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Everything posted by villakram

  1. As bad as the Russians are, please remember that during the 20-30 yrs it took England to more or less sort out it's very own hooligan problem, Russian society took a detour to hell and back. Hence, we should cut them a little slack if they're still having issues now. Especially, given the large homegrown French contingent who appear to have been politely ignored while those nasty Brits/Russians are denigrated.
  2. watching the Ireland game yesterday, got talking to the barman... he'd worked in that club a few years back and personally knew 4 of the dead in addition to sorta a few more. Small, shitty little world!
  3. Nail-head. This is just a really tricky thing to write online as it can be all too trivially re/mis-interpreted as being a snobby know it all elitist who is out of touch or some such other waffle. I was motivated to write that by the "just my opinion" line from @mjmooney earlier. Some things are so clear that one's special snowflake opinion does not matter a jot. You are wrong! That we as a society, all too often, have to cast such clearcut things as basic human decency/rights as a lowly "my opinion" is a sad state of affairs.
  4. If leave wins, how long before (i) the scots leg it? (ii) will the welsh also get antsy, and (iii) wonder what this means for NI/RoI longer term.
  5. In modern society all opinions are valid. How exactly we arrived at this ridiculous state of affairs is not anywhere near as clear.
  6. Could be the wake up call Belgium need. Makes things potentially uber tricky for us... some internal fighting would be nice.
  7. We'll be issued mandatory AR-15s with our SSNs soon...
  8. Word is this charming individual may have taken a sojurn or two to that most enlightened of countries Saudi Whabia in recent years. I can't say how disgusted I am to read that a member of these boards equates ones sexual orientation with drinking alcohol. Go have a serious think for yourself, if you are actually capable of individual thought that is
  9. John O'Shea's inability to sort his feet out was as bad in my book... Clark was screwed by being flat footed when Zlatan shuffled down the line. This is either because he's a bit rubbish or that Zlatan fella is a bit nifty/shifty.
  10. fox news spent the day being mad at Obama for not explicitly naming Islamic terrorism in his speech. They'll have no problem getting around the LGBT issues they have... and remember, automatic assault rifles are hunting tools
  11. With the exception of the idiot from Texas referenced above, there's been a comfortingly normal reaction to this so far even from those on the right who can be stereo-typed against this. Shocking comments from the shooters dad... though, he's probably not thinking all too clearly right now!
  12. Poor old NI, at least they're trying hard... still nowhere near our lot from the 2012 edition.
  13. The local soccer club here in USAland has a junior supporters club called the the little hooligans... wtf. Pretty clear that the French policing has left an awful lot to be desired.
  14. Rooney slows everything down and ruins the flow of the team. His passes are consistently behind or right at a player when it should be played into stride. Very unlucky overall, but if you do the whole let's all camp in our box like Villa thing, well... As long as Hodgson doesn't panic, things should be ok... but if Wales take the lead. Ah, Ingurlund, never let me down
  15. That's a global neo-lib thing though. US wages are in the same place too... Thatcher & Regan.
  16. going and Brock vs Hunt is the cherry... woot woot
  17. Boxing blah... the courage to stand up for one's beliefs, simply incredible!
  18. Wenger's van Persie or one final failure...
  19. I've a conference in Istanbul in August and in addition to having to sign a waiver, I also have to submit a security plan to a committee to approve... 'cause of the turrurists, jeez!
  20. villakram


    I think it came out in some of the recent IAAF stuff, that the Jamaicans were not doing any testing whatsoever prior to Beijing. It may not have been officially mandated (or at least no one was stupid enough to put anything on record), but it's an open invitation/hint to go get us some medals kids.
  21. villakram


    I've read enough public body building and cycling forums to know that drug use is easy and pervasive... who knows what happens in private! The science says that catching people really amounts to little more than an intelligence test, i.e., follow the protocol correctly and you won't get caught. All pretty depressing really.
  22. very poor pinky finger form... RDM out!
  23. Good appointment if/when confirmed!
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