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Everything posted by YGabbana

  1. Completely agree that we should have been 3 up, we weren't though were we? Completely agree we deserved to win it, doesn't really work like that a lot of the time though does it? I think it's no coincidence we got a bit of luck when we had worked so hard as a group past 90 minutes to try and get a break, it's no coincidence that seeing we had 8 shots on target in a game for the first time since last May that we createdd enough to win a game. Fact is though, till generous old Ben's brain completely melted we would have been feeling super bitter because all the above would still have been true but we'd only have a point to show for it. We dominated the game and deserved to win. Dont care how we won it in the end. Cheer up ffs
  2. Swansea QPR Everton West Ham Burnley All "winnable" to be fair, given Everton's form all season and West Ham's current form. I'd say Swansea is the toughest. We're out the relagation zone and i think we'll get 8-9 points from those
  3. Shocking at set pieces, it really pisses me off. The last free kick he took at 1-1 we had plenty in the box and it went over everyone
  4. He needs to be captain imo, shows so much passion and leads from the back
  5. If he can play like that running off Benteke's flick ons then he will score the goals to keep us up. Needs to stop trying to get into battles and going wide and just stick to using his ability which is pace. Good performance last night
  6. I was doing a TS type celebration in front of the TV, felt like we'd won the f.a cup..first win in 12 games, wow
  7. Refreshing to hear positivity from TS, hes spot on about the forward passes and speed of play there was a noticeable difference on saturday and today
  8. That tackle on Berahinho was out of this world
  9. To those who were there i give you 10/10 fantastic atmosphere
  10. such passion great result..hes on bt sport at 10.15
  11. what a rollercoaster of emotions, classy pen i could barely watch..loved seeing TS kick every ball..come on villa UTV
  12. a point isnt a disaster, id be cautious of going for it and losing
  13. is it possible to get westwood off set pieces ffs
  14. Nzog probably doesnt have 90mins in him
  15. great half ive enjoyed that and the atmosphere sounds fantastic we do need another goal though
  16. Fantastic atmosphere..we need to score another whilst we're on top though
  17. I thought he was poor, alot of misplaced passes, drifted in alot leaving the right side completley open and generally got bullied in possesion
  18. 150 is the minimum, im currently on 190 a day for a 10 hour shift, i can earn more if i wish to do overtime. Like Kingman said its 20% tax but i claim alot back at the end of the tax year
  19. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-31716684 Applauded onto the podium and given a standing ovation as he finished. Sickening.
  20. I have a good feeling we'll win, so its a definate loss
  21. Gil was poor against stoke and if hes not up to much in training compared to others then fair enough
  22. Very much more than decent, Stevo. I'm a mid-twenties graduate living in London and not only am I not on anything close to that salary, I don't know too many other people who are either. Maybe if you work in finance or another very corporate position you might be on £35k by your mid twenties, but I can say with reasonable confidence that young people in most walks of life certainly aren't. Not really, I know plenty of young lads (trades men) Brickys, Chippys, Sparkys etc all pulling in at least £150 a shift. Cant really speak for any finance/corporate positions. 150 is the minimum atm, im a sparky working in London atm
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