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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. The way I remember it, the battle is won, she lands the dragon and surveys the city, and she looked fairly chilled out and relaxed, then she just seems to decide to raze the place. The foreshadowing was certainly there (see my earlier posts on the last couple of pages) and it's fully within character over the course of the show, but during that scene it felt to me like it would have made more sense if there was one final thing to actually push her over.
  2. I think we like this show for completely the opposite reason. Battle of the Bastards was great for what it was, but I doubt it's in my top 10 episodes. The intrigue from season 1 and 2 is what made me fall in love with this show, not grand Hollywood choreography and special effects.
  3. I agree with you 100% about how ridiculous the contrast was with the power of the dragon. What frustrates me most about this season is how the biggest problems are ones like these that are fully down to the writers, there was absolutely no need for it to be like this. Even given the (self-imposed) 6 episode constraint, it could have been so much better. It's amazing how often you can just look in this thread or on Reddit and see a much better way of writing it, but I saw the suggestion that instead of a dragon dying pointlessly to Euron's aimbot last week, then the other becoming invincible this week, they both should have lived to assault King' Landing. They easily defeat the armies, Kings Landing surrenders, then as the dragons land, Qyburn/Euron have one scorpion left, and fire it at and kill one of the dragons. This is what pushes Danaerys over the edge. It makes the death and the battle far more plausible, adds weight to the losses that Dany suffers in the battle, and would have worked far better as the event to trigger Dany's sacking of the city. Sadly, the writers seem to have phoned it in so they can wrap it all up on time to make Star Wars. **** them. I don't fully agree with this, I think, depending on where her character goes next, it could be necessary to prevent Arya continuing down the road of death and vengeance.
  4. I'm not making out the chant is particularly offensive, and I think it's silly it's getting this much attention instead of the talk of us signing this lad. I do think though, that it's a fair assumption that the vast majority of us commenting are straight, white, able bodied men, and we should be the last people talking about what is and isn't hurtful or discriminatory.
  5. It's a bit different if it's a bunch of white blokes though, isn't it?
  6. I'm not saying you're wrong, horses (ha) for courses, and all that, but I hated almost all of her scenes. No matter how many other characters died, and whatever the odds against her, I never felt for a moment she'd die. The writers love her and have long since set her up to be the hero of the show. I didn't buy her suddenly being overwhelmed and filled with compassion other the senseless deaths after everything she's seen and done over the years, either. Also couldn't get past that big-eared detective from the last series of Line of Duty being the innocent bystander.
  7. I honestly expected Cersei to purposely have rigged the Red Keep to blow with wild fire as soon as she knew the game was up. I suppose you could argue it was overconfidence and she never considered losing, but she just had no plan at all, which seemed a bit odd. I also expected Tyrion to be Dany's undoing, telling Jaime about the surrender plan, him telling Cersei, and her 'surrendering', then somehow turning it to her advantage and slaughtering the northern army and unsullied as soon as they strode in to the Red Keep to claim the throne. I'd have enjoyed that
  8. Come on. How many times has she given the whole "bend the knee or die" speech? Even fighting against the dead was a means to the end of getting her on the throne. For years, she's believed she can return to Westeros, where people have secretly been waiting for the return of the true heir to the throne, and help them cast of the chains of the pretenders who usurped her family. She was brought up on tales of how it's only the fear of Robert the tyrant that keep the people down, and thinks they'll love her, just as the freed slaved of Essos did. For a couple of seasons now, we've seen how disillusioned she is that the people already have lords/kings/queens they follow, and that actually, few people really care about the Targaryans anymore. Things have really ramped up as she sees people considering Jon to be a true leader and king, even without knowing his claim, she finds out she's not even the true heir, loses her second 'child', and all of her most trusted advisors either die or betray her. Finally the last person she thought she could trust, the only person she loves, holds back and she sees she can only even get him to follow her through fear, rather than love. For too long she's held back on ruling through fear at the behest of Varys and Tyrion, and realises she's never going to win the love of the people of Westeros the way she did in Essos. It could certainly have taken a few more episodes. Everything in this season could. But this was always where the mad queen was going.
  9. I don't think it was out of character at all. She's been a ruthless, bloodthirsty conqueror for seasons now. The only difference is, up until now, we were on her side. Even when she came to Westeros, her first instinct was to burn KL to the ground. She's a maniac like her father, whose worst instincts were kept in check by her advisors. As soon as she lost faith in her advisors, she went back to her old ways. If people bow to her will and love her, she spares them, otherwise she slaughters them. It was rushed, the whole series is, there's no doubt about that, but I don't think this was out of character for her at all.
  10. I told myself not to think too hard, and to assume all characters are idiots. I really enjoyed it.
  11. I really like Frank Lampard.
  12. Some hack from the evening standard claiming a deal is done with Spurs for £25m. I assume that's for a pair of his boots.
  13. It's no more silly than the second division being called The Championship, and the third division being League 1.
  14. It's tone deaf, but not offensive. A lot of fuss about nothing, IMO, but not something I'd be comfortable joining in with.
  15. It continues. Today's policy is remaining and reforming. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/may/13/labour-remain-reform-eu-tom-watson I wonder if he's told Jeremy.
  16. Blues, albion, and Leeds fans seem to have joined forces in some sort of scumbag entente, and they're united in their outrage about the efl conspiracy to get us promoted.
  17. 4 would do it. As we all now know, 3-0 is the most dangerous scoreline in football
  18. I looked this up because it sounds ridiculous That includes: Chicken & Mushroom Flavour Beef & Tomato Flavour Chilli Beef Flavour Sticky Rib Flavour Chicken Korma BBQ Pulled Pork Yet veggie burgers need renaming so people aren't mislead.
  19. My biggest problem with Holte Enders in the sky, other than it being boring, is how the tune has been absolutely bastardised and sounds nothing like the song it's based on.
  20. What I find uncomfortable is how he seems to be morphing in to Wenger.
  21. I'd love to see the crowd for the minute they thought they'd won the league.
  22. Ole really should be let go at this point. Bloody important summer for man united, it'll be hilarious if they trust this guy to lead the rebuild.
  23. The holte was very loud at the start and once we equalised. What made the difference was the whole stadium joining in though, especially towards the end. The North stand was on its feet all game, and even the trinity was on their feet changing **** the albion.
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