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Everything posted by SeanO

  1. I'm not sure it was a mate who took the pictures, think it was some girl stopping in an apartment over the road from his. Either way we've all done it. I know I've done far worse on nights out. Give the lad a break. Yeah I read that after writing, still he really should have been more aware of what he was doing. Then again at his age he probably feels bullet proof, stuff like this along with the hangover might make him think twice lol
  2. I was 19, pissed many times but fortunately for me I'm not famous and Facebook, Twitter etc weren't around so they are just memories now. For Jack however today he's got to be a bit more sensible and ffs lose these tossers you call mates who take every opportunity to photograph you at your worst. By all means get wasted if you want but you are whether or not you like it you are a professional footballer who's behavior will reflect on the club, you can do better mate.
  3. I don't usually comment much in the speculation as I'm as far removed from being ITK as is possible. Normally just enjoy reading but farrrk me this so is depressing. I can see why Richards on a free could be worth a gamble but the rest of the links are bloody awful, not one of them sounds positive. I just hope Sherwood isn't the pratt most people believe he is.
  4. I can't recall any signing on which everyone was united except perhaps Pires as I think everyone knew he would be shit. Edit - I know Micah thought so Yeah I know and even if we were signing Messi someone would be unhappy......then again when it comes to the time that we could sign Messi I'd guess he'd be pushing 60 so he can do one far too old
  5. I would have been happy if he had left last summer as we would have received some money and as an added bonus I wouldn't have had to watch him play again. Has he gone yet?
  6. Welcome to Micah, another (possible) signing that has the fans divided before he kicks a ball for us. No sure what to make of this player myself, several years ago we wouldn't have stood a chance of signing him but now we can get him on a free most of us have our doubts, football is a funny game.
  7. I get your point but Vlaar needs to go. I'm not impressed by the Richards link but he has to be better than we have seen from Vlaar.....hopefully lol
  8. SeanO

    Carles Gil

    It's not really Jack's place he is competing for though, it's N'Zogbia's. I bet he feels a right plank for wasting 6 months sat around doing nothing in Birmingham when he could have been fighting for a place in Valencia. But in Tim we trust etc. Hmmm but wasn't it Grealish that was brought into the team and Gil dropped? I'm not arguing though as I believe even at 50 I could do a better job than CNZ for the team so Gil must be really gutted. If he goes and we end up with some lower league player in his place then I give up.
  9. If he was quicker maybe but he's way to slow for the Premier League. Another player who should be shipped out ASAP.
  10. SeanO

    Carles Gil

    I can't work this one out, okay Jack has been playing well but at his age he will probably be hot and cold so having Gil who looked really promising to me is a no brainer imo.
  11. I thought the summer transfer window for Aston Villa opened in September...when all along it was July!! Why didn't anyone let the club know? Nothing is going to happen until after he has finished these games with Belgium, then the press will start again with Liverpool 1m, Spurs probably less etc etc. Either meet the buy out clause or shut up because Villa don't need to sell him this summer.
  12. Hopefully we will never see this average player in a Villa shirt again. Even at his best he rarely ever impressed me. If he goes to ManU they will laugh him out of OT as we should have done. Good riddance.
  13. I'd say his scumnose brother would be more of a replacement for Cleverly than Gary would be, If Sherwood plays GG then I think he would be sitting in front of the defence where Westwood or Sanchez have been. I'm not a fan or either Westwood or Sanchez as I think both aren't good enough consistently for the Premier League. From what I've seen and heard of GG he's not exactly blessed with pace so why Sherwood thinks he's a box to box midfielder I'm unsure. What he does have is a good range of passing, a powerful shot and reads the game well so he could be the right player to sit in front of the defence but I don't have a clue what Sherwood is trying to do so like everyone else I'll wait and hope. What I would say though is if Sherwood doesn't have GG in his plans then we might as well sell him to Forrest ASAP while we can get some return.
  14. Eh? Wake up and smell the roses, we ain't got a lot of money so as a Villa fan you better hope that GG proves you wrong.
  15. It was always odds on, FWIW I liked TC even when he was playing badly he tried. Time will tell but for me he has gone to one of the worst clubs possible for him. If he thought OT and VP was bad just wait until the Red envy start on him. Good luck Tom as I think you will need it.
  16. Only player that I would try to keep is Grealish the rest, if the right offers come in can do one. I would have added Benteke along side Jack but he doesn't care about AVFC I'll consign him to the Yorke bin. We are in as bad shape squad wise as I can ever recall, the table doesn't lie. Unless there is a major change in our transfer budget then I can see anything other than the same outcome next season (or worse!). Remember the definition of madness is to keep doing the same thing while expecting different results.
  17. Farrrk I wonder if the tea lady is on the way out....how are we going to replace her??? It's fun being a Villan under Lerner, my guess is Sherwood has just found out how much he has to spend and has decided to go on that family holiday.
  18. I get you mate, I'm also in Perth and if I wasn't flying back soon might have gone myself. Football isn't the sport I fell in love with and to be honest I hardly watch anything other than Villa which I find myself getting angry and frustrated rather than enjoying the experience. I envy you as much as I'm fed up I'm unable to give it up and find something else, that said Go the Dockers and Eagles!!
  19. If we ran a pole I'd guess the vast majority of Villa fans would choose Guzan over Given. If we have Given as our keeper next season we are going to struggle and also good luck to Sherwood finding a better keeper with our budget better than Guzan. Bring back The Goose!
  20. I'm still not sure about Sherwood, I mean I want to believe but some of his decisions baffle me. Given over Guzan? Not playing Gil but using CNZ? Playing Okore and Vlaar together again after the Southampton debacle? Both are right side center backs, against Southampton he didn't have much choice but Baker was fit for the final which might have made a better balance in defence. Dropping Bacuna for Hutton? Hutton playing LB when Cisskho is apparently fit? Yeah I'm sure you could make valid points/reasons for each of these but no matter what anyone say's I can't shake the feeling that Sherwood is winging it and we are in the sh...mire.
  21. SeanO

    Carles Gil

    I've said it before this Gil situation really makes me doubt Sherwood, Gil or CNZ? even N'Zogbia's family would surely pick Gil!
  22. Swansea Sold Bony hasn't made much difference....someone else will step up to the plate.....we need a team. No disrespect, but what did a potentially 32.5 mill pound player do for us yesterday, without the service. He needs players around him to flourish and we havn't got them....its a parodox its time to do business.....just like the time with Andy Gray and John Deehan.....There is always a right time and I think it is now. Don't get me wrong Tro, if selling Benteke means we can get the right players in to bulid a good team then yes I'd do it in a heartbeat. With respect mate it's not 1979, the clubs who pay the most get the best players. Yes we can still pick of the relegated teams and lower leagues but the chance of us being able to sign a player that plays for one of the top 6 teams that they wish to keep is almost nil. I say again without selling Beneke we have very little money to spend, probably less than 10m in total, we may well spend it on one player but we all know we are 4/5 players short of even being a mid table club. Maybe I'm just down after one of the worst season I can recall coming on the back of 4 seasons that were almost as bad finished off by one of the most pathetic FAC final performances ever seen.
  23. Why are people talking about 5m+ players like it's FM? Under Lerner/FFP we have very little money to spend and so far I've not seen or heard anything to the contrary, have I missed something? The only way we might see some money spent is to sell first but apart from Benteke we don't have much to sell. Lose Benteke goals and we are as good as gone it's that serious. Some will say selling him for the reported 32.5m is good business and that money can be used to buy 3/4 decent player to replace and rebuild. If we were finishing it the top half then I might agree but we will really struggle to lure the type of players needed to the club after the last 5 seasons. Besides the club under Lerner will not pay the wages that other clubs do and most will go to the club who offers them the most money. The best we can hope for is to carry on trying to find the next Benteke down in the bargain basements, depressing I know but this is our reality.
  24. Well that's put a real downer on an already terrible season. I guess we all knew in our worst moments that this Villa team were capable of putting a performance out that was so bad that Richardson at LB was our best player. Really worried about where we go from here, maybe it's just my reaction so soon after a nightmare final but I now have real doubt about a manager who prefers CNZ over Gil. If he can't see that one is a useless lazy nothing player and the other has the ability to change a game then I'm worried the jobs too big for him. Well done to Arsenal, as painful as it is to write that.
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