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Everything posted by nobler

  1. The advert in Times Square today
  2. I quite liked it, brought back some good memories. I remember arriving at Ironforge for the first time and wondering why everyone was scuppering around asking me for leather scraps and bits of pieces to open up the gates of Ahn'Qiraj. The idea that both Horde and Alliance had to work together as a server to open the zone was fantastic. Showing Blizzard's security rooms, particularly the large server area and the electronic map thing that shows when everyone in the world logs in was quite a nice insight. There are some serious nerds in that video though Anyway, happy WoD week! Can't wait to get started.
  3. Lambert's always come across as being frightened in his time here. Frightened of what? The size of the task? The pressure? I don't know, but his players' attitude seem to reflect his leadership: weak, scared, confused. Ability aside, we all know we have rubbish players but the most worrying aspect as Lambert's tenure has just been the serious lack of effort in a substantial amount of games. It's important to not forget the back end of last season, which was just soul destroying to see a Villa team lack any sort of heart, it was so horrible to see, and after a decent start with a small bit of momentum, we're just seeing the team drop to these levels of laziness and complacency again, which I will just never be able to accept.
  4. This is probably the year we'll go. You just can't be as poor as we are and get away with it for so long. The manager doesn't have the ability to inspire these players or just even give the team any sort of character, identity or shape. It's so horrible to see our club implode like this. His new deal means that he's not going anywhere while Lerner still owns the club. It's the most frustrating thing ever.
  5. The Witcher 3 cinematic intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xly6-YButlk
  6. God, we're shit. Can't wait for another 31 games of this.
  7. I've only been watching playthroughs of this, as i'm a massive wimp for this sort of isolated / survival game but it's absolutely incredible how they captured that late 70s/early 80s sci-fi style, it actually just looks exactly like the set of the Nostromo when it starts of. Great stuff.
  8. I'm not particularly bothered when we lose to top teams, I prefer to waste energy moaning when we lose to crap teams like West Ham or Sunderland. Arsenal will win this fixture 7 or 8 times out of 10 so I'm not too concerned. That said, the absolute defensive meltdown is a concern that will have to be looked at. 3 goals in 3 minutes is just unbelievable, shouldn't be happening at this level. Still, onto the next game of this run of horrible fixtures, two down, three to go. Let's see how we react.
  9. Going goals down against a side like Arsenal means it's virtually impossible for us to come back, to win these games we have to take the lead. When the emphasise comes on us to attack a team that is so comfortable and with so much quality controlling possession, we just simply don't have anywhere near the quality to break it down. The game was simply over at 2-0.
  10. Randy's there apparently. Could be a hologram though.
  11. Chamberlain replaces Sanchez, late change.
  12. Think Arsenal will rally after their disappointing mid week game, to prove a point. I think we'll play really well but Arsenal's quality will just be too much for us. So I'm thinking 0-1 but a really good display by us.
  13. Signed a new three year deal, according to SSN.
  14. Roy Keane's mind games should give us the mental advantage. José will drive up to Aberdeen in his bare feet eating Toblerones, you just see.
  15. Has it started yet or is my stream way behind?
  16. nobler


    "Do you know of a place where sailors hang out?"
  17. Cleverley does strike me as a (weird term) huge confidence player. I think it's really, really important that now he's here we stick with him. He's going to be rusty, he's going to misplace passes and although I'm not over the moon with the signing in general, there is obviously a very talented player in there and who knows, if the crowd don't groan during every sideways pass and bits of sloppy play he could thrive here under a very different type of pressure that he had at United.
  18. We should just get Roy Keane to follow him around, intensely staring at him for the rest of his life.
  19. I'm okay with how the summer transfers have gone, I wasn't expecting anything really. Sanchez should prove to be a quality signing. We have a defence that doesn't get blown over by the wind and I feel we've dodged a bullet with missing out on Cleverley, I just don't see what he would add to us. My only slight concern is letting KEA go, as I thought he was a decent squad player to have around. Feeling positive though, the current squad feels stronger and we have two good players to come back from injury. It could be a lot worse.
  20. The start that we needed considering the upcoming fixtures. There looks to be a buzz around the squad at the moment and some real confident performances which puts us in a much better position going into this period of tricky fixtures. I wouldn't be surprised to see us pick up a few cheeky results in the coming month. Feeling positive.
  21. It's okay isn't it? A weird game; it's pretty generic, has a sort of WoW template as a single player game but the combat is smooth and satisfying, a distinct art style and quite impressive open world. The studio went under after its release, it flopped sales wise, which I thought was a shame. It's definitely worth picking up if you see it in a sale.
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