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Everything posted by turvontour

  1. I hate these cryptic tweets. Well its either moon walking - blue moon -so off to Man City (snake). Or, just taking a final swipe at Bruce; massive ball bag.
  2. Why is there a penalty in most games? Influence of VAR? Bad defenders, clever forwards?
  3. What would actually happen the morning after, if England were to win the world cup, in terms of people going to work? It would be the Monday morning after winning it the Sunday evening. The media reported a rise in people off sick or coming in late the day after we beat Tunisia. I suppose it would come down to the attitude of the individual business.
  4. Trott and Bell. Come on Warwick.
  5. Na, Siggurdson went for 50 million to Everton. Grealish has potential to be as good if not better.
  6. Like buying three £12million strikers at the top of their game, all of which no longer score goals.
  7. I agree. I have a 5 year old lad who i want to support Villa, and thats made easier by us winning football matches. We won more league games this season than we did across our final three Premier League seasons. I know the Championship is bad for the club finanicially, but selfishly, i quite like seeing Villa regularly winning football matches.
  8. We are the best of the 21 Championship sides that were not promoted this season, some way better as well. And the teams that get relegated from the Prem havent gone back up of late. Is Newcastle only one in last couple of years? So again, next season is ours to mess up, in our own unique Villa way. Please automatics.
  9. That isnt a typical weekend by a long stretch. You little minsk.
  10. I probably am to be fair. Very random thing to be pissed off about too.
  11. I am sure they do support english teams, i just havent seen any of it. I dont think 4 and 5 year olds want to be Messi. They want to be whoever you tell them to want to be. My 5 year old wanted to be Ross Mccormack for 6 months.
  12. It did cross my mind that maybe as time goes on people will be less partisan with their football, and maybe just like football in general. Maybe not too dissimilar to music? To be fair, can hardly blame them round here the way West Midlands football has been for the last ten years. Slightly an aside, Id love to know what the average final league positions of Villa, Blues and West Brom have been over the last ten years. Maybe 16th? Whereas Liverpool would be an average of 6th, and Manchester what, 2nd?
  13. Posted something about this a month or so ago but i find this genuinly odd. I am at my lads football training with 9 kids playing in total, and 5 of them are in Barcelona kits. My lads in his Villa kit, 1 in PSG and then other 2 in plain t shirts. I mean fair play Barcelona marketing team. But what is the thought process, do any of the children support english clubs? This is south Bham by the way.
  14. First and last time I'll say it this season. Must win game.
  15. Its funny. But i dont want him to do something that will bring too much attention to him. If that flies in the top corner yesterday then its shared globally. I dont think he has yet done enough to warrant a move to a Premier League club of a standing that he would be interested in. I had a similar feeling towards Benteke when he was here. Score goals, sure. But dont over do it.
  16. I cant see us being dead and buried after the first leg. Have we even conceded 3 goals in a game this season, maybe once or twice? But we have scored 4 a fair few times.
  17. Go dressed as football hooligans, as its Milwall. Would be a nightmare for the police.
  18. Why cant i have a brown baby? All the other girls on the estate have got brown babies!
  19. I'm confused as to how we would want the next couple of games to pan out, in terms of who we face in playoffs. Its made odder that we are playing two of three teams that our likely to be our opponents. I suppose we just win our games and what will be will be.
  20. I dont know what you're warioing about. I'd have toad them to **** off.
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