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Everything posted by nobler

  1. Not entirely sure what to say that hasn't been said over and over and over, but man, this is a level of poor management that I wasn't even sure could exist, particularly one managing this football club. I'm at a loss for words as to why he can still be in charge, I just do not understand it, I can't believe it. I'll never be able to accept that sort of pathetic, half-arsed performance, particularly one in such a crucial game. It was an absolute embarrassment. We won't get out the bottom 3 until there is a change - a boost. We are crying out for change. Lambert is a loser, his players have adapted his losing mentality. It's extremely hard to take that performance tonight. The guy is snoozing us down into the Championship, going down with a whimper, which is an absolute joke for this great club. Leave. Now.
  2. No problems with that team. I do believe this kick up the arse is good for Benteke and he will learn from it. I imagine the game to be fairly even so he has the chance to make an impact after an hour or so.
  3. We would literally lose every game about 20-0 if we fielded 10 Bentekes.
  4. Anyone played Sunless Sea yet? The whole concept of it seems right up my street but would like to here a few opinions before getting it.
  5. Got a feeling this will be 2-2. I know it seems absurd that we could score that many goals against prem opposition but i think both teams will be fired up, get carried away and there'll be many defensive mistakes. Hull will see this as an absolutely huge opportunity to kick on in their relegation battle and hopefully we will rally together after Saturday's performance and actually start to show some fight.
  6. Brilliant free kick by Milner. He's such a good player. He's really coming into his own in this City squad now.
  7. 18 points would probably mean going on our best run in about 30 years so it's pretty optimistic to say the least. I think we'll get between 5-7 points, realistically, going with how things have gone this season.
  8. We've done more business than most and it's two pretty decent signings. It's down to Lambert to actually do something with them now as we have enough quality imo to stay in the league. Unfortunately Lambert won't be getting anything out of this team, so it's down to praying three teams somehow perform worse than us until the end of the season.
  9. I don't think Lerner will sack Lambert because he doesn't have the belief in himself to pick up the club when Lambert goes. His managerial appointments have been rubbish and although he would have advice around him, he ultimately has to make the final decision and I don't believe he has a clue or the knowledge to bring someone in that could work well with this team. I imagine he's just praying we scrape over the line again and just hope a buyer comes in. I think the Tom Fox interviews are just pr stuff to keep fans' hopes up and have us feeling like there's something bright to hold on to and look forward to. I cannot see how there can be any long term strategy with such a poor manager.
  10. Indeed. I don't get involved much on this topic but supporting Lambert is absolutely someone's right and they shouldn't be picked on for having an opinion that doesn't suit yours.
  11. The shape and positioning of the team today was as bad as you can get from a professional football team. It was an absolute shambles. We're getting absolutely ripped to shreds in the media and rightly so, I actually can't believe it. How can you prepare a team so badly?
  12. Good draw. It's exciting this cup business.
  13. I was a little cynical of Delph a few pages back but fair play to the guy. It's a great boost and shows that he's a really decent guy. Hopefully he will be with us for his best years and he can really push on now.
  14. Mourinho and class aren't something that often go together. Bradford's manager can count himself lucky he didn't get his eye gouged out.
  15. That's a pretty incredible afternoon. What a year to win the cup now.
  16. I think it's down to the fact that although he's scored some decent goals for us he doesn't particularly have a huge influence on the way we play, i.e, we still just churn out the same rubbish whether he plays or not. The way we currently set up to shoe horn in as many midfielders as possible, no one really understands his role, he probably doesn't himself. He should be a real driving midfielder, a force in the centre but it doesn't really happen, not sure why. It just doesn't seem to me at the moment that we'd be much worse as a team if he was to leave.
  17. I don't remember feeling anywhere near as shit as I do now under McLeish. We had to play the likes of Herd, Bannan, Lichaj, Albrighton, Stevens, Ireland. Of course, the second half of McLeish's season was horrendous but we did at least score some goals. We're on course for it to be much, much worse.
  18. To be fair, as much as I want change, Sherwood is an example of someone who could actually do a worse job than Lambert. The guy's just a random ex-footballer who happened to get a manager job once by chance. Terrible. And he wears a gilet.
  19. We could very well be in it after the Chelsea game. If you score goals you at least have a chance of getting out of it. I fear if we do go into it we just simply cannot score enough goals to pull out of it for the remainder of the season. It's pretty serious right now, i'd say.
  20. We've seen a glimpse that the team can actually, when lifted create a few chances and good chances. The manager is failing spectacularly at getting his team to do this for anything other than a very short spell in any game. It's just not working, he cannot get anything out of this team. Another game without scoring, it's absolutely horrific. If you don't make brave decisions in life, what's the point in even existing, we'll just end up snoozing into the football league. What's the harm in just making a change, giving someone else a chance to at least try and get this team fired up and doing something. Bring back even a small amount of pride.
  21. Pretty routine win for Liverpool really. Just had to deal with a 15 minute spell and they dealt with it well. So depressing.
  22. Chelsea scoring nearly a third of our entire goal total this season in 30 minutes.
  23. How long are we saying then before Baker goes off with a head injury? I'm going for 24th minute.
  24. The game plan is literally: keep possession with four cms, crowd midfield and squeeze the life out of the game - pass sideways, backwards and just hope that Benteke creates something himself out of nothing. There's so much fear in Lambert's management.
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