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Everything posted by Rds1983

  1. I used to work with someone who instead of walking 50 feet to the McDonald's next door would get in their car to use the drive through.
  2. If I'd have messaged my Dad that all I would have received in response would have been a thumbs up.
  3. Have you got a link for the 1977 one? I've been struggling to find the full version available anywhere.
  4. I'm counting down the days until my sons old enough to watch these. I've already read the Hobbit (graphic novel version) to him and he loved it. Not quite ready for the violence/scares and definitely not ready for a 3 hour film.
  5. Loved those films and Kate Beckinsale is great in them. Always annoyed me how they developed the characters in the later films though, especially the hybrid character (Michael?).
  6. It grew on me as it went along. Not convinced by the new companion though, didn't seem to be a brilliant actress but hopefully grows with the role.
  7. Not paid much attention to Leeds recently so never heard of him before. What an absolutely fantastic name. Sounds like a random football manager regen.
  8. Talking about keto and spelling mistakes. I think @Demitri_Chas hacked your account.
  9. Probably my favourite type of wine. Devoured a really good Burgundy with lunch and now sipping a vintage port.
  10. Ghosts Christmas special/final episode and a new Dr Who to look forwards to.
  11. Their jawline slopes backwards and isn't a chin apparently. Same with gorillas.
  12. Sleeping off ridiculous amounts of Christmas Dinner on the sofa, when the wife mentions doing the cheeseboard.
  13. Currently cooking Christmas dinner. And by that I mean I'm hiding in the kitchen whilst my wife is dealing with a hyper 6 year old in the living room. I'm drinking nice wine, listening to music and reading Villatalk while actually doing some cooking once every 10 minutes or so.
  14. Rds1983

    Do you read?

    Gift from the wife. Can't wait to read this as thought I'd never read a Pratchett for the first time ever again.
  15. The wife chose this one to unwrap presents to.
  16. A gift from the 6 year old.
  17. Humans are the only animals to have a chin.
  18. Expensive bread from sainsbury's instead seeing as it's Christmas.
  19. Great film, but the lad's watched it 4 times this December already.
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