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Everything posted by nobler

  1. Patch 2.1 is live now for RoS on PC. It's the first major patch for RoS with a huge amount of changes to further improve the game. Loooaads of new things: including legendary upgradable gems, various new rift challenges. A 'season' where you can start a new character each season to do various tasks and challenges, which works towards a ladder system. Each season offers new rewards and legendaries. Loads of new class updates and stuff. It's nice to see the game really coming up to scratch now, it's hugely fun at end game. It wouldn't surprise me to see an entire new expansion soon, as RoS was pretty much just an expansion to improve the game after they sacked the lead developer. So yeah, definitely worth checking out. I managed to make it into a treasure goblin's vault last night.
  2. Lambert's appalling record against lower league opposition continues then. Some things don't change, I suppose.
  3. Hmm, not sure why it wont embed. Edit. Sorted it now
  4. Warlords of Draenor - 13th November https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TLzhlsEFcVQ
  5. Blimey. It's looking good.
  6. I captured my Instructor Razuvious heroic kill today. Really chuffed because I hadn't really checked out any guides, I just presumed that getting early Inner Fires on the students might work and I managed to get the kill after about 5-6 attempts. In the previous attempts I was really heavily relying on the oozes to break his ridiculously op weapon, but when I finally got the kill I never even drew an ooze. I was incredibly lucky with this draw though which made the fight look easy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xO7WfRqaPI&list=UUCHuRWpnVih9Yibj5oVx76Q
  7. I'm playing a bit of the beta, it's still quite a way off. There's currently no voice acting and some characters don't have any textures in the current release. That said, the majority of the world is finished and looks absolutely stunning. Most of the quests are in place, albeit pretty buggy and dungeons are more or less finished. The expansion starts off extremely chaotically, really throws you in the action. Then after the initial intro you arrive at Frostfire Ridge to begin building your garrison, it's really story driven at this point too. I have to say though, the garrison idea is absolutely fantastic. It's going to make you want to log in every day to keep it ticking over. Clever people those Blizzard folk.
  8. Zoo does seem to have unveiled a major flaw in the production of the game, basically because it's not something that can be nerfed. They may nerf the fire imp but in general, lost cost mana minions are just really powerful and that's it, together with the warlock hero power, it's crazy. After about rank 15, you're probably playing zoo decks about every 7 games out of 10 and it's just dull as hell, it seems to have sapped that feeling of pulling off great plays with interesting combos and card syncing and made the ladder a frustrating chore and if anything it's really boring to play. Small rant over.
  9. I hope we don't 'tap' him up.
  10. IGN have done a piece on bits of hidden lore within Hearthstone cards here, quite interesting if you're a WoW player or played it over the years. An example is when playing the Illidan card against Malfurion - he says "Hello brother" instead of "You are not prepared." It hadn't really clicked with me until reading that. Anyway, just little bits of detail like that which are quite a nice touch.
  11. The new cards are really interesting, particularly the one that raises the cost of battlecry cards for your opponent, that's a killer for Leeroy decks. I like the Nerubian egg, I've replaced my ancient watchers with them on my control deck; when used with shield bearer cards, the opponent will be forced to attack them and you get free 4/4 cards for just two mana. Working well so far, before people bring back that damn silencing owl.
  12. Aye, innervate is an incredibly powerful card if drawn early; its value weakens in to later game but if you're lucky enough to get it from the off, you have an excellent advantage. I use two innervates and two yetis on my constructed druid deck. If you have the coin, you can get a turn one yeti, which is just stupidly powerful for the other person to deal with at that point. Some people even concede^^
  13. This would be an excellent signing. Really hope it happens.
  14. I'm a huge Alien fan, and sci-fi in general but this game looks absolutely terrifying. I'm a massive pussy, the thought of being stalked and hunted can't be matched in anything other than computer games. I'm currently playing through Metro: Last Light and it's giving me kittens Look forward to watching playthroughs though.
  15. AAA gaming seems to be in the same loop as Hollywood film at the moment. Severely lacking in creativity and a huge reluctance to give large budgets to any sort of fresh, original ideas. Let's just play it safe and remake EVERYTHING.
  16. Got my first 12 win arena run tonight. I'd only really achieved 7-8 wins before so really happy with it; was quite tense in the last game. I had a strangely average deck with no particular sync, it was just good ol' value minions without being either aggro or control, but seemed to work well. Lots of gold, hooooray!
  17. Aye, Starcraft 2 single player campaigns are really underrated. Great stories, great ideas (particularly in HotS); excellent humour and loads of popular culture references and both expansions are easily 20-30 hour campaigns. You also get access to hundreds of fan made games in arcade mode for free.
  18. If he plays in the hole, can we call him Joe Hole?
  19. Can't believe one of the most insignificant players we've ever had has amassed 57 pages of discussion.
  20. I'd be surprised if he started more than 15 games and even if he can stay injury free and fit and i'm not even sure what he can offer at the highest level any more. Sorry to be negative, but I just don't really understand the signing considering how precious money for wages is at the moment. Let's hope he's hungry and not just here to fade out his career.
  21. If this is true, I just can't understand this signing for the life of me. Bizarre.
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