mention that it was infact the spur fans who threw it.
  19. I don't get the argument that we have more points than last yr, or more from the corresponding fixtures last yr. Firstly, every team is different from last yr, be it new players or new managers. Secondly, we were appalling last yr, and thankfully we haven't been as bad, it would be worrying if we were. As for whether the counter attacking works, away from home against the top sides it does work and is very effective. However, other options are needed. At home especially, we need a different plan a and b, and just use counter attack when it's on. I think conceding possession so much like we did against spurs (what was it we had 31%?) invites pressure on and inevitably leads to more goals being conceded.
  20. Scored some cracking goals today.
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