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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. We're so good we'll win the trophies we haven't even entered.
  2. One of my favourite stadiums is croke park. I love how the 3 sides of the ground are one then the single stand on it's own. If Villa park was like that I'd have the Holte end as the stand alone stand. Imagine the current Holte with another tier on top but as a single tier stand. Do it do it do it do it do it do it.....
  3. How many days off sick have you had due to chafing related injuries........ RSI is it.....
  4. Welcome to Aston Villa. I'm Aston Villa's greatest ever fan and I'm willing to help her with getting to know all about Aston Villa, the surrounding area and of course the Costa del sol of the west midlands Walsall.
  5. I actually think Ukraine will be England's hardest game before the final. Simply as it's in Rome and not Wembley. However I am fully expecting England to win barring any emotional come down or complacency.
  6. I have to disagree with you on this point. The England team has some of the best players in the World. On paper man for man I'd say we have amongst the top 4 squads in the tournament. France, Italy and Spain being the other 3. FWIW I'd put the Germans around 7/8 in terms of squad strength. What the point I was making is that even when Ze Germans, Brazil, Italy etc have poor squads they go into tournaments expecting victory. I'm expecting an England win this year. The world cup will be harder because of logistics but we'll go far there too.
  7. Jack's going to up another level next season. He needs to be prolific in terms of goals too. If Jack gets his usual amount of assists and he can get to 15 goals we'll be up there. Difficult target but this an Elite World Class player
  8. The one thing I don't like about yesterday's win over Germany is the ott reaction. It's an average German team yet had they won they would have shrugged their shoulders and moved on. We're going to be hearing about this win 20 years down the line and in the meantime Germany will have won another world cup and another Euros whilst we'll be on about more heroic failures. I hope that the emotions invested in this game don't bite them in the jacksie.
  9. Thankfully that's him done the dirty fecker. Even if he didn't quit he would have been sacked after one win in 7 tournament games.
  10. The pass to Shaw meant he didn't need to break stride and could whip in the cross perfectly for the opener. If the pass is slightly under or over hit England dont score because the cross wouldn't have been possible at the angle which allowed sterling to score. Genius.
  11. On a serious note it would have been ugly for Germany if England played with Dean Smith's pre covid outbreak at Villa tactics.
  12. Can we stop it with the £100m price especially on here. That doesn't even get you a second to cup his left bollock!
  13. I want all out attack but because of the season gone I think stinking your way through will win the tournament this year.
  14. Best defence is going to win this tournament.
  15. He forgot to stick a finger up his arse then his and eat it.
  16. Time for some German Donner in Moseley , might be a bit salty though!
  17. And Jack Grealish is Elite World Class. Tell all your mates.
  18. Told you all Germany lack strikers. Only problem now is they've got Hansi Flick coming in. They're going to be incredibly ruthless again. Next tournament onwards. Gulp.
  19. Kiwivillain when he comes on this thread next:
  20. Think the white kit screams Burnley or Wet Spam to me. The black kit is hmmmmm lovely. Can you have a look at how the yellow streaks and collar would look with our claret and or blue?
  21. His replacement Franco Armani conceded. So Franco couldn't keep an Emi Martinez.
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