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Mark Albrighton

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Everything posted by Mark Albrighton

  1. So basically you'd like to know where all the skeletons are kept? How many bodies lost at sea, only a few skeletons in the South Pole etc. Got me wondering about it now.
  2. Been on the wind up about his wages I see. He really is trying his best to go down as the worst signing Villa made. He is of course completely within his right to answer back to his detractors on Twitter, they're welcome to each other. I just can't believe I would be on twitter if I was a footballer. Don't see the appeal. It reminds me of Peter Mannion in The Thick Of It complaining about his new blog he's been forced to have. "This is the shit room! You've opened the shit room door!"
  3. From what I've read it must have been a horrible experience, thankfully it looks like none of his family were hurt.
  4. Nick Love has got to be one of the worst directors ever. And I ain't muggin' you off neither, you muppet.
  5. There is nothing but tender love that radiates from within my gimp outfit, my sweet.
  6. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I think you'll agree that today has been very emotional, even the cake's in tiers." Terrible opening joke but I've seen it done at a wedding reception and it got a big laugh. Could have been the volume of prosecco consumed.
  7. Just watched the debut by Ridley Scott "The Duellists" for the first time. Basically Keith Carradine & Harvey Keitel fighting each other throughout the Napoleonic wars. Very authentic feeling film made even more interesting that it's based on a true story.
  8. It's been over ten years since Frasier ended and I still maintain a slight hope that I could be the love interest they never properly found for Roz in the series.
  9. Haha yeah, that quote is directly from Wernham Hogg, isn't it. I just don't remember him being like that at Swansea.
  10. Those Brenton quotes are great, I think he felt making statements like that appealed to the Liverpool fans, making it sound like the job was the biggest in the world. To be fair, that plane metaphor isn't too bad really. The others are truly cringeworthy. The 11 men v 10 men and a goal keeper is just bizarre.
  11. Still in my infancy here on VT so I'm being careful with my likes so I don't appear too loose and make everyone here think I'm easy. Plus I've accidentally hit "like" on a post and was too cowardly to retract it. Just on the Frasier front- Roz Doyle >>>>>>>>> Daphne Moon
  12. Stephen Graham played Billy Bremner in "The Damned United", he was also in "Tinker Tailor....". I also saw him in "Parade's End". But you're right Villa4europe, looking at his imdb he should be in a lot more things, terrific actor. sorry, I missed that you said "Tinker, Tailor..".
  13. Stephen Graham being brilliant in the final "This is England '90".
  14. In my experience, I find that any changes in myself have occurred naturally with age. Comparing myself with how I was when I was 22, I'm 10 years older, have a lot less hair and am still maintaining my robust doughy physique, but I'm a lot more confident in myself. Negative experiences have given me a slightly more toughened stance, a little bit more bullet proof. This occasionally comes across as confidence and as such women seem more receptive to it. Having said all that, I am single with nothing on the horizon and if I met someone i really liked I will inevitably find an entirely new way to mess things up.
  15. Released exactly 20 years (and 1 day) ago. First album I ever bought. Feeling old.
  16. It's gonna be Klopp, cos it's similar to "Kop". This is their year, I'm tellin' ya.
  17. I'm obviously not happy with how it's gone and can understand the thinking in wanting him gone. The biggest disappointment for me is how quickly he appears to have lost his belief, his Tigger-like personality is currently more like Lambert's Eeyore. It's an interesting and worrying thought about losing the players. A number of the signings seemed to point out that it was the enthusiasm and belief Sherwood has that persuaded them to join (or words to that affect). I'm hopeful this international break has come at a convenient time for the club to look at where we find ourselves in and do what we can to correct the situation. Whatever that might be.
  18. Genuine question, those who want Sherwood gone, how many points would it take to from the next five daunting games (Chelsea, Swansea, Spurs, Man City and Everton) to give him a stay of execution? 6 or 7 points? Or are you past that and of the opinion that we could get 5 decent results and you'd still want him gone?
  19. It did. The beach scene in particular was troubling.
  20. I guess we've seen the last of that 'BFG' style advert, "make them giants". O2 must be pissed off.
  21. Watched "under the skin" last night. Good watch, but very distressing and unsettling in places. Also, fair play to Film Four for showing the whole film without ad breaks.
  22. To be fair the warning signs were there recently, the grim reaper making an appearance.....
  23. I already know what will happen against Chelsea. He'll start Gil and he won't have a great game by his standards (but will still be a damn sight better than what we're currently used to). Then he'll demoted to the bench from whence he came. And Chelsea will win 4-0.
  24. Showing them that you're a good guy but appearing not to be that fussed towards them romantically seems to be the general idea. Easier said than done if you really like them though.
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