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Everything posted by SeanO

  1. Not so much "happy" DC more concerned as to what new owners would do. If they turn out to have the clubs best interests at heart (as I believe Lerner has had) then great. For me Lerner tried but it hasn't worked out however I still have trust in him. I'm worried we might end up with owners like Blues, Cardiff, Blackburn etc however I realise unless I become a billionaire overnight there is nothing I can do but sit back, watch and hope.
  2. I really don't recall anyone saying it would be better to keep Lambert, most of us wanted him gone long before he left. I would rather keep Lerner than have owners like most of the clubs in England seem to have. As I said it will make little difference as to how much can be spent unless our turnover improves so why risk an owner like the noses have? As for missing the point you suggested overspending as a way around FFP. If that isn't what you meant then you shouldn't have written it because I'm not a mind reader The idea of getting around the rules isn't easy as ManC finding out, besides just because a club can get around it doesn't mean they should. If it's dodgy sooner or later someone will notice and the club caught out will be hammered, I wouldn't want that to be us.
  3. This. A change of owners can't spend or do anymore than Lerner is currently doing, besides maybe this is a case of better the devil you know. That argument was used in defense of Lambert. I'm not sure fear of the unknown should guide us. As for not doing more than Lerner: Money talks. There are ways around FFP - paying the fee if you "overspend" is an obvious one. Seriously? How can you compare the owner to the manager? Totally different arguments mate. As for overspending? FFS do you want us to do a Leeds? The fines that can be imposed on clubs would cripple us and then there's transfer restrictions etc yeah great idea.
  4. This. A change of owners can't spend or do anymore than Lerner is currently doing, besides maybe this is a case of better the devil you know.
  5. SeanO

    Carles Gil

    Sorry Paul but lol, until Sherwood can buy players the majority will be Lambert signings but I get the point mate. Gil isn't finished at Villa, from the little we saw he has a lot of talent but Sherwood has got this team playing really well without him. Next season I hope he can show everyone how good he is, although I think a certain Jack Grealish will give a run for his money. Finally we have 2 players who IMO are good enough to play the N.10 role.
  6. Just not good enough, tries hard but very limited.
  7. Yeah we really need his energy in midfield, god knows what Sherwood has said to him but it's clearly worked well. I really hope he signs.
  8. Great win against Clattenburg, really impressive performance. So many players finally playing well.
  9. More of the same in the 2nd half lads, excellent 1st half now go and back it up. Oh and f off Francis, can't stand listening to his opinions Zzzz.
  10. But Charles can create goals <3 Love Charles Haha I've read it all now, next you'll be telling us that Richardson is a left back.
  11. We will win today, Benteke will score a couple. 2-1 Villa win, happy days.
  12. We're playing well (unlike the Lambert days) so I can't see us not getting a couple of wins. Everton are beatable so I expect by 4.45pm Saturday this forum will be a happier place to visit. and breathe......lol
  13. One mistake and posters want Guzan dropped?? Ya fickle lot Guzan is a top class keeper who has been very very good, compared to the mistakes of all the out field player's Guzan hasn't made many costly errors. He will learn from the ManC F up to drop him now would imo be a mistake. Everton wont be easy but I'm expecting a good game which I'm confident of at least getting a point.
  14. Robbed, gutted but proud. They have spent stupid money putting that squad together but even with all our injuries we were the better team. Our time will come, pay back next season when TS has been able to add a few of his own? Oh I hope so!
  15. I hope Jack keeps the names of everyone of the hacks who have tried to use this against him and never ever gives them the time of day in his long and successful career. That also goes for the Sun newspaper and the Star. Jack, you don't need me to point out to you that just because some people are close (mates) to you doesn't mean that they all have your best interests at heart. Someone sold that photo to the Sun work out who that was and don't let them near you again.
  16. Yes I go along with that. I would say Andy Gray was better in the air although he wasn't even 6 ft, but allround Benteke has the lot. Big calls! I can't remember Gray,Little, Shaw or Withe (unfortunately) but Yorke is always the benchmark I hold Villa strikers against. Benteke has the ability to be better but at the moment I still think Yorke performed to a consistently higher standard in a Villa shirt.I think sometimes people forget how good he was due to the manner of his departure. Can't compare Platt as he was a midfielder (what a player though!) It's just my opinion. Platt was a forward turned midfielder but it's not worth debating, he was a great player. Loved Yorke he was a really good player but for me Benteke is better.
  17. **** I must be getting old, all I see is a kid blowing up a balloon. Love it Brumerican
  18. The Daily Mail are reporting that we are going in for Massimo Luongo of Swindon. I watched him in the Asian cup here in Oz and I was impressed so if it's true then I'm happy with this one.
  19. I agree with Steve (shock) a shin pad on provides low level protection from knocks. I have seen several broken legs where the player's were wearing what looked like decent size pads that did nothing.
  20. He's got something different, not really at RB nor a wide midfielder but he adds something positive to the team. For me Hutton is a classic RB who takes no prisoners, he's been good this season so I really don't mind who between the 2 Sherwood picks. If only I could say that about the LB position!
  21. Vlaar is stealing Lamberts words..............at least the few I understood when he spoke
  22. I couldn't agree more, Jack is a joy to watch but credit to all of them the work rate was fantastic. Worth noting as well Westwood has been out injured so wouldn't have been 100%.
  23. SeanO


    Ponky that made me spit my coffee over the key board mate, sooooo wrong. IMO we have to be ruthless here, either they are all injury prone or if not runing over black (cats?) then something must be is going badly wrong with the fitness conditioning. For what it's worth these are my thoughts. I would let Vlaar go, he just can't stay fit. I would sell Baker, I would love to know how many games he has gone off injured it must be high. He's not a bad player but his injury record is awful. God only knows what has happened to Senderos but he did well when he played so if anyone ever spots him again please point him in the direction of VP. I would keep him at least until his contract expires. Clark has been for me our Player of the season, he's no longer the second half of the Chuckle Brothers. Get him to sign a new contact ASAP. Okore is still a rough diamond but he's going to get better and better, keep. So that's 2 of 5 gone for me so we will need 2 decent CH this summer, preferably one's with good injury records. If any of our young player's fit the bill then all the better.
  24. Well Spurs fans don't rate him, Liverpool fans were taking the mick on RAWK about "Tactic Tim" but you know what I don't give a toss what anyone else thinks as right now this guy has reminded me of why I love Aston Villa. I'm so proud to be a Villan today and for that I would salute Tim Sherwood.....................well I've had to salute enough Officers and none of the f###ers ever made me feel proud!
  25. In the short time I have seen Benteke play he is for me the best forward I have seen in a Villa shirt. The 1st CF I recall was Andy Lochead but throw in Andy Gray, Peter Withe, Brian Little, Gary Shaw, David Platt, Dwight York, Dean Saunders etc and you then realise that I hold him very highly as all of those mentioned were top class players. I'm dreading losing him because he's the type of player we could build a team around. In fact with Delph, Grealish, Clark, Guzan we already have the makings of a good team. If Sherwood were able to keep Cleverley and maybe Sinclair plus add to the squad without losing any of the players I've mentioned then we will not be struggling in the lower half of this league again. Problem is I doubt if this will be enough to convince him to stay as I assume he want's CL football ASAP. I said before 25m upwards to 50m but let's get greedy here 60m plus 25% of any future profit.
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