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Everything posted by AVFCDAN

  1. The bottom line is, this is exactly what we needed. Personally i wasn't too bothered by losing Delph and Benteke, yes they were probably our 2 best players but they were still part of a team that has done nothing for 3 seasons now and basically just survived relegation each of those years. We needed a complete overhaul, i have no doubts that some of these signings won't work out but even if half of them turn out good we're still in a better position than the last 3-4 years. We have no identity or playing style as a club, hopefully this is the start of something new and exciting, i think we deserve it as fans after our recent troubles.
  2. Adventureland - great, still like it on 3rd or 4th viewing, even K-Stew is ok. 7.5/10 Terminator Genisys - all over the place, what an absolute mess this film this, its still OK because its in the terminator world but talk about wasted potential. The strangest casting for me was the bloke playing john connor, who the hell is that? I can only assume hes quite well known from one of these american TV shows because he couldn't act, and he really didn't suit the part. 5/10 Ted 2 - Slightly more forced than the first one, but in reality it was probably funnier overall 7/10
  3. In some ways i'm a bit disappointed at the Delph news, despite what we think of him it would have been good to see a player grow at Villa and then go on to be a permanent fixture in a team challenging for top honours, would have been good to see if he could kick on this season. Might sound a bit dramatic but if he has done his hamstring and misses around a month this could probably wreck his whole season, if Man City get a settled team he will be waiting for injuries or loss of form to get a look in and end up doing a milner/sinclair et al.
  4. I think that was intentional, the whole film was from the viewpoint of Belfort, during that time in his life he clearly didn't have any regard for other people. Well shite actor makes shite films... Can't stand him How good was 8mm though?
  5. That and buffalo soldiers which I think came out around the same time, two underrated "war" films Yeah buffalo soldiers is quality as well.
  6. About to watch tiger land, one of my guilty pleasures.
  7. Very good film but best film of last year was The Double for me.
  8. It is somewhat daunting to be honest. Hard to see many games living up to the scale of this in the near future. Have to say I'm not certain i can take another similar game on now as i invested so much into this one. I think Fallout in November is probably about right time-wise. I'm going to be looking at a sports game or driving next i think, definitely something a bit lighter.
  9. Can we just knock xmen on the head, all the films have been utter shite. If I see wolverine one more time I'll lose it.
  10. I am also a fire warden, do you know the secret handshake yet?
  11. Welcome to the club, couldn't put my finger on it but it was a good film. I would recommend it follows next if you haven't seen it.
  12. It was better when it was tims confessions.
  13. love this film Apparently between "film buffs"....its an awful movie and redic overhyped which ive always found interesting I think its something to do with the director not being happy with various things and walking away after another guy and ed norton were brought in to make a new cut of this film. Its not perfect by any means but it a very powerful film and you'll struggle to find someone more committed to a role than ed norton in that film, he scares the shit out of me.
  14. Federer has won 4 out of their last 5 meetings, despite the fact that the head to head is very close, that is a telling stat really. Both won their pre wimbledon grass tournaments and both are playing well. 50-50 match to be honest, wouldn't like to call it but hope Murray wins of course.

    Smart Watches

    A pedometer. That seems to be the only thing I ever hear smart watch owners talking about. Don't forget those touch patterns that you can create and send to another apple watch user. I think that feature alone is worth a £300+ watch.
  16. My only gripe with Ant Man is that Edgar Wright didn't direct it. Would have loved to see what he could come up with. Had a similar annoyance when Del Toro dropped out of the Hobbit movies.
  17. I actually think terminator 3 is underrated, not a bad film at all. Salvation was ok as well but a bit pointless in the terminator world. Won't even bother with genesis until the bluray comes out
  18. I have mixed feelings on the sickness and working thing. Personally I've been at my current place for 2 and half years now and I've probably had 4 or 5 single days off which i think is perfectly acceptable. Its not like the place is going to collapse without me for one day. If i feel like shit with a cold why be a hero and go into work, probably infecting multiple other people and being about 50% productive when i can stay in bed, get some fluids and more rest and probably recover a lot faster to get myself in the following day. People who say "I've not had a day off in 5 years" with a smug grin on their face are just words removed imo. If we are talking about people that are off every other week with something then that would piss me off but at my place nobody does that.
  19. Add me you slaaaaaaags Look at Billy no mates over there!
  20. It is an exciting fight actually, i will be happy with either getting knocked out.
  21. ** Pedant Alert *** "you don't win friends with salad " as you were .... I was going to correct that myself when i first saw it, then realised it would be quite sad! Well done though...
  22. You can't, thank god! I think he is saying that's how it worked in FF
  23. Well things have progressed nicely since then. I've become a gwent master, i now have a full deck for every group although i don't use anything but my northern realms deck, seem to win first time in most battles. Does anyone know if the AI reflects the difficulty that you are playing the game at? Hopefully not because that may explain why i win most games first time.
  24. Agreed. I say bring it on to be honest, apart from actually being relegated we can't do any worse than we have over the last 3 seasons. Shit football, shit mentality and most importantly shit results. Like Sherwood has been saying, we need to find winners again. Players who aren't happy just picking up their pay cheques or finish mid table every year would be a good start. I'm all for this ruthless in and out policy personally.
  25. Mr robot episode 2 just finished. Yeah this could be good!
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