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Everything posted by A'Villan

  1. Pep talking down City's CL ambitions, saying they aren't ready for the latter stages of the competition. Their XI has to be as strong as the Real XI that started vs Ajax.
  2. Recruitment is a a notable part of the assistant manager role. If I were to have to guess that's what he would be doing at a Chelsea youth match.
  3. I hope Smith is here come August next season. We gave Bruce a chance after he had us in 13th with the same amount of time.
  4. Had my appendix burst and turn gangrenous which nearly killed me (years ago). Scar is still visible above the two from my double hernia.
  5. Have a wedding this weekend. Pretty sure I'll drink, something I rarely do. Last time I had too much to drink (half decade ago) I woke up between a gay couple wearing a jumper as trousers. One of them had to make the comment, "I wonder if it was A'Villan's bum I had my dick in last night". Apparently I'd thrown a glass full at a woman I was speaking to as well (thankfully not the glass, just the liquid). I plan on leaving the ceremony in a dignified and respectable manner. Hopefully with some pleasant memories. So just a few.
  6. Drugs do not deal with the cause of the problem, they only reduce the symptoms. Not only this but the basis for which psychiatric drugs are prescribed, as a cure for a chemical imbalance, is a myth. Despite thousands of studies there is no direct evidence proving that theory. Medication works for 50-65% of those treated with it and to varying degrees in each case. There is a consensus that once medication ceases that a relapse is likely. The belief within the medical model is that illness has a physical and organic cause. However, failure to find convincing physical or biological causes throws the validity of the medical model into question. As the medical model is focused on these physical causes it largely ignores environmental or psychological causes. It was only a decade ago that psychiatrist Norman Doidge published his book 'The Brain That Changes Itself' (a very worthwhile read). This shares with us the knowledge that the brain is not hardwired as we thought and that phenomenal stories of recovery and improvement are being made. It however requires us to reconsider old doctrines and dogma. @dubbs Like others have said, talking to a professional is a really good idea. It gets the ball rolling with addressing concerns. It can and should also be a source for you to consider or revisit the lifestyle you want to live. An outlet for you to vent but also bounce ideas back and forth. Who wouldn't benefit from that? My advice though is to remember that a clinical setting and observation (no matter how perceptive) from a professional doesn't allow for infallible judgements to be made. Take what serves you and leave what doesn't.
  7. You're human. Going to bed at 8pm so you have some time to yourself, even if it's spent sleeping, is a healthy reaction to the feelings that you've described, in my opinion. Seems like you could use some time for yourself. Doing things that serve a purpose for you. What's your work-life balance like? Working hard so you have a place for shelter to call home can be time consuming and stressful, but is also very necessary. I hope you find some respite in your work soon. I know psychiatrists who openly admit to the medical model being flawed. I know of psychiatrists who are dedicating their life work to researching a better way. I personally don't accept pathological diagnosis as a given. It is fallible and flawed, just like the people who are responsible for the practice. 'Temet nosce' is Latin for 'know thyself'. I would recommend you invest time in processing what's going on for you and what is causing you to feel as you are. Finding people who can help and assist you with that is just as important.
  8. I know four property developers and all of them are rolling in it. Three of them own their own property worth multi-millions in Melbourne's most affluent suburbs. Two of them started out as carpenters, became builders and then invested their savings in property development. I worked for one as a carpenters apprentice. The plan for a brief while was to become a builder. If I had got myself qualified instead of working as a labourer for years then I might have continued working on site.
  9. @Demitri_C You are not alone in noticing that corporate media often has an agenda and is selective in what it will report. Editorial independence is not a given. For anyone who is interested (previously posted), an NBC reporter of 30 years outlines that as the very reason for his resignation in this article and letter: https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/reporter-quits-nbc-citing-networks-support-for-endless-war-7d1ca15cd2fc However, as for the meme that you posted, don't you think that it's a bit extreme to label 'the left' in such a simplistic way? I don't see what the insinuation of the meme has to do with social equality or concern for someone perceived as being at a disadvantage. 'Young Muslim girl being forgiven on account of her naivety and race, and a senior white man being persecuted on account of his foolishness and race.' A poor attempt at propaganda. from the beguiler who would lead others astray, intended for the ignorant. Not really a banner for the left. The hypocrisy that the meme suggests is without doubt present in the 'right wing' too. If it wasn't such a sad state of affairs it might be ironic.
  10. Watched Green Book on Monday. Enjoyable film, would recommend. Based on the true story and friendship of Dr. Don Shirley and Tony Lip. Shirley is an African-American musician who is about to embark on a concert tour of the Deep South in 1962. Shirley needs a driver and protection and so he hires Tony Lip. Lip is an Italian-American bouncer from the Bronx. Despite their differences the two men bond unexpectedly while confronting racism and danger in an era of segregation. The two men remained friends until dying within months of each other in 2013.
  11. Tragic, ain't it? There is so much animosity in the world. The system is adversarial. 'Might is right' is a universally recognised philosophy. Yet civilisation was based on creation. We focus on judgment, condemnation, and punishment. Restitution, compromise, and forgiveness are not principles we see from a systemic POV. It's to our own detriment, as any system we employ to govern the complexities of life will ultimately fail as long as that system fails to acknowledge human nature.
  12. We need a poster done at work and I opened my big mouth and told them that I used to be a graffiti muralist and have done tattoo designs. 'Typography was my specialty' I said. They told me they would 'love' for me to be responsible for it and now I have landed myself the role. I haven't picked up a pencil in 5 or so years. At least I'll be remunerated and it's a bit of fun but surely going to be a bit rusty. Anyway, here's one I like from Schmetzer:
  13. Brother came back from a stay in the states last month. Brought me back some pop tarts to try. Possibly the most underwhelming sweet I have ever tried. I don't understand why they'd be a thing. In other news. I'm heading off to basketball and will tuck in to a meal from KFC on the way. Can't go past a zinger box for $11.
  14. Slightly embarrassing. Jokes on me but I enjoyed it all the same. Probably some feedback I can learn from though. At over 1000 posts and the length of each, I might've written a bloody doctoral thesis. Thank goodness I don't frequent facebook or the youtube comment section too.
  15. Thanks @lapal_fan. For making me crack a smile first and foremost. It's taught me a lot. Especially about belief and inner dialogue. I don't need you to feel sorry for me, if I was to feel sorry for myself, that might become a hindrance.
  16. You know it. It was love heart emoji's and 'all good' in private. In public I was a mansplaining white man who does not know my history or my own heart. She was so caught up in her racist dogma that she couldn't see the forest for the trees. Accused me of mansplaining whilst she was the one condescending me at every opportunity. I like her, I like her a lot. She's a fighter and a good one. She just needs to cut the racist shit and she could be a leader.
  17. Wasn't going to post this and to be honest I don't know why I am now. True to form, this one's lengthy. I guess I am in admiration of the other forum members who have allowed themselves to be vulnerable enough to share their story, that takes courage. Some of you may be aware that I work at a mental health clinic as an advisory board member. The clinic employs psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, social workers, vocational consultants, AOD counselors and so on. We work closely with the major public hospitals in Melbourne as well as psychiatric wards. So I have some experience in mental health because of the role that I have at the clinic. However my experience and expertise (some of you may scoff at 'expertise' once you read the following) is not from working at the clinic, it's from lived experience. I have previously suffered from depression and anxiety. But they came, and they passed, and they came to pass. My most recent battle was the big one though. I was given the diagnosis of chronic paranoid schizophrenia. When a girl I was seeing at the time asked me if I was seeing a professional I didn't think much of it. By the time my family told me that they had booked an appointment with a psychiatrist, I knew what the diagnosis would be and wanted none of it. I told my family that I would do it for them, but that they would diagnose me with schizophrenia for sure. Usually a diagnosis of schizophrenia is given after 6 months of certain symptoms being displayed. The doctors took over 2 years to decide to diagnose me with it. There are positive and negative symptoms with schizophrenia. And it may not be what you think. Positive symptoms are the nasty buggers. Your hallucinations, delusions, racing thoughts etc. Negative symptoms consist of cognitive issues, apathy, lack of emotion. My advice, and this goes for everyone in life, be honest and tell it how you see it. Truth will set you free. Support and community are only as good as the people involved. There's little room for pride and ego when life has you pinned down to the ground and is pounding on you. Your life is on the line. It's been a long journey. Well worth it. I can safely say I am high functioning and healthy. I haven't had a truly s*** day in a long time.
  18. Thinking of getting my motorcycle license again. Dad has as original Ducati sitting in the garage at his place. He has no intention of selling it but doesn't ride anymore, had his other bike stolen. Best not let two good bikes go to waste!
  19. I don't often go on facebook, every few weeks. Last time around I made the mistake of chiming in on the comment section of a friend of mine who is an indigenous woman. She was making another post about white people. This one got under my skin and I questioned the truth of her claims (they were off the mark). She engaged the discussion and it became apparent it was not going to be productive. She accused me of mansplaining, a term I was unaware of. At that point I decided she was not going to see my POV, as she had also insinuated something about my lack of insight as I have never been on the receiving end. I told her I was firm on where I stood in regards to her post but was going to end the discussion due to it being her platform and not my place to air my views. Anyway, I wrote her a few days later to smooth over things as I very publicly scrutinised what she had said, she has a huge following. I told her that whilst I am not a person of colour and will never know her experience like she does, that I have had my own struggles. I told her I like to see all people for their talents, positives and potential and shared a story with her about another indigenous friend of mine. She was very receptive to all this. And it really occurred to me that she has some complex feelings about her place in this world. I don't blame her, recently Australia employs an envoy who is on record as saying the first fleet was 'good' for indigenous Australians. It's tragic. Which brings me to what I often wonder, and that is what's with all the animosity?
  20. Friday morning here and aside from a few errands to be seen to today, my weekend is underway. Tonight is basketball 'til sundown at 9pm, then maybe a few games of pool afterward. Saturday I will visit my Grandma early in the day and afterward I have loose plans for a date at the beach. Sunday volunteering at the homeless shelter from 11pm-7am. Might play futsal during the day.
  21. Got a free ticket to watch Vice this coming Monday.
  22. Worst. Not necessarily. People treat other people with disdain all the time without much thought. Regardless, the familiarity by itself is not the cause for his contempt, it's my inability to write with brevity.
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