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Everything posted by villakram

  1. So, a potentially interesting observation. I am no legal expert, but I could envisage the Scots will certainly look to explore this possibility in order to get an independence vote. Any on the English side for a little quid pro quo?
  2. I suspect there would have been downgrades across the board, but that would have led to absolute chaos yesterday, so prudence held sway. Given UK debt levels and the balance of trade, the future is very uncertain.
  3. Trump is significantly more intelligent than W.
  4. Monarchy. House of Lords. Whitehall. Cognitive dissonance. or you simply have a strong dislike of non-brits.
  5. from the graun Jeroen Dijsselbloem "A few years ago, London took out adverts in the Asian edition of the Financial Times saying it was the place to come if you wanted to do business in the EU. Now they can’t place that advert, and the Asians will go to Amsterdam or Frankfurt instead" but ya, freedom from furryners and back under Lizzies thumb!!!
  6. If EU bears the costs of hosting these consumers (social/financial etc), then it only makes sense that if you wish to access their market then you will have to pay. This payment can be via a direct capital transfer or some portion of it can be via an in kind contribution, e.g., free movement of people. Are the leavers willing to pay the taxes required to fund keeping these willing workers out, while getting access to the EU market?
  7. Very interesting demographics charts here in the FT live blog, unfortunately the full blog posting is behind their paywall. http://blogs.ft.com/westminster/liveblogs/2016-06-24/#5848624949da48ad06f93fcf903d4c77 No passport --> statistically more likely to vote leave No degree --> statistically more likely to vote to leave Old person --> statistically more likely to vote to leave
  8. That's pretty much exactly what the exit poll says. Of course, when somebody who voted leave actually provides a quantitative reason for voting leave, then we'll stop thinking you're tossers because you'll have provided us with some evidence that you're not.
  9. The only comments from the leave crowd have been to let us all know how insulted they are at being called ignorant and/or racist. Substance lacking... quelle surprise
  10. And despite rosy dreams of re-unification, there is no way (Ro)Ireland could support that financially w/o EU support and who knows what happens to the EU now.
  11. Labor, Tories... whomever. I agree, labor look done right now but strange forces could be unleashed off the back of the next month of uncertainty.
  12. So, what about this (i) As the vote is non-binding (in the strictly legal sense). (ii) With cameron gone, I wonder what the chances of a new election are? This could be used as an avenue to a proxi-referendum II campaign. I.e., vote labor and we will may not invoke article 50 but instead use it at the negotiating table to get some sort of super associate state status that basically translates to the status quo in some form. Or some other political fudge along those lines. I think the political world just got a large wake up call. Spanish elections coming up, and already agitation for leaving in Holland and Italy. I do hope all this talk of an Irish referendum is put down as that would be absolutely horrible.
  13. CNBC just broke to live coverage of the market chaos. Call is coming very soon.
  14. And on the twenty fourth day of the sixth month in the year two thousand and sixteen of the common era, the people known as the britons arose and anointed him King Boris the First and the day was henceforth known as Saint Nigel's day.
  15. I'd expect this to also lead to the Welsh having a think too.
  16. Poor Cameron. His beloved Villa relegated and now he's gone and buggered up his job.
  17. It won't be screwed, but things will be tricky for a few weeks. After that, it'll be mostly the same as now but the rest of of the EU/world will see this an an opportunity to grab some of the UK pie. How will the UK deal with that, probably ok, probably. Medium term is where it gets fun and longer term is now a complete unknown as this decision has a great probability of cascading across Europe.
  18. We can't be too long from someone calling it! Wonder how this will effect the coming Spanish election? All sort of fun geo-political times ahead.
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