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Everything posted by YGabbana

  1. Fantastic performance from Monaco, best defensive record in the Champions League for a reason. They made Arsenal look ordinary
  2. Okore is a beast, i have Pirlo regen bossing every game for me and hes only 16
  3. I think you're mixing up Germany and the US I seem to recall the U.S immediatley blaming Russia for shooting down the plane more or less straight away with no proof. You mean Germany run NATO?
  4. Im still wondering why theres no information been released about what was on the blackbox of the plane that was shot down. Russia were blamed by the U.S in typical fashion with no evidence. I dont understand why the U.S, UK and Nato (which is controlled by the US anyway) are desperatley trying to interfere in the current conflict
  5. See when ive been to Villa park and watched him he lets players run him far to often, the opposition player will often get the cross in. He cant cross himself either
  6. I think other clubs would make moves for the likes of Guzan, Cissokho, Westwood, Sanchez and Benteke
  7. After the bashing sanchez got after stoke im suprised to see him in peoples line ups.
  8. YGabbana


    And why not get up and apologize if it was by accident? The reaction of the players says it was deliberate
  9. Hope TS has installed a cup mentality into them this week. Attack Attack even if we're winning 1-0 we cant sit back and let our heads drop. Comon boys time to step up and earn your wage.
  10. Seeing those fixtures is certainly a positive, we have arguebly the easiest run in and if we're not good enough to survive after playing that lot then we deserve to go down.
  11. I really dont know who they are, what kind of twisted religion they claim to follow or what they want. They are certainly not followers of the real Islam. Im yet to meet a single Muslim in any mosque i pray in that supports ISIS, infact the Imams are now starting to denounce them in their speeches before friday prayers.
  12. YGabbana


    Cannot see how people here are claiming it wasnt deliberate, his left his foot in looked right and Matics leg. If it was an accident why did he just get up and walk off like vile person instead of apologizing. Should be banned for 3 games but Matics ban should also stand if we are going by the rules, common sense says to lift the ban.
  13. YGabbana


    Double standards from the F.A once again
  14. YGabbana

    Top Gear

    Wow that Ferrari is stunning
  15. He doesnt give a toss about football mainly because of the relationship he had with Lambert. Smokes shisha at least twice a week as does Cissoko..cant be good for them
  16. Chest is ok, need to add in side raises for delts imo, id sack upright rows off. Add another exercise in for triceps
  17. Expecting a better performance after another week of TS drilling them, probably will lose though maybe sneak a draw
  18. needs to start in place if gabby..he is more of a goal threat which is what we are struggling with, his goals could keep us up
  19. Tbh different things work for different people, i just do steady state incline walking for 15mins a few times a week and it keeps the fat off, HIIT didnt really work for me
  20. I agree on some of your points, however i dont agree that Floyd has ducked Paquiao when its a fact that Manny and his team walked away the first time due to not wanting to participate in testing, but thats a whole different debate
  21. Gabby was so poor, i dont wanna see him in a villa shirt again
  22. It will likely be a joint Showtime/HBO production just like Tyson Lewis was. This will be bigger than Tyson Lewis in terms of PPV records, that's for sure. For what it's worth I see Pacquiao winning this fight, I'll post a detailed break down as to why later on. Pacquiao has the clear hand speed and footspeed/footwork advantage plus the awkward angles. Mayweather has struggled in the past against fast southpaws, effectively the shoulder roll defence does not work - see the Zab Judah fight as an example of that defence not working very well. Floyd will have to do something pretty radical IMO in terms of adjustments. I'm quite please to read that Pacquiao has the choice over his own gloves for this fight, a luxury that many recent Mayweather opponents haven't had. Good point Dr P bur it is at the MGM manny will have to knock him out to beat him Maybe, maybe not. Judges are often swayed by the crowd, and Pacquiao will definitely be the one that has the crowd on his side. Every shot that lands by Pacquiao will be cheered, Floyd has never had that sort of affinity with his audience. I have a feeling that Pacquiao can steal rounds by flurrying in the last minute, the crowd will go wild and judges could be tempted to score swing rounds based on that. Kind of like how De La Hoya used to win close rounds, or how Ray Leonard 'won' rounds in the Hagler fight. There's no doubt in my mind that Pacquiao will be landing big and clean on Floyd, if the much slower Maidana could then Pacquiao, who is a lot faster, more accurate and offers even more awkward angle, certainly can. Also, worth noting, if you want to see another fight where Floyd struggled big time with a quick, awkward southpaw then watch the fight with Chop Chop Corley, if I remember correctly, Corley landed some big shots and in one of the rounds had Floyd quite badly hurt. Floyd is the best counter puncher in the game and best defence, i cant see Manny landing big and clean. If anything it will be the opposite, Manny leaves himself open by throwing the angled punches, see the Marquez fights and how Manny was counterd pretty much every round. Even Bradley counterd him pretty well. My prediction is that Manny takes the early rounds on pure activeness, then Floyd adjusts and takes the decision. Definatley the biggest test either fighter has ever faced
  23. Gil looked nackere tbf, Gabby has done nothing the whole game
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