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Everything posted by zak

  1. As apposed to a normal Lion?
  2. Thought it was all about Bumble these days anyway, and before that it was Happn? Seemed to me, the crazys take longer to sign up to these apps and thus moving to whichever new platform comes about was the best option. Im out the game now (probably forever), but I will thank Tinder (and Happn) for many great memories and stories.
  3. People taking offense to everything. I have opinions on Brexit and i voted one way (remain) but seems like everyone is actively seeking ways to get offended. It bores me but seems the way the world works these days
  4. zak

    Top Gear 2016

    I understand Top Gear might be looking to replace Chris, believe Jake Humphries has been put forward and would welcome it, we will see
  5. Fixed for you. Something to do with wanting what you cant have? or Opening up because it cant really go anywere? I semi dated a girl who lived in Philadelphia, Great times and great girl, i wonder if we would have dated if she lived a few minutes down the road. I wasnt really keen on a relationship at the time (which I think was mostly to do with my current GF who ill no doubt marry) so i guess it was a happy medium
  6. zak

    Jo Cox MP

    I live in Tooting, Khan is/was very well thought of. Should be a great Mayor.
  7. Id like to give this trial a go but am away till next tuesday, will i be able to do it then?
  8. I have said it before but i thought Flaked on Netflix was excelent. Started out as just casual tv watching but gets very interesting. Understand they have plans for a second season despite lowish viewing numbers, which i am pretty happy about. One of the next seasons of a show i watch i am very excited about
  9. I understand the actor playing Ramsey actually was 2nd choice to play Jon Snow losing out to Kit, oh and he actually finds it very difficult to play Ramsey.
  10. My previously linked video would suggest the set up and then started getting closer (marching) prior to shooting tear Gas.
  11. I doubt i would get tear gassed, if the police started marching towards me, id just leave! (the fans would disperse, the police's aim) I suspect there are alot of team fans that would just do that and not try stand up to the police. Anyway our main difference is i believe the french police were doing what they thought was best to diffuse tension and you believe they had a bit of a vendetta against the english fans
  12. I dont know and i dont think England Fans deserved being attacked. I know throwing chairs and bottle at police would not help diffuse a situation though. What do you think the French Police wanted to happen, how did they intend to diffuse the situation
  13. Irish in London when? The video here (from different cameras and has a jumbled timescale) you can see at the end a chair thrown at the Police, which jumps back to the timeline prior to tear gas. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/jun/10/england-fans-violence-marseille-police-european-championship
  14. zak


    i bet a certain Spanish tennis player is shitting bricks too
  15. I at first with what media i received thought here we go England and have shifted my position with further information. I feel for most of the Engalnd fans out there and do not believe they deserve it or anything. What the Russians did was a disgrace, even more so by the MPs condoling their fans actions. I believe that alot of what has happened is due to Englands reputation and not their actions. Again, i do not agree any middle aged men should get the shit kicked out of them for supporting England. However if you want to continue with your comparisons with Ireland, i dont think you would find the same scenarios. IMHO Ireland fans would not sing antagonizing songs to the city they are in and their police, posture up at the local riot police or throw bottles at them. I take it you are under the belief the French police tear gassed England fans who were just sitting and drinking in pubs with maybe a few casual songs? Again, my stance for clarity, i believe most England fans are completely innocent and definitely do not deserve the beatings from local Ultras and Russians. I also believe that there are others who IN SOME instances are not fully squeaky clean but still do not deserve being attacked.
  16. Just out of curiosity do you then think Homosexuality is a choice?
  17. I thought there was an altercation between police and England fans prior to the game which would have been before any altercations with the Russians
  18. The difference will also no doubt be the songs sung and the attitudes. Obviously im not there so havnt seen or heard everything but have heard some of the aggressive English chants and only seen the irish fans on a jolly, cheering on french dustbin men and a swedish fan that looks a little like jimmy saville. Again this is only an assumption, but usually i thought most things kick off with chairs and fists etc after lots of shouting and swearing from each group, proving their manlyness etc..This is what i presume would have happened with the Marseille group. If no shouted or swore back would they keep getting more aggressive? What im getting at is i dont think when provoked the irish would really shout/sing/swear back and i think Irish fans would. Obviously the above may not be the case with Russian fans in the stadium which was terrible
  19. I get what your saying but those politicians may not like gay rights, doesnt mean they advocate killing Gay people. I think there is a pretty wide gap between those stances and thus they can still stand by the victims despite thier views on thier lifestyles Then again, i just cant understand anyone not wanting tighter gun control in the US
  20. Not meaning to pick you out or anything but i remember you asked this question 2/3 weeks ago and thought it surprising. In my mind, what has happened in Marseilles is nearly less surprising.
  21. This now common knowledge? or are you taking that from a post of mine a while back ( i said £400m)?
  22. Theoretically the right thread for that post but in practice this is mostly for fairly comical news articles. May be better suited in the Jimmy Saville and wider peado thread. Then again, im no Mod. I guess you dont know what evidence they have to prove intention of sexual offence. Charging for Kidnap is better than both parties getting away with it
  23. On the go, flights trains etc I have a chromecast
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