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Everything posted by YGabbana

  1. Great post Inb4samepostersinthreadareslatingTSintheotherthread
  2. I hope its a big crowd tonight and they sing their hearts out
  3. I think its too far gone for there ever to be peace now. The iraq and afghanistan war in which hundreds of thousands of civillians were killed angerd alot of Muslims, some of which have gone on to become AQ and isis etc. Then the continual backing by the west of Israel whilst they imprison Gaza and murder civillians just makes it worse. I'd love for peace in the whole world but its impossible now imo
  4. some people need tissues, mind games from TS and nothing else.
  5. http://rt.com/news/236545-israel-us-funds-defense/
  6. What are you basing that on? Should be an interesting day in DC tomorrow, with Benny having sidestepped protocol to address the House without having asked or informed the president. Several Democrats boycotting the speech, but I wonder why weren't they boycotting the bombing of Gaza? Every last one of them can **** off.Should be interesting but alot of congress are jews so they will back him 100%. Also read on RT that Israel defence minister is requesting 300m+ off the U.S to create a rocket system. The U.S is basically funding terrorism if they do that. Bit of an unfair assumption - it's like saying Muslims will automatically back human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia. And it's not even like there are that many Jews in Congress - only around 8%. This is the same congress that gives Israel 100s of millions of dollars, Vetos anything that goes against Israel at the UN and still stood by them when they mass murderd 2000+ people in Gaza
  7. Guzan Hutton Okore Clark Lowton Westwood Cleverly Bacuna Gil Sinclair Benteke
  8. I may have a bet on him scoring in the 90mins
  9. Should be an interesting day in DC tomorrow, with Benny having sidestepped protocol to address the House without having asked or informed the president. Several Democrats boycotting the speech, but I wonder why weren't they boycotting the bombing of Gaza? Every last one of them can **** off. Should be interesting but alot of congress are jews so they will back him 100%. Also read on RT that Israel defence minister is requesting 300m+ off the U.S to create a rocket system. The U.S is basically funding terrorism if they do that.
  10. This. Giving up on our club is a joke, cant be real fans. UTV
  11. Benteke was our best player by a country mile. Half the people posting didnt watch the game at all and its blatently obvoious
  12. Burnnley and Sunderland lost so its the same situation, 1 win takes us out the relagation zone
  13. Did anyone actually watch the game? Was a big improvement on last week, Sinclair was poor imo and im guessing Gil isnt 100% fit, i bet he starts v WBA though. To judge a manager after 2 games is a joke, bunch of fickle fans.
  14. YGabbana


    Lmao at this thread
  15. People definatley must be cheating, replaying lost games etc by loading the save before the game, in game editors etc
  16. Come on Villa, im betting on Benteke scoring today..UTV!!
  17. Should be captain imo, he'd make a great leader
  18. This. Its blatently obvious to everyone that the players are shot of confidence and belief to win games. I woke up quietly optimistic about todays game
  19. Inter Milan Watched them when Ronaldo was there and never stopped until this day, Adriano was my favourite player growing up
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