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Everything posted by AVFCDAN

  1. Just watched the khan and mayweather fights, was really impressed with Khan and his tactics, looks like Virgil Hunter has finally got through to him about not losing his head and brawling, he didn't really put a foot wrong in that fight. Definitely think he deserves the next shot at mayweather instead of a rematch.
  2. Can anyone tell me if the agbonlahor photoshop thread still exists on the forums?
  3. Watched Nebraska recently. Good film, Bruce Dern was fantastic but it was a bit too "quaint" at times I thought. Definitely a recommended watch 7/10
  4. Yeah it was a cracker. Didn't know who Molina was before but I liked what I saw
  5. To be fair I had written off the first reboot Spiderman film as a waste of time etc.. But when I watched it on sky I actually quite enjoyed it, superhero films really aren't my thing either.
  6. Watched Kid Cannabis yesterday really enjoyed it actually. Reminded me quite a lot of Alpha Dog mixed with Knocked Up. Its quite frivolous with details and the plot often jumps forward without any explanation but if you take it on face value its quite an enjoyable watch. 7/10
  7. The raid 2 is so much better than the first one.
  8. Which part was done by Gareth ? I turned it on and saw the zombie scenes that was quite interesting.
  9. Totally agree with the above, I actually had to come down after watching that film it's like a 2 and a half hour rollercoaster ride, story is setup nicely and not just tacked on to link fight scenes. For that genre of film which admittedly is quite a small group, this film is the new benchmark.
  10. I remember that was from the xfm radio show days... I think they were talking about being caught masturbating with one of those pens where the clothes come off when you tip it upside down (a joke that later found its way into extras) and then steve said the only thing worse than that would be to get caught masturbating looking into a mirror, at which point ricky literally bursts out laughing. Love those shows.
  11. I said about a month ago my prediction is he will do 2 years in prison, i'm standing by that at the moment.
  12. Earlier i had a 16oz rump steak with all the trimmings, lovely!
  13. Used to love that show, so many future stars!
  14. James Franco has had to publically apologise for flirting with a 17year old on Instagram, I think she is now 18. Has he done anything wrong?
  15. Just watched the attitude era DVD, quality reliving all the old moments.
  16. Certain foods I just try to stay away from. Chips are one of them, and biscuits.
  17. Yeah that was also good. Just remembered the scene where Garth tells Wayne everyone thinks he is going crazy because he keeps talking about Jim Morrison. "People are saying there goes Garth and his friend Wayne.... the psychopath"
  18. Watched Waynes World 2 last night, got it from sky on demand. Quality film, so many great memorable moments. The YMCA scene The scene where they go backstage at the Aerosmith concert and get approached by the two nerds and pretend they aren't Wayne and garth Del Preston telling his ozzie m & m s story The Leprechaun The drive through scene Garth in the laundrette with his shrunken clothes and underwear
  19. Best part of the race was massa being told to move over for his team mate Same shit different day eh Felipe?
  20. Quite enjoyed today's race, the new changes have mixed things up a bit and made everything slightly more unpredictable which was needed really. However from 2 races of this season it just becomes more evident that at the top of the grid there really isn't much between the drivers so basically what determines race winners and championship winners is the equipment underneath them, Mercedes clearly have the best car so will probably dominate most races until red bull catch up, the only excitement to be had is what's going on in the middle pack really.
  21. Nothing special about our star or our planet so hard to see why we would be the only life in the universe. 14 billion years is a long time for shit to happen.
  22. Can't win every game of football, not at our level anyway but to play this poorly against a stoke team who are missing quite a few first teamers and have only won once away all season this is something special. One shot on target all game after 5 minutes, not acceptable I'm afraid
  23. The same thing I do every weekend. .....try to take over the world!
  24. Not quite sure what he offers to the team this season. Its hard to judge how important work rate and harrying is until its gone but im pretty sure a busy striker who could get between 8-12 goals a season would be a lot more useful to the team. Although saying that maybe defoe would be that guy or someone like defoe but im not sure I would want to lose weimanns passion and workrate to accommodate someone like defoe who porbably wouldn't compliment our 3 striker system in the same way.
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