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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. Such a tragic event. Cannot comprehend how someone could do something like this. Sad day.
  2. If I put my phone the other side of the room the text is a nice comfortable size. Seriously, what is this obsession with getting as much whitespace on a screen as possible? Begrudgingly, though, I agree it is an improvement over the old site.
  3. Welcome RDM and SC. Hoping this is the start of good things.
  4. Quantum Electrodynamics. I'm pretty sure that's what he meant.
  5. Tip of the diamond. Certainly he was doing the thing where he was hovering around the edge of the penalty area attracting fouls and cutting inside to shoot and all that stuff that we liked to see before this season.
  6. So, Dr Tony Xia has suggested he is considering setting up a football theme park in Aston. What attractions/rides would you like to see in such a place?
  7. A theme park right off the best known junction of the country's main arterial motorway bang in the middle of the country at the football club where the league's was formed and just down the road from a successful entertainment complex. I reckon it would work and could hopefully finally help to spark some regeneration in the area. As long as it isn't really really naff... I like what Tony says in that article. I hope it isn't all just spin.
  8. Yeah, and they have slowly filled up a bit again now we have had fifteen minutes of second half play.
  9. I am seeing lots of empty seats, aren't I? I'm not imagining it.
  10. Yeah, of course, just saying that there might be reasons why Recon might consider it. It wouldn't necessarily be worth it from the club's perspective agreed.
  11. Dr Tony Xia, where Xia is pronounced something like "Stark" ??
  12. Well, to look at it another way, Recon seem to be heavily involved in architecture and urban design, and what better way to advertise your design chops than with a fancy new stadium? Also, if we are expecting lower spectator numbers redevelopment would be less disruptive now.
  13. Ah, from the 2016 Takeover Thread :-) Hence why I said 'supposedly' and am wondering whether this is as good as it sounds. But I choose to be optimistic!
  14. He has businesses worth billions, yet a personal wealth of supposedly 100 million. Clearly someone who isn't greedy, keeps his business and personal finances separate and basically seems an extremely smart and sensible guy. Too good to be true?
  15. Rubbish. Failed in our quest to hit the magic -50 goal difference mark. Eric Black out!
  16. Wow. Most amazing result I have ever seen in F1. A genuinely incredible achievement. Well done Max.
  17. That under-21 team from Arsenal is a joke.
  18. Just brilliant. Today reminded me how amazing Villa Park can be. A fantastic, fun, thoroughly enjoyable day. No aggro, no moping, no misery. Loved it.
  19. Thought he did very well. I understand why some may think he had a poor game - he made one or two glaring errors that probably overshadowed his general play. Take those errors away and he was pretty good - for a youngster breaking through I couldn't really ask for much more.
  20. Awful game. Brilliant day. Party atmosphere, great fun, loved it from start to finish. Of course the BBC span it as 'angry fans disrupt game'. Grrrr!
  21. It's party day! Yay! I actually hope the geordies join in with us and we all have a good time. Hope there is no aggro.
  22. I don't understand why City are so lethargic and almost refuse to attack. This was a semifinal of the champions league - if I were a City fan I'd be furious. They could have at least tried to win.
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