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Everything posted by AVFCDAN



    All they need to do now is incorporate micro-transactions and it will be the worst received game in recent memory. Destructoid have done the first proper review and it seems to hint at why the game will be ok once they have finished patching it.


    The progression from adding a manual in 2 and then a revert in 3 along with improving graphics and bigger parks to skate in with more goals meant they just kept getting better. It probably helped that at 14-15 I was the right age to just spend all my time playing them but they were great games. I kind of want that again even if it is a broken mess.


    There's rumours that it started off as a mobile game but eventually became a full price premium game which wouldn't surprise me. All they had to do was charge 15-20 quid and release as a Live/PS Network download and most faults would have been forgiven I think. They have gotten the release model all wrong for this game.


    Somehow this has been off my radar until the last week or so, got quite excited that I could pick this up by Friday as I loved the old games. From reading the initial reports on Neogaf it appears the game is totally broken and requires a day 1 update double the size of the game for it to even run properly. The graphics look terrible and the levels appear to have been designed with the own create-a-park editor included with the game. Despite all the terrible first impressions I might still pick this up, anyone else planning to?
  5. When the red mist descends and you have a deadly weapon to hand bad things are going to happen unfortunately. You can say what you want about gun culture and whether its cool to own one or your god given right but most of that goes out of the window when people act in the heat of the moment. I agree with making punishments harsher for having unlicensed firearms but how harsh do you make them? When the punishment is too harsh and it makes killing people more viable to ensure you get away with it, then we are no better off.
  6. I saw a Skonto Riga game while I was in Latvia and there were definitely a few new experiences for me. Lager was supplied by 1 person from one single tap. Tickets were given out by an old woman on a makeshift table, the old price was simply crossed out and replaced by a euro amount Also a very comfortable home win (not used to that)
  7. Watched Frailty again the other night. An underrated classic for me, don't know why but I just love it. The tone is spot on, the acting is good across the board (apart from the detective) and it just feels like a unique film (to me at least)
  8. Its true that his tracking back is not perfect but you can't expect your creative players to be work horses at the same time that's not what they are offering to the team.
  9. The neccessary death of Charlie Countryman. Bit of a meh film really, style over substance most of the time. Shia is ok in it but that's about it really. Might watch Fury tomorrow night to continue the back catalogue of his.
  10. The first South Park was great. Randy being hung-over every morning while trying to explain to Sharon the merits of being in the Frat was classic.
  11. Henry Hoover has been around for years Surely its Hetty? Unless you are trying to tell us something.
  12. It was randomly on Film4 last night, I guess you may have missed the boat on that though? Definitely watch it if you get the chance, it was great.
  13. What medicinal properties do chocolate raisins have?
  14. kings of summer mean creek son of rambow
  15. American Ultra - Had promise but ultimately is just not very good. Last half hour is just tosh. 6/10 Better Living Through Chemistry - I like Sam Rockwell in most films and this was no different. I like little Indie films where I have no prior knowledge of what to expect. He essentially starts off as a boring everyman where his wife wears the trousers but ends up meeting someone else and starts to transform. There's a little bit of American Beauty here and essentially most of the movie is spent following Rockwell on his journey. 8/10 - recommended.
  16. Haha that is a really good question, I really don't know the answer though.
  17. I get the feeling from you that you're a kind of, get rich quick kinda guy. After years of disappointment with get rich quick schemes, I know I'm gonna get rich with this scheme, and quick!

    Riga - Latvia

    Went in June. Firstly had a cracking time, so many green areas littered around Riga, lots of new development as well so its not run down at all really. Travelled by taxi to the nearest beach one day and that was really nice as well, all redeveloped with new shops and restaurants with a long promenade type thing. Big town hall with traditional dancing going on. Prices for food and beer were all reasonable, locals were friendly enough and helpful. Wasn't much in the way of clubs but lots of pubs/bars littered around. Would definitely recommend for anyone thinking of going.
  19. Which flavour would accentuate MGS the most? Please let me know otherwise I may not be able to play this game.
  20. As good as MGS seems to be im still not sure I can jump straight from the Witcher (100 hours plus) straight into MGS. Really could do with a pallet cleanser inbetween.
  21. Modern Life is Goodish is actually pretty.... good.
  22. There's an excellent "block-all" function on Facebook, its called never using it. Its a hard slog but somehow life just goes on without it.
  23. FUUUUUUU With regards to Mad Max it is by Avalanche who did Just Cause - one of my favourite games of the last 5 years, safe assumption this will be half decent.
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