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Everything posted by SeanO

  1. Where do you start? Absolutely awful. Westwood is the only midfielder who actually looks like he's trying, Delph is really off as for Cleverley, Grealish and CNZ they so poor. Richardson has done well, Hutton looks like it will be an early bath, Vlaar is useless in the air and Okore is all over the shop, we are in big trouble. Benteke? Is he playing or has he already left? I know Sherwood was brought in to keep us up but somehow we are in an FAC final, I hope he's thrown a few hair dryers across the room! Wake up Villa, fight like lions!
  2. If only there was a site called facebook to advertise the address, just saying.
  3. Relax, you've got to be in it to win it! Arsenal are a great team but so? I know we have the players to beat them if they play well and if they can't get up for a final then nothing will motivate them. Tomorrow is the chance for each and everyone of them to become our heroes, to be talked of in the same breath as those great players who have brought us trophies in the past. I believe Sherwood gets it and the players have to understand that for some of them this is it they may never get another chance. It wont be easy, Arsenal wont roll over but that's the point if it were easy then we wouldn't have had to wait since 1957. I've been a Villan since the 60's, I thought back in 81 and 82 we would win everything we were Champions and then Champions of Europe but sadly it didn't happen. Since then just 2 League Cups. Don't let yourself be eaten up by fear about tomorrow, stand tall sing loud and don't take a backward step. Enjoy every second as it may be a long time before we are in this position again. This is going to be fun.
  4. Gutted but we knew it would happen, at 32.5m whoever buys Benteke has a bargain. I will wish him all the best even if he does end up at a club like Liverpool.
  5. We're not setting ourselves up for disappointment much, are we? Nothing so magnificent would happen to Aston Villa. Even looking at it purely rationally it's a lot more likely that he'll be on the losing side, and not score Boooooooooo!
  6. I just read a report saying that Benteke is the perfect forward valued at 40m, let's hope we tell 50m and we'll "start" talking. The balls in our court, no need to sell or rush a deal through. That said every player has a value that would mean they go, Liverpool or ? aren't there yet.
  7. I'd be suprised if ManU or any of the top teams were interested now in Vlaar but I'd rather he'd just go.
  8. Lol I just don't believe the media, Liverpool are leaking stories to unsettle Benteke but as per usual where they are concerned they can't meet our valuation hence why they are trying to keep the pressure on hoping we will give him away. With 2yrs left on his contact we will not sell until our valuation is met and then only if he wants to go. As Lambert has said recently Villa believe he is worth more than 30m which I have also read Sherwood has indicated. Honestly if he goes this summer then we are going to get good money for him, Liverpool can jog on as they can't afford him.
  9. Liverpool in the 70's were a top club, now though they are an also ran. They are where we were at under O'Neal fighting to break into CL but not quite good enough. Are they a step up from Villa though? As much as it hurts I'd have to say that yes it would be but not by much. They will pay big wages in an attempt to make CL which might be Benteke's motive if he wanted to go there because they aren't going to win much anytime soon so it can't be for footballing reasons. If a club payed serious money (40m+) then I'm happy for him to go but for his career it should be either one of the top 4 or a top European club as I believe he's that good. We were very lucky that he joined us when he did but when he goes he needs to aim higher than Liverpool if he wants to show just how good he is. Personally I want him to stay but I'm realistic enough to know that like Liverpool we aren't a CL club so it's more than likely he will go, what we need is to get as much money to invest in the squad as possible.
  10. Yes and no, he said he doesn't think anyone will match our valuation but if they did and he wanted to go then he wouldn't stop him.
  11. I said prior to his injury that he looked raw, nothing I have seen this season has changed that but he has done well all things considered. They all had an off day, it happens.
  12. Is this a serious opinion? Or is my sarcasm-o'meter letting me down right now? 100% serious. But then again I have just come back from a horrible 12 hour shift and I wish to die. I just think it's not on. Easy up there fella, there's nothing bad in what he posted. I think most of us felt the same relief, we had a terrible game but Spurs did us a big favour.
  13. SeanO

    Brad Guzan

    I really don't want to say anything against Sherwood as without him we would have been down (imo) but honestly how can Given have taken The Gooses place? Yes he hasn't had the best of seasons and his kicking has always been ropey but he's still the best keeper at the club by miles. To replace him with a better keeper is going to use up a lot of Sherwoods transfer budget which again imo is a waste of money.
  14. I have never taken to Vlaar, bang on average most of the time however in his defence he was playing on the wrong side of the pairing along side Hutton who was also having a nightmare on his opposite side. It was never going to be easy for either of them. Play like that at Wembley and it will be a cricket score for Arsenal, personally I'd play Baker on the left every day of the week over right sided players. We have 2 weeks to get 2 left sided defenders ready for our biggest one off game since 2000 otherwise we are in big trouble.
  15. Yep he makes mistakes but because of him we are still in the Premiership even if we did so by losing 6-1. Maybe it was just a bad day at the office, it happens but TS has brought a good feeling back to Villa and if this means putting up with a few bad days the so be it.
  16. On the plus side only 2.5 games of watching Vlaar in a Villa shirt. Sherwood now knows Hutton is no LB. We go again.
  17. Lol he's not usually back so quick, I wonder why? I mean it's not like there's an FAC final coming up....doh
  18. So? "If" it's true then well done Sherwood. Why should Jack make a decision before he's ready? If a quiet word from Sherwood is enough to make him think again then he couldn't have been really ready to commit. Now he's coping abuse from the very people who apparently want him to wear their countries shirt!!! yeah like that's gonna help. I'm English however I don't have the slightest interest in the England set up, in fact I hate the whole Sky favourites love in and would have preferred Jack to choose Ireland however after reading the vile abuse I now hope he tells them to go jump.
  19. I wouldn't go anywhere near O'Neal or Keane if I were Jack. Nothing against the Irish as they have given us some great players it just that I hate the ego of those two. Take your time Jack don't let anyone rush you into a decision you may later regret. Unless it's a fellow Villan tell you to sign for life at VP
  20. I knew next to nothing about TC prior to him joining us and until Sherwood came in I honestly couldn't work out what he was doing on the pitch. That said every player under Lambert this season was struggling to find any real form so he wasn't alone. TC is an excellent player, not just because of the important goals he has scored but his work rate is really impressive. After saving 8m buying him we should at least match his Utd pay if not improve it.
  21. SeanO

    I <3 Villa

    Hahahaha, I'm with R>Bear as I also LOVE YOU VILLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <3 <3 <3
  22. I don't like the sound of this at all, just hope it's BS. At some point Lerner will sell but I hope when he does he doesn't sell to people who don't have the money without putting the club into a serious amount of debt. That said Randy if you're happy to do that I can put down $50k and just put the difference against the club, and as an add plus in my favour is I already have a Villa tattoo
  23. Has to start for me, we need him firing for the FAC final as his pace will give Arsenal problems.
  24. Good luck mate, I've seen enough of Luongo playing for Australia to be impressed by his talent.
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