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Everything posted by A'Villan

  1. A'Villan


    Think most do once it's dried!
  2. We're in agreement. However none of this addresses the specifics of any given game plan and is a general approach. It's all well and good for Smith to have a philosophy but it's the details of his tactics which will determine whether the football we produce is effective.
  3. I watched an extensive interview in which he addressed the need for a team to be able to play according to the demands of the fixture. He said that players must be able to play a number of ways as this adds to the repertoire of the team. I have heard him say in multiple interviews that he believes there is a certain way he wishes his teams to play and that is to be on the front foot taking the game to the opposition. That can manifest in a variety of ways, making use of any formation, tactics or player he chooses. I see his philosophy as rather loose as long as we are taking the game to the opposition. Can't see how he is 'hell bent' on any other principle.
  4. Would we have any chance of getting Dack in from Blackburn?
  5. Played a basketball tournament on Saturday, finished the round robin stage in first place, with myself as top scorer for my team. Went out in the first round of finals against the lowest seeded team. Subbed myself out of the game halfway through the finals match because I was shortest on my team and thought the added height might tip the momentum in our favour, in hindsight it was probably my 3pt game that might've gone some way to salvage the game, had I continued to be 'on'. Exactly the same result (with a completely different team) as my last tournament in December. Just hoping I can go that extra mile when the big tournament comes around next week. Also played Futsal for the first time in six weeks after the festive break, I scored three from over half way, and one where I gained possession in the defensive third and dribbled the field, rounded the keeper for a tap in, but also probably was responsible for playing passes that led to more goals for the opposition than I scored myself. We lost narrowly against a team that beat us by 10-15 goals on the first game of the season. So that is a small positive to take from a game we were leading in at HT and ended up losing. Saw my Yiayia today as well, she's always called me Levendi and done her best to ensure that I know what it means. Hope the route was scenic! I'm guessing the return journey was less inspired than on the way to.
  6. I can say the same for myself for the most part, although am admittedly reliant on reporting when I do miss a game (like Wigan). Math doesn't have to be done on paper, one can quite clearly observe one team having the lion's share of opportunity and possession, just like one can observe the concession of initiative. I must admit that I'm not as confident about the team achieving promotion now as I was a month ago and as I said earlier in another post, the hurdles and challenges of a promotion push will be ever present throughout the season, and won't just be defined by one very tough run of fixtures. As you say promotion will be a consequence of winning.
  7. A'Villan


    For the stoners, try to ensure you remain 'baked, not fried'.
  8. A'Villan


    I used to walk the streets of Melbourne CBD from 11pm to 5am on a weekend as part of the Salvation Army's 'Street Team', to assist the vulnerable and overly intoxicated and have to say those presenting as neurotic and drug affected were generally easier to deal with than those who have had too much to drink. Being one of the bigger members of the team I was usually if not always tasked with dealing with the physical side of things. Which meant holding up men who couldn't put two footsteps together without falling and hitting their heads. One time there was a fella who was bigger than me and as he sobered up, tried to strike me every minute or so, in the beginning it was hilarious because he was so drunk, his fist would literally turn to an open palm and caress my face on impact. As the minutes turned to hours he was much more difficult to deal with, fortunately the police came just as it became untenable. I've had to carry grown men who have pissed their pants and vomited on themselves for 50 meters because they were unconscious (police should never have tasked us with an unresponsive/unconscious person in the first place). It's bad enough trying to lift dead weight without the combination of piss and vomit involved. Oddly enough I've been told all sorts of curse words and where to go by drunks but whilst working with Street Teams never had this experience with those who are neurotic and/or dealing with a potential overdose from drugs. If anything the ones close to overdose knew they were in a bad way and wanted the assistance. I've probably been lucky in that regard, but this has been my experience. On the other hand, working at the homeless shelter, we have a nightmare of a time dealing with those who are a combination of drug affected and presenting with mental health issues. The place (the shelter) is ideally meant for those who need it to come in and have a place for respite. Food's readily served, blankets and pillows upon request, hot and cold drinks free of charge. As I said a place of respite, it has it's moments when it's quite homely. All it takes is one person suffering from you name it to start talking too loudly and incessantly or worse start jumping on tables running all about the place raving about their delusions or hallucinations and we've got hundreds of disgruntled community members to try and make peace with.
  9. A'Villan


    It's everywhere mate. Even in Melbourne where the quality is bad and the price higher than ones weekly rent. I have a few friends who run or manage some of the bigger nightclubs and festivals in Melbourne and I've never been out on a night with them without being offered some. Nightclubs were only briefly my scene but even in that time I've noticed it being everywhere. Even my basketball teams end of season celebration consisted of some lines in the bathroom. I don't know if any of them partook, but about a third of the team were also policemen. I can imagine being a driver you would have a good, if not the best, seat in the house to get some insight into the habits of the city. Everybody's got to get home at some point.
  10. We made a profit on Delph, on paper. If you consider the inflation of market value in the time between his signing and his sale than probably not. We made pittance either way.
  11. I'd do the math before telling anyone to wake up mate. We're still in the promotion push and a few weeks backs only Leeds had a better ppg ratio than us under Smith.
  12. Kodjia had 19 goals for us season before last, has had a torrid time with injury, has 6 goals and 4 assists this season. We could do worse as Tammy's replacement.
  13. Unsatisfied with my Jordan and Kobe reference in regards to Abraham missing big chances, I did some looking in to how the fellas leading the Premier League are going. Kane: 14 goals, 8 big chances missed. Salah: 13 goals, 11 big chances missed. Mitrovic: 8 goals, 6 big chances missed. Abraham has 16 goals, 9 big chances missed. Some of us are condemning of the chances he hasn't put away but it's the same story from the top to the bottom of the PL. From the reports that Wolves have the option to loan without buying would suggest Chelsea see him as a potential player for them one day, as well as strengthening a Wolves side that still has to play Man City, Liverpool, Arsenal and Man United and could potentially take points off their top four rivals. At 21 this is a player who has the world at his feet. I for one would have no issue with us making him a permanent signing at seasons end.
  14. This is a much better response than my post deserved. I had no issue with your other post, just the saying in bold. Just so that's clear. I see what you did there. Class as an expression of quality. I still don't like that saying but I see where you are coming from. All that you mention about complacency, reward, striving to be the best are decided by ones form not by ones class. But I guess what's clear is that it all depends on how you define something. I also know what you mean when you say we can go about things in a classy way without being morally bankrupt. Agree wholeheartedly there. I don't really hold grudges against words or even people for that matter, so none are really coming to mind as my absolute least favourite, I can't even think of another one that I dislike at the minute! The words and people that inspire me do stick though.
  15. My Grandpa might reach 100 and has not been diagnosed with anything, but these past few years have been torrid for him. My Grandma, in her 80's, has dementia, is generally always in a good mood. She can be a bit off-colour some days but she is always giggling and reciting poems in Greek. She is unaware to the legal battle that has divided our family. Interestingly enough she resists visits from some family members, as though her intuition is still intact, and probably a part of her memory in regards to them. But if you were to tell her that people are trying to take her house from her one day, she would not remember the next. My Grandpa has been torn by the conflict between his children. His health deteriorated exponentially as soon as it became apparent that amends would not be made. He just wanted so badly for everyone to get along. I try not to dive fully into the politics and specifics of the situation because this is thread is for 'In Sickness and In Health' posts, not the 'family drama' one. But the situation is akin to that part of the story in the LOTR when Theoden is possessed by Grima Wormtongue. Unfortunately there will be no resurrection of spirit from my Grandpa. He is too old and the legalities now involved mean it would take a wizard of some sort to bring him back. I remember one meeting at the hospital with one of my relatives sitting as his side, telling my brother and I what we could and couldn't say when our Grandpa asked us a question. Telling us that he didn't know what he was saying. Like we were unable to discern for ourselves. The questions my Grandpa was asking were all directed at finding the truth behind what was happening with the house, in an attempt to equip himself to make a judgement for himself. He has given up on bringing the family together again since then. He simply doesn't have it in him anymore. He refuses to see his wife and one of his children and I will leave it there. Some people will do anything for money. Even tear their own family apart through deception and taking advantage of fragility. In health we should cherish those who have come before us and paved the way for us to live, as best they could. So that when they are sick despite their ailments they are loved and cared for, just as they did for us. I see no reason for shame in wanting to be there when a loved one passes, or guilt in being afraid to have one of your loved ones go. I've got a few more stories that require less reading but I won't hog the thread, for now.
  16. A'Villan


    Apparently the only standout negative in Portugal has been a rise in overdoses. I'll chime in with my view when I have a bit more time to write.
  17. This was a fantastic read and gives me hope for the integrity, vision and intelligence of those in the media. Thanks for posting.
  18. Got home from watching 'Bohemian Rhapsody' at the cinema a few hours ago. First off, there are a few doppelgangers in this film. I also think the omission of Sascha Baren-Cohen was a good decision. While it wasn't my favourite film of all time, not even close, it was a worthwhile watch. Queen are infinitely brilliant, or 'fabulous, my love' (as Mercury might say). It was cool to get feedback from audience members that watched Live Aid as it happened and confirmed that Queen rocked it. A fitting end to the film.
  19. Benteke is contracted to Palace until August 2020. I don't see any incentive within our means to prise him away from them.
  20. It's interesting to note. CH has 5 goals, 6 assists. JM has 2 goals, 6 assists. JG has 2 goals, 4 assists. From the position they play, you would have thought the order reversed. Even Whelan has a goal and 2 assists, in two-thirds the playing time. BB has 2 goals in half the playing time. So it just goes to show every midfielder's getting forward. While I see what you are saying about McGinn surging forward, I think Lansbury is also quite able to pass and move with runs that are purposeful. This would also mean that McGinn can reserve energy for his tenacity in hustling our opponents out of possession, forcing errors and winning contests. I also think McGinn has a decent enough delivery on him to be the one playing passes from deep. Whereas GW, CH and BB lack this quality.
  21. He has missed 9 'major' chances according to one source I can't remember off the top of my head. More than most if not anyone in the Championship. You could view that as a condemning statistic. On the other hand you could view it as him putting himself in excellent positions to score. Michael Jordan missed 26 game winning shots in his career, he only made 25 game winning shots. He is also top 10 for total missed shots. Kobe Bryant is the all-time leader for missed shots in the NBA. This is in a sport that is much easier to score in than football. Yet we are talking about the greatest of all time in Jordan and arguably the 2nd behind him in Kobe. I bring up basketball as I'm not familiar with any football statistics in relation to the discussion, and feel like it still illustrates my point.
  22. One of my least favourite sayings. In every context that it is used. You're only as good as your last game in sport. If Jesse Owens had paid any attention to the eugenics movement in the U.S, then yes class might of remained permanent, and athleticism would be worse of for it. If Arnold Schwarzenegger had listened to his father who wanted him to remain in Austria and become a policemen like his father had been, sport also would have suffered. If Fred Hampton, MLK Jnr, Malcom X, Bobby Hutton had listened to the saying that class is permanent. Think of where we might be. Not even sorry to go off topic here, as, if you can't tell already, I hate that saying!
  23. I think Chelsea would be more concerned with selling to a Wolves side who still have to play City, Liverpool, Arsenal and Man Utd, therefore potentially taking valuable points from Chelsea's top four rivals, than Wolves would be concerned with preventing Villa from success. Wolves will view this deal as a means to push on to European placing this season.
  24. Agree for the most part. While I don't see HL displacing CH, I personally wouldn't mind seeing how HL goes in a setup like: GK Back Four McGinn RW Lansbury Grealish LW Abraham
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