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Big Salad

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Everything posted by Big Salad

  1. He never did it to me....as far as I recall anyway
  2. About to start final season of 'The Wire'. Admittedly, I am one of the very few people I know who had never watched it and I can't really say tbh why took me so long. Anyway, the whole show has been brilliant and one of the best I have ever seen, will slide into my top 5 no doubt.
  3. Tough for the Browns after their best season in forever. Hope Bills take it to the Chiefs tbh. Same goes hope Saints take care of business against the Bucs.
  4. I had a friend in college named Morgan who always pissed on himself and others when drunk and after a google search Sanson means 'The sun's man' in Hebrew. That's all I got.
  5. Watched 'Under The Skin' this morning.Pretty crap movie tbh..but ScarJo's nude scene made it worth it
  6. Bosch is an utterly fantastic series.As a lover of the books loved when they started making the show and am pleased with the result
  7. Cheers I just threw up my bran flakes
  8. He's just 'naturally' that muscled as well.Biggest sack of crap I ever read where he said he doesn't lift weights
  9. Have always been a fan of AC. Well aside from Black Sails which was just way too boring for me at least. Have played this for a few hours now and it is ok so far, but just is not really gripping me as I thought it would. My favorite Ubisoft series overall though would have to be the Far Cry ones.
  10. After reading it off and on, struggling with some parts of it, and just frankly almost giving up...Today I finished Tolstoy's 'War and Peace.' Overall, I can see why it is a classic and still amazes me to think he wrote a book that big with the old way of dipping a pen in ink; I would have went half blind doing that!
  11. My main concern is for those who tested positive; I hope they are not too adversely affected health wise for both the short term and the long term. Hopefully when we do return to action it is as close to 100% as feasible.
  12. Tough situation with Ross. He has been brilliant this season,fits in with the rest of the squad like a glove,and would be a tremendous signing. To counter that though:Just how much will we be willing to pay?Will other teams who are in somewhat better financial standing swoop in? Will he be way overpriced? Very interesting to see how this unfolds.Would love him for him to come back and perform how he was. We shall see.
  13. Mings is a very good defender. Does he sometimes lose his head? Yes. However, I think his general play and how he goes about his business makes up for that and I'm glad he plays for us.
  14. Currently driving a 2018 Kia Optima LX. Kia had a bad rep when they first came to the States, but must say hats off to them as their cars have readily improved over the past decade or so. My car runs smooth with no issues so far, and has enough of the bells and whistles to satisfy me. Plan on driving it for at least another year or longer and then trade it in for the new Ford Bronco that comes out in a few months; by that point, the Bronco should be better priced and can definetely get the color I want as well.
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