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Everything posted by colhint

  1. Why aren't cookies called biscuits in the UK
  2. We get 12 full moons a year. They all have different names, Wolf, Harvest etc. However the annual lunar cycle is 11 days shorter than the earths. Which means every 2.5 years there is an extra moon, meaning we get 13 moons. This moon is called the blue moon. It's rare hence the phrase Once in a blue moon.
  3. I wonder if VT has membership has grown much since Emery has been here? If it has it might be an indicator.
  4. I noticed Botman went off at half time and Gordon went off injured.
  5. Talking about people not changing their address. Some years ago working in london, we had a house share. One guy there didn't really fit in. Had separate mates and never went out with any of us. After he left loads of mail still came. Lots of it. Eventually we started to dump it. One day a letter came to me from a solicitor. He said previous chap had been sent a cheque from a relative in the US for a thousand dollars. What had we done with it. So I called him up and told him about what we did with his mail. And as it was a cheque it would not have been cashed by us. The solicitor was reasonable to us. But as I had him on the phone could be remind his client he owed us 2 seems rent, and would be like me to forward his current address to the numerous debt collecting agencies looking for him. Never heard from him again and the post dwindled to an odd letter now and again.
  6. colhint


    To me that suggests there is not a lot of control on the sidelines. If you are that heated all the time how are you making sound tactical judgements.
  7. Don't think Anna Laet really had a shot to save and we missed several big chances. 3 or 4 nil would have been a fair reflection.
  8. Coupled with Afcon he's out till mid February
  9. Had a discussion with a Liverpool fan, he tried to tell me Allison was the best. I was rather pleased with my response You say Allison is the best, Man City fans think Ederson is the best. The rest of the world know Emi is the best
  10. What's the difference between a genealogist and a gynecologist. One looks up the family tree, one looks up the family bush.
  11. Well at the moment we get 7 European spots 4 CL 2 EL and 1 ECL. If the premier league gets an extra CL spot do we get one extra place in Europe, meaning 8th place will qualify for Europe. Or do we lose a spot from either EL or ECL.
  12. Can anyone help me here. I know that there is a possibility of an extra CL place, does that mean there is one extra European spot. Or do we still only get 7 places for Europe.
  13. I can see it now we will call one point short. But the news filters through that Man city docked 2 points on ffp
  14. If he rests SJM and Emi Thursday, I hope Dougie gets the armband.
  15. Wonder who there keeper will be, which is ironic, as they don't want to keep either of them.
  16. Another little fillip Mbueno is out our clash with Brentford.
  17. I think we've already made more passes than Everton will make all season.
  18. It's Amazon prime you get it next day.
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