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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. We're going to be very hard to beat now. How many shots have we conceded? Ze Germans had 9 no-one else has looked remotely like scoring apart from the Pickford moment today.
  2. They're not as you say shit. One won us a lot of points and got double figures in goals. 11 in 17 games (all comps) worth of minutes. and the other helped his fullback solidify the right hand side. Traore is a maverick but it's no accident we were easier to attack against from his side.
  3. Top 1: Aston Villa. League Cup : Aston Villa FA Cup: yep scumchester United. only joking Aston Villa. Seriously though we're doing the treble. Really.
  4. Villa assistant manager John Terry.... Uh oh.
  5. If he confirms we're not signing him. In fact the whole of VT is hoping he says "no Messi for us" then we'll all end up...
  6. The hues used are immaculate. Imagine that shirt without the sponsor.
  7. Kin hell my wrists and palms hurt.
  8. I'd keep Nakamba unless we get a better replacement. If Luiz doesn't sign a new contract then I'd be up for selling him. I'm a big fan of his but as you say we can't be sentimental especially with players in the last two years of contracts. Luiz is a good passer and from project restart up until the covid breakout at the club he was our second best player after Jack. Since January his overall level has been average. But he's good at making interceptions and those sneaky little tackles by nicking the ball away. Currently we can get 30-35m for him imo. Naturally I want him to stay. AEG is the one though that I'd keep regardless. He's a goal scorer and you don't give them up, to get a player with similar output would cost us an arm and a leg. IMO. With all three there's no guarantee we'd get better replacements.
  9. That's why he'll never be as good as Maradona. Maradona won the league with Napoli. And when Italy played Argentina in Napoli the Italians (Neapolitans) cheered Argentina. It was crazy to see. If Messi wants to be better than Maradona take the pay cut ,come to Villa and fire us to the title.
  10. I can think of one million reasons per week.
  11. She has really good balance and definitely an eye for goal. We should be buying American players too no? Are they and Sweden not the best in women's football? Do more women attend women's football matches or men? It'll definitely be interesting to see what the split is there.
  12. Oh man it means it's not real.
  13. Pay his wages as a transfer fee? Get him in!!!
  14. There was talk of him actually being more gifted than Jack. I saw him play a few times and he looked mint. Saka and Jack have a very good connection on the pitch.
  15. Ideally we'd have around 20k waiting list maybe around 25k before any expansion is done. Naturally not all of the waiting list will take up season tickets. Scumchester United has a waiting list of around 100k ish. Arsenal is around 45k. Liverscum 25k, Spuds around 80k, couldn't find info on Man City and Chelsea. However it's fantastic that we have a waiting list. I'd love to see it grow. For direct comparison Everton have a waiting list of 17k. And they've had years to build that. We're definitely heading in the right direction.
  16. The Czechs are physically strong and fit and are very good technically. Tactically they're good too. However to beat England you need all that and real speed up front. I don't think they have that speed. But they're a dangerous and very good side. The only two teams I feared were France and The Netherlands because of their speed up front. However . I said it before the tournament started the Germans won't be no trouble for anybody but with Hansi Flick they're going to be amongst the favourites in future tournaments. Again. Spain are looking interesting but I believe that Italy will beat them. Belgium have been unimpressive as usual in a big tournament. Meaning everyone thinks they're going to be good but they haven't really justified the hype. England Italy final for me. IF England dont get complacent. The final will be about who can deal with the occasion and pressure.
  17. Everton will be hard to beat with Rafa. They'll be solid if unspectacular.
  18. The new format of the site next to your avatar. But I'll take the fish pun joke too. Obviously.
  19. I've just realised the games are played at Bescot.
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