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Everything posted by Rds1983

  1. If anyone dies of boredom from reading this would that count as manslaughter?
  2. This is the thing though. He hasn't lost his best mate. They're still really close. This is him dealing with a bully who is emotionally manipulating him and telling him he's not allowed to play with his best mate because she wants her to herself. That's not on and is very difficult for a 6 year old to understand.
  3. We've talked him through it a few times now and all is then fine for a while. But it's clearly an open wound/sensitive subject for him as just one comment set him right off again. I'd rather stop it from happening again then endlessly deal with it. He has quite a few kids he plays with but for whatever reason (call it kid logic) he says there not his friends (even if he plays with them every day). If I could get him not to play with this one girl and just avoid her that'd be great, problem solved. But unfortunately she's worked her way in to their group (none of the parents are keen on her) and there's not much you can do about it at school if the kid's choose to play with her.
  4. Tempting if I can convince him to go. His mates would give him stick for it so difficult.
  5. It's a weird one. He has absolutely zero interest in football and won't go to watch a game. He'll gladly reimburse me for taking his son. But at the same time he's been volunteering at the kid's football team for about 5 year's now and has become the assistant coach.
  6. The wife seems fond of him so I'd have to divorce her. I'll think about it and decide which is less painful.
  7. Random one and maybe not the best thread. My nephew (wife's brother's kid) has asked me to take him to a football game as his Dad has zero interest. He lives in Hinckley and is a Leicester fan (tried to make him support Villa but no luck) and ideally he wants to see them. To buy tickets for them though it appears I'd also need to buy fan membership for £35. I've got zero interest in doing that for Leicester. Tickets also appear to be scarce as their selling out most games (think they've reduced capacity to 32k). Anyone got any ideas how else I could get tickets for them or what else might be a decent option? I could try a Villa game but he isn't keen on that.
  8. They cast a Reed Richards in Multiverse of Madness with John Krasinski playing him. Why bother recasting if he's not done much yet.
  9. Wouldn't work. He'd know I was lying. His Mum is butt ugly and looks like a bird.
  10. Teachers were engaged previously and that's why it got better. Obviously wasn't a long term solution though. Shame as it's a great school apart from this.
  11. The best friend and her mum are fantastic. No complaints there. They've sent voice recordings over WhatsApp saying he's her best friend. The best friends mum is far from a fan of the other girl involved and doesn't let her go to her house.
  12. Seems to be okay and not a chav. But has raised two kid's who are emotionally manipulative so who knows.
  13. Looking for some advice. My 6 Yr old son doesn't have loads of friends but is best friends with a girl in his class. He was the only kid invited to her birthday. About Christmas last year a new girl moved to the area with her family and joined their class. At the time she tried to worm her way in with his best friend and split them up. She would tell lies or offer bribes (chocolate etc) to get them not to play together so that she could play with the other girl all alone. This died down as the year went on and she ended up becoming friends with both him and his best friend, but not as close as they are. He's come home from school all upset saying he has no friend's. Apparently the new girl's big brother has told him he's not allowed to play with his best friend and the nonsense has started up again. He's too young to understand and is getting upset. I've had enough as nothing has changed and I want to (calmly and politely) flag this to the girl's mum so that it's out in the open. Not in an aggressive or confrontational way or even blaming her. Just saying something is obviously going on and it'd be great to resolve it so that everyone can be friend's. My wife is telling me to stay out, that she'll sort it (she's said that since Christmas) and speaking to the Mum will only escalate things. This is bullying and emotional manipulation. I want this challenged and stopped. What do you guys think? Will speaking to the Mum make it worse?
  14. Every three letter acronym has a multitude of meanings depending on the context. They're often potentially linked to which causes headaches.
  15. Data Privacy/Protection Notice. More formal way of saying the Privacy Policy and what they're called at work so is force of habit for me. It's also quicker to type.
  16. Of course and I can see the change about Google analytics.
  17. I'm curious how many People on the site have read the updated DPN or if I'm the only one?
  18. It also unnecessarily drives the meter up on the taxi by adding another few minutes to the journey.
  19. https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/advice/learning-to-drive/what-is-a-driving-test-fail/#:~:text=Driving too slowly also signals,never exceed the speed limit. "Driving too slowly also signals to the examiner that you aren’t aware of the speed limit, which could lead to a fail, so speed up if you’re lagging, but never exceed the speed limit." Somebody should probably tell the RAC.
  20. No preference to any brands (had budget and premium before). Size, the current TV is 32" but have room for a bigger TV so that'd be good. I wouldn't want anything too big though (like 60/70") as that'd be a jarring jump up. It's used for streamline TV. No gaming or anything and occasionally watching terrestrial (via apps) or trying to find a Villa game online. Budget isn't a massive issue if the TV is good value. I've not bought a TV in about 10 years (use a Firestick at the moment) so not sure how much they cost. I could go to £1,000/1,500 but that feels like overkill for what I need (does £500 get a decent TV that'll last a while?). No ideas about OLED or High Dev etc. Just want to upgrade the TV to something half decent, really, but technology has moved on massively since I last looked and I've no ideas where to start or what's worth having.
  21. Based on my original post. I wouldnt mind so much if people drove at 40 in a 60 zone if they didn't then drive at 40 in a 30 zone (this isn't safe and feels like they're then taking the piss). If they're driving under the speed limit for a reason then so be it. As annoying as it can be then I'll eventually overtake and will give them space (being right behind someone isn't good/safe).
  22. People that seemingly only ever drive at 40mph no matter the speed limit. Not sure which annoys me more, doing it in a 30 or 60 zone.
  23. I went for a walk at lunch and the wind was ridiculous in Chester. Had to pass by a big willow tree with branches/leaves almost to the floor and just as I go past the wind catches the branches and smack them into my face. Stupid wind.
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