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Everything posted by AVFCDAN

  1. Get innnnnnn Super Hans better be coming back? Also fun trivia fact, I watched every episode of Peep Show back to front starting with the last episode and ending with the first. Yes, I believe Super Hans will be involved. Couldn't imagine a series without him! I would love it if Nancy or Elena made an appearance but I think that's wishful thinking. Was there a reason for watching it in reverse? simply because I had already seen the full series and decided to watch the last episode for nostalgias sake and then carried on watching the whole thing in reverse.
  2. Get innnnnnn Super Hans better be coming back? Also fun trivia fact, I watched every episode of Peep Show back to front starting with the last episode and ending with the first.
  3. Watched Trainwreck last night, thought it was good to be fair. I had never heard of or seen Amy Schumer before but she was decent I thought, funny and emotional where necessary. The good thing with Appatow rom/coms is that they always feel current, Knocked Up kind of changed the genre and it feels like Trainwreck does it again, in a genre that is very stale and clichéd at least his films feel fresh and current. I thought the scenes with Lebron were hilarious at times. 7.5/10 Also watched House of Wax last night and its a bit of a guilty pleasure. I remember seeing it about 3-4 years ago and liking it then. There's nothing particularly noteworthy but you get the scares in the right places and there's some freaky stuff going on. Paris Hilton gets a massive stake through the head, what more do you want? 7/10
  4. I thought he was good in Django and The Zero Thereom.
  5. What a great race that was. rosberg throwing the cap back at Lewis
  6. I honestly don't understand how so many people appeared to not bother with lectures etc.. and still pass their courses. I did a year of business at Cov uni and I went to most lectures but missed a few seminars and I failed the whole thing miserably.
  7. Watched The Theory of Everything expecting to really enjoy it but it was just dull for me. Redmayne was good but it stank of Oscar bait to me, I really don't like films that appear to be made solely to do well at awards shows.
  8. Women faffing in supermarkets is standard procedure. I hate people who walk up to a cash machine and look like they are trying to hack into the pentagon, you can either check your balance or get money out, what the hell are you doing?!
  9. My mate went to Aber and I'm pleased to say I have also sampled the Death Star, dangerous stuff.
  10. The Lord Clifden is good in the summer, nice big area round the back for sitting in the sun and the iced thatcher's are bloody good! Victoria is quality on a Friday/Sat night, play some good tunes in there and its not full of 18 year olds either which is a bonus.
  11. He's currently around 1/4 to leave at the moment, that is very short to just be idle speculation, there must be some money going down.
  12. I have no hatred towards Sherwood but anything other than a win here and he has to go. This is a results business and you can point at fans being fickle all day long but if you can only manage 4 points from a possible 30 and only one win from our last 11 games is just not good enough im afraid. Can't blame it all on having new players, some of the outstanding performers so far this year in the league are new players. To me it just looks like nobody particularly cares that we are most likely heading for relegation this season. Personally I don't even care anymore, this is 5 years in the making.
  13. I thought the honest trailer of the fault in our stars said it best. Terrible film.


    Right so here is my review. Firstly, its ok. I haven't come across any game breaking bugs personally other than a lack of gravity during some bail outs but when you go shooting off into the sky its actually quite amusing. The graphics really aren't very good although perfectly functional. The online aspect is completely pointless and adds nothing. Yes you are skating with others but to no benefit other than seeing their character flit around the screen and occasionally bumping into them. There is nothing added at all and nothing social about it whatsoever. As I suspected the scores of 3 and 4 out of 10 were not exactly reasonable. For what it is its a 6 out of 10 game. The main problem which doesn't seem to be referenced is that gaming has just moved on. You now have the likes of GTA where some of the in game activities are more fleshed out than this entire game. I don't think this is a criticism you can throw at the developers, people wanted an old school Tony Hawks game and that essentially what they've got. After playing for 2 hours and smashing various barrels and collecting hidden dvds there's really not any more to the game, 15 years ago that was fine, now not so much. In short, the levels are quite lazily designed and the graphics are much worse than is acceptable and I don't really like the slam feature. It does have the classic vibe about it which is what I was looking for really, its just never a premium 45 quid title, that's where they have gone badly wrong. As a Tony Hawks game 6.5/10, as a premium price title 5/10


    Truth be told im about 300 quid up from gambling over the last 7-10 days, I can afford to lose a tenner between buying the game and trading it in a few weeks down the line. I get the impression all the really low reviews are because of the glitches and unfinished nature of the game, personally that doesn't bother me too much and will probably add to the comedy value of the game. Im sure in the next week or two there will be a few more patches to sort some of the worst issues out.


    Well I've only gone and bloody bought it. Only cost me 30 and even if I want to get rid after 2 weeks I'll just put the 20-25 quid trade in value to the next game. Couldn't resist the nostalgia.
  17. Definitely going to be a packed midfield next year. Could be a vintage year to be fair with Ferrari having another chance to catch up with the mercs. Bound to be closer next year.
  18. Chris Rock had this covered 15 years ago. All bullets should cost 5000 dollars, then there would be no innocent bystanders.
  19. One of the best Hip Hop albums of the last 5 years for me.
  20. I have it on good authority he is pushing for Manor as they are looking the better prospect for next year! He's struggling to take Will Stevens seat though.
  21. I totally agree and for me this starts from the top down. To be honest, I wouldn't want a hostile encounter with the police in most parts of the US. There's a relationship between civilians and police that simply doesn't exist here. I've seen videos on liveleak such as the Sandra Bland one where she was basically assaulted and completely mistreated for not acting like a robot and succumbing to the officers request. There's tons more like it as well (mostly black civilians against white cops I must add) There's definitely a tension and a more hostile nature over in the states, especially when it comes to race relations. People who want to bear arms to protect their family and themselves in some cases are not just gun fanatics, I can actually sympathise with them in some ways, if you can't trust the police to treat you fairly then who can you trust?


    Imagine sticking that on the back of the game box


    Not much point sending early copies to reviewers unless they wanted an in-depth review on the tutorial...
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