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Big Salad

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Everything posted by Big Salad

  1. Well I've been sick since Saturday and still have a headache,nausea,etc.As I said earlier in the thread took the vaccine so truly hope its not COVID but got tested this morn anyway.We shall see. Hate being ill can't even hold down some ginger ale
  2. The police arrested my daughter claiming she had burnt our house down. But it was arson.
  3. Same here. I have never seen The Wizard of Oz either
  4. Big Salad


    Cheers pal. As I posted just before reading this, my nephew says he is not the only one this kid is bullying, so hopefully other kids say something or the administration takes notice and handles it quickly and prudently. As far as if my nephew and his mom knows this kid's parents not sure but good point indeed if they do would be easier to get to the bottom of things.
  5. Big Salad


    Cheers for the replies all. I just talked to him for a little bit before her got on the bus for school. I got from him that the person bullying him is in a couple grades higher and he is not the only one that this kid bullies. I asked him bluntly if this kid has pushed him or anything similar and he said so far it has only been name calling and laughing at him so thankful for that. However, I do realize it can eventually get to the physical aspect if this doesn't get taken care of ASAP. I told him that if it happens again go straight to the principal to report it. I feel somewhat confident that he will do this, but we shall see. Lastly, his mom has banned him from using any Facebook for awhile(Granted at ten years old should not really have it to begin with but that's another story). He is a good kid and would give you the shirt off his back, hopefully he doesn't let them affect him in the short and long term.
  6. Big Salad


    Was informed shortly ago that my young nephew(10 years old) has been getting bullied at school and came home to my sister-n-law today in tears about it. I haven't gotten a chance to go by their house and see him yet, but intend to. Just wanted to get yall's thoughts on bullying in general and why it seems, from my perspective at least, to be more prevalent in today's society than it used to be?. I know social media has a lot to do with it especially how easy cyber bullying can be done, along with how if you don't have the newest clothes, etc you get poked fun at. Any tips on how to mitigate bullying as it were in today's world? Any good advice or tips I can give my nephew to help deal with bullies? I was lucky when I was younger to not be bullied, but I saw it some and tried to intervene when I could. I despise bullying and all that it entails. Cheers all.
  7. Never drunk a belly shot out of a gorgeous woman's navel
  8. Almost 50 damn shots over two games against these and only 2 goals? Ridiculous. Have to take your chances,really bad points to lose.
  9. We need to start to show some fire again,pretty lackadaisical right now
  10. Burnley are some straight dirty **** and ref doing his Stevie Wonder impression☹
  11. The irritating and sad thing to me is that here in the States or rather just North Carolina in general,people still are not taking Covid as seriously as they should:Refusing to wear a mask,not social distancing,thinking the whole thing is a joke or what have you,etc. I get that no one 'likes' the government or those in power essentially telling them what to do,dictating their lives,messing with their careers,etc.However,with how Covid does not seem to be going away anytime relatively soon,just do the basics:Wear a mask,wash your hands,etc. Your not a badass because you refuse to wear a mask or you like sticking it to the man. To be blunt you are just plain inconsiderate of others. The longer people turn their noses up at Covid the longer a return to normality will be.
  12. Right now only plan is to go to Disney World in a few months. A friend from college recently moved to Seville and would love to go see him at some point this year,have read great place for tourists.
  13. A big clapping of hands from me.It really normalizes gambling as it were for impressionable young children who even though youth shirts don't have the said sponsor on them,they still see all the advertising during games or on the tv,etc. Never really been much of a gambler myself(Most I will do is some scratch off lottery tickets). This is something that should have been done a long time ago imho.
  14. Very nice addition for a good price.Also entered into the contest to win his signed shirt.
  15. Unfortunately, I am supposed to be in a staff meeting right when this one kicks off but plan on just saying I have the trots to get out of it Let's take care of business boys. UTV
  16. My girlfriend said the cat needed to be chipped. I only had a 9 iron, but I still got it over the shed.
  17. I always seem late to the game lol when it comes to great shows. Anyway, started watching Boardwalk Empire this past Friday and will finish it this morning. Great show and Steve Buscemi and really the entire cast are fantastic.
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