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Everything posted by villakram

  1. remain probability at 0% per Chris Henretty, oh boy https://t.co/BLmGa7FN4a
  2. yay... a little market chaos now too, jump ******s!
  3. Early results being pretty much ignored on the US "news" networks, which I find a tad surprising. Good ol' beeb to the rescue.
  4. This post should be emphasized so much. Pretty much every country in the EU is doing the same as it was since prior to the wars. The med nations have always been inflating away like mad, but it works, sort of. The Germans like being German and the Brits the same. Some nations like Ireland got the leg up that was required after 50 yrs with minimal economic development. Same can be said of Greece, Portugal and I bet it's what's hoped by most of the Eastern nations that applied too. One should also remember that the fantastic economic growth of the UK is predicated on the Financial economy, whereas Ireland for example is dominated by foreign mega-corps. So, when huge economic growth is pointed to that clearly demonstrates that the UK doesn't need the EU and is in fact being held back by it... well sure if you look at the top line numbers, but the numbers related to the real lives of UK/Irish/Germans are pretty much all the same, i.e., stagnant or decreasing. Now back to those 2 wars... EU.
  5. Richards has a very low football IQ, but much as we see with political debates and such, he is clearly one of those people who is not aware of this. Such a pity that he is so athletically gifted, but he should have been drummed out of top level football a long time ago. The more important point here is the number of managers who simply see a beastly guy and think yup, he'll do. Works wonders all the way from u10s to the senior team. A truly integrated footballing structure.
  6. HIs inability to pass the ball in the premier league will still be an inability to pass the ball in the champo. This does matter as opposed to the romantic notions of a Tuesday night in Sheffield, the technical standard of football there is ok and I'd be surprised to see us make a promotion charge with Sanchez being Sanchez.
  7. That was simply brilliant, and made all the better by just losing all hope after Holohan missed that glorious chance seconds earlier... wow
  8. The Croatian winner took a nasty assed deflection. I'm a bit sad seeing De Gea and Guzan in the same sentence. He looked very ordinary last night and frankly a lot like Paddy Kenny... hit the gym Brad.
  9. This... perfect ending would be the white walkers killing every last person and then just end at the implied meaningless of existence thereafter. Nobody ever discusses the persecution of bad guys in modern society.
  10. It's not at all clear what point you are trying to make. You seem to be debating in a style that is taught in ridiculous college debates. Focus on a single point that was made and is open to interpretation and then attack or otherwise disparage the credibility of the person or group who made the point, while of course making no actual point of your own. The biggest warmonger in the EU is the UK, followed by France (distanced due to Iraq), but as these are typically colonial wars against brown people... let's forget about them. Oh, and look how these countries were able to do what they damn well pleased in spite of all the precious sovereignty lost to the undemocratic EU.
  11. That would be the Georgia who stupidly started a war with Russia? Or are you referencing their ongoing territorial nonsense (I'm ignorant about the reasons) with Armenia? Both of which are the fault of the E.U. of course.
  12. That is not what happened. There was a coup d'etat. There is nothing legal or arguable about it whatsoever. The thing is there was no need for this as a vote was scheduled for the following day werein the president could have been legally removed, but this did not occur. Now, why the particular group that moved did when it did, instead of waiting for the writing on the wall vote, is the interesting thing as power/control was up for grabs. Russian occupation is a bit of a strange way to put things given they were requested to intervene in direct response to absolutely silly actions by those newly in charge in Kiev, e.g., banning Russian language. There was also a vote, for whatever that is worth. In addition and most importantly, given the geo-strategic importance of Sevastopol and the clear western leanings (and support, e.g., Nuland) of the newly illegal government, to expect Russia to sit back and watch this occur is naive in the extreme. Realpolitik 101. In comparison, imagine Russia or China playing similar games with Hawaii or Cuba (oh right...) or Gibraltar or Diego Garcia.
  13. ahh... shite, bleeding head to head edit: oh, wtf... that means they should still not care less
  14. Lovely, Italy can chuck it tomorrow now to leave them to the Belgians... pretty pretty please!!!
  15. same as Rodwell etc etc., look good, move to big club (Madrid), shaky start, get ripped to pieces by fans/manager/press and fall apart or at least loose a few precious yrs.
  16. France are in the same place w.r.t. knowing their best team/formation. Spain look pretty settled and Spain like. Germany have clear problems up front. Italy appear to be pretty settled but most of their game is predicated on scoring first. Belgium won't be playing Ireland again and don't have a settled formation. Croatia look bril, but Modric maybe knocked out of stride by that injury and who knows where their heads are. Portugal are far too dependent on Ronaldo. Keeper is dodgy. Who else, Poland... meh, So, why are you guys worrying so much. Spain, will make mincemeat of England, but there ain't a thing to fear from any other team.
  17. Not really... I mean when a guy walks into a primary school and massacres a whole bunch of the smallest and most innocent of us and nothing happens, why do you think they'll really care about dead people in a gay nightclub in a state full of Latinos. They are trying to ram through the most empty of new laws on the back of Turrorism, turrorism, tur.... I always remember the reactions of people in the UK/Ireland when Dunblane happened. It couldn't have been more different over here, lots of hot air and posing for the posterity, but so depressingly vacuous and two faced.
  18. One might imply from this that the UK is a bastion of freedom, liberty and other things that make the world a better place and not a key stakeholder in the EU, and/or otherwise known as a protectionist trading empire.
  19. What about violence to resist occupation, persecution... you know, that thing that from a certain perspective could be seen as a freedom fighter? and it's pretty much talking point 101 from the neo-lib profit over all crowd to label anyone socially aware as a communist of some form. Trotskyite might be a little too highbrow for the average DM reader though. Just to be clear, I do think Adams and McGuiness are words removed, particularly Adams.
  20. I think England right now are a lot like the Spain teams back in the 90s. Cruise through qualifying, with loads of potential to be class, but just not quite getting it done when it counts. They did have a lot more internal fighting though...
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