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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. So no transfer rumours then in the transfer rumours thread.
  2. I don't think Villa would be mid table if he was in our side. Even if he's aged 50. Lol
  3. But then.. booooo! The comments below this tweet and realistic beliefs that he'll come are hilarious. Or we'd attempt to.
  4. Afford him can't. Or something like that.
  5. Spain have actually played better than I thought they would. They really can pin you back. And with Kane dropping deep they're not likely to let you have an out ball too. Italy are very good but I believe that England can beat them. Hopefully no complacency tonight.
  6. Worst games in Villa's history? The ones we've lost.
  7. He'd make it from endorsements. AND he gets to see Jack's calves in training everyday and play on the same pitch as him.
  8. The trash talking to Mina is from when he flattened Emi in the game between us and Everton. Mina has always been a knob. Emi actually said you're shitting yourself and then said you're crap. It's all over twatter
  9. El- Gato yet again confirming his world class status. If Messi remembers why he started playing football take a massive pay cut and lead us to the title. Like the greatest ever from Argentina did for Napoli. I'm sure bonuses etc can accommodate him.
  10. After watching every game in the tournament I think England would have struggled more against Spain than Italy. This is because of how Spain deprive you of the ball. They dominated Italy last night even though Italy came back in to it especially on the counter. I think England have a better chance against Italy because they won't control the ball like Spain do. Italy might have more possession than England but not like Spain would have. Spain like Germany are lacking a top class striker.
  11. I need to go slap myself. How could I forget Tyrone.
  12. I won't be surprised if Jack starts one of the final two games.
  13. Two of our boys in the semis and have played a massive part.
  14. Kamara or Kepheren Thuram would be my picks for CDM. I may have said this once or twice before lol. Edit - can someone have a look at his fbref thingy and see if it's good or not?. Thuram that is.
  15. You can't go wrong with my historic home town of Walsall. Often confused with Monaco. If you don't eat from Charlie's Chicken on matchday and live through the experience you haven't lived life. I'd go for their two piece chicken and chips - extra sweat coating is mandatory. You have to take a bus ride through chelmsley wood to see the sights with your villa shirt on. By the time anyone realises that you're a Villa fan they'll probably fall over from all the drugs and booze in a pool of their own vomit. Dingle country is an interesting experience as they have delusions of grandeur but in reality they're just a bunch of mugs. on a serious note if you're here for a week or two. You have to see the lakes. The lake District is incredible. If you like nature that is.
  16. So another 'Emi' for El-Gato. Hey Leo you want some of the Emi action bring it on princess.
  17. This is tournament football. You have to be pragmatic and grind your way through but you will have one or two results/performances that are exceptional. I want Jack to lead England to victory but as 'neutral' people will be praising Southgate and you can't argue with that. He's getting the job done.
  18. What I will say I hope Tyrone and Jack take back to Villa what they've learned from this and how we can be harder to beat next season too.
  19. I'm talking about the tournament as a whole. But thanks for letting me know. I didn't know that. The point I'm making is too many people are not giving England the credit they deserve.
  20. England have the one thing Italy don't like - pace. And I think we can defend as well as them especially as a unit. Spinazzola will be a huge miss for them.
  21. All this "weaker side of the draw" is horseshit. Most of these team's players play in the top 5 leagues. The organisation and skill on show in this tournament has been very good. I still think Germany's central midfield is probably the best but they had a weak defence and too many wingers and AM's not enough strikers. England have been good and in one or two games very good. But in each game England's defence has been brilliant. Whether it's our own Tyrone or Slabhead we've defended the best along with Italy imo. Switzerland beat France because they deserved to. It wasn't a backs to the wall hanging on job they outplayed and out thought them. Which is the point I'm making. The 'weaker' teams are alot closer. Excellent tournament so far. Hopefully Jack with the 99th minute winner in the final.
  22. Can't discount Spain though. They're the best passers of the ball. Keep it really well. If they play with Gerard Moreno instead of Morata I think they'll have a better chance. However I can't see England losing to either Italy or Spain.
  23. One variable -The Wembley factor. I think it's finally coming home.
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