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Everything posted by Rds1983

  1. Every three letter acronym has a multitude of meanings depending on the context. They're often potentially linked to which causes headaches.
  2. Data Privacy/Protection Notice. More formal way of saying the Privacy Policy and what they're called at work so is force of habit for me. It's also quicker to type.
  3. Of course and I can see the change about Google analytics.
  4. I'm curious how many People on the site have read the updated DPN or if I'm the only one?
  5. It also unnecessarily drives the meter up on the taxi by adding another few minutes to the journey.
  6. https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/advice/learning-to-drive/what-is-a-driving-test-fail/#:~:text=Driving too slowly also signals,never exceed the speed limit. "Driving too slowly also signals to the examiner that you aren’t aware of the speed limit, which could lead to a fail, so speed up if you’re lagging, but never exceed the speed limit." Somebody should probably tell the RAC.
  7. No preference to any brands (had budget and premium before). Size, the current TV is 32" but have room for a bigger TV so that'd be good. I wouldn't want anything too big though (like 60/70") as that'd be a jarring jump up. It's used for streamline TV. No gaming or anything and occasionally watching terrestrial (via apps) or trying to find a Villa game online. Budget isn't a massive issue if the TV is good value. I've not bought a TV in about 10 years (use a Firestick at the moment) so not sure how much they cost. I could go to £1,000/1,500 but that feels like overkill for what I need (does £500 get a decent TV that'll last a while?). No ideas about OLED or High Dev etc. Just want to upgrade the TV to something half decent, really, but technology has moved on massively since I last looked and I've no ideas where to start or what's worth having.
  8. Based on my original post. I wouldnt mind so much if people drove at 40 in a 60 zone if they didn't then drive at 40 in a 30 zone (this isn't safe and feels like they're then taking the piss). If they're driving under the speed limit for a reason then so be it. As annoying as it can be then I'll eventually overtake and will give them space (being right behind someone isn't good/safe).
  9. People that seemingly only ever drive at 40mph no matter the speed limit. Not sure which annoys me more, doing it in a 30 or 60 zone.
  10. I went for a walk at lunch and the wind was ridiculous in Chester. Had to pass by a big willow tree with branches/leaves almost to the floor and just as I go past the wind catches the branches and smack them into my face. Stupid wind.
  11. I'm thinking about getting a new smart TV in the upcoming sales (if there's any decent deals). Would appreciate any advice people can offer (threads not been bumped in 5 month's so not sure how upto date the above is).
  12. Low weight, high volume is a solid training routine. It provides a bit more (albeit minimal) of a cardio boost to help with weight loss too. Upping the weights as you go can be a good warmup and is potentially like pyramid sets depending how you do it. It's easier on the joints but I'd potentially recommend doing some lower reps/higher weight occasionally as that can help build strength. Talk it through with your trainer though. Definition comes with fat loss and is another reason diet is so important. If you want to work your core but don't like ab exercises (who does), then speak to your trainer about occasionally doing compound exercises (squat/bench/deadlift/overhead press, standing rows etc) with free weights as opposed to just machines. This will help with stabiliser muscles such as your core that machines can bypass and help build real world strength. Enjoying the journey is crucial so well done.
  13. Bizarre timing but just had the email come through confirming vouchers are available again. They've also upped it to £50 which is a very pleasant surprise.
  14. Glad to hear you're still at it and it's getting easier. The first week or so is always a bit tough on the recovery. Why it's good to drop the weights right back down again if you've had a break. Leave the ego at the door as you'll soon bounce right back. It's a marathon and not a sprint so the most important thing is just sticking with it and having consistency. Finding what works for you and you'll go back to again and again is crucial.
  15. @dubbs just finished my gym session bbefore setting off for work and thought I'd check in and see how your doing with your weight sessions? Warm downs working? Doms/joint pain easing up at all?
  16. I've been able to take my £30 in Amazon vouchers in the past. Hope that continues going forwards. I'd end up spending 3 or 4 times that getting a train and hotel if my team did do a night out.
  17. Wonder if the rumours of the 12 point deduction kicking in have galvanised them and created a siege mentality.
  18. I dont get why they even want to at that age. Put your feet up a bit, relax and enjoy the little time you have left.
  19. When Burnley go back down. If they keep Kompany and retain most of the young players they've bought then they should be good to bounce straight back up again. The walked the league last time and the youngsters are now more experienced. They can then further strengthen and build a team likely to stay up.
  20. I know. I can't believe he was valued at £97m at one point.
  21. It does appear to be easier to score goals in the German league than the English.
  22. Why would Bayern need to wear their away kit at home? I thought if there was a clash the home team always took precedent and the away team played in their 3rd kit.
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